Why I Want to Be a Supervisor (Essay Samples)

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Part of organizational growth is moving up the corporate ladder, and one of the main moves upward is the chance to enter a supervisory role. From a sole contributor, you will now be tasked to oversee a small team.

What is like, being a supervisor? The author of this sample essay talks about why becoming a supervisor can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling career experiences you can ever have.

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Why Do You Want To Be A Good Supervisor?

Not all team members get the chance to experience leadership on a supervisory level. Sometimes, most people don’t even want to take on this role because they are afraid of taking responsibility for others. For those who want to develop their leadership skills, a managerial role is the best first experience for this.

Why I Want to Be a Supervisor, Image 1

I want to be a supervisor at some point during my career because one of my career goals is to maximize my own potential by coaching and mentoring the team members who will be entrusted to me. I want to stay focused on continued growth in my job and I believe that becoming a good manager is part of it.

I would like to share the following tips on what successful managers and good leaders do, and what kinds of skills are needed to supervise someone.

A great supervisor oversees the interview process for job seekers

One important skill of a supervisor is to identify great recruits. They are good at crafting one interview question after another, phrasing it in a way that draws out key insights that will tell them if the person will be a good team member. Hiring employees who will be an asset to the company is one of their most important tasks.

A good leader sees the Big Picture, even as a new supervisor

Someone in a management position will always have the end goal in mind. This may refer to the vision of the organization, the core values of the department, and even the immediate goals of the team. He or she also possesses the communication skills to relay it to every individual employee who joins the group. Whenever they brief new employees, they are able to cascade the main goal of the team, as well as what they expect in terms of performance, contribution, and attitude.

Supervisors lead well by making decisions from a place of emotional intelligence

A good boss knows that he or she is not in the business of making rash or selfish decisions out of an emotional reaction. He or she knows never to make a call on a bad day. They try their best to maintain a positive attitude at work and have the patience to regroup and resettle themselves until they are in a position to provide wise answers or speak objectively.

A good supervisor works hard to maintain good relationships in the workplace

One of the most important management skills is relationship-building. Great managers don’t just have excellent communication skills when relaying and explaining tasks. They also go out of their way to make their team members feel valued and important. Demonstrating respect on the job is one of the leadership skills that can get employees to stay longer and improve their productivity. When they see their boss work hard and talk with them respectfully and courteously, they are motivated to do more for the company.

A great manager has commendable leadership skills that set employees up for success

When a leader truly cares about his or her people, he or she will not be jealous of their growing skills or positive qualities. His or her ultimate goal will be to lead this person towards a vision of success. The best quality of a good leader is humility. He or she knows that there will always be someone in the team who is bound to surpass him or her. This comes as no threat to him or her. Instead, it becomes part of the job to see their employees flourish under roles and positions that are best suited to them.


Looking at my main points above just reminds me why I want to be in management, and re-energizes my vision for the journey ahead. I hope to be able to glean all the important knowledge and insight as a student so that I can slowly develop the ability to lead well when the time comes.

I am looking forward to thriving in the workplace, first as an employee, then as a good supervisor. I want to be a manager and leader that inspires, equips, and challenges people.

Why Become A Supervisor (Short Essay Sample)

Most of my friends get nervous when they think of the possibility of representing others and leading them, but that thought actually excites me. For most of my life, I’ve wanted to be part of an organization where I could be a great leader to diligent and skilled workers.

Why I Want to Be a Supervisor, Image 2

One of the reasons why I want to become a manager is because I have great communication skills that I believe could be used to champion people and their growth. I believe that good leaders speak positively to their people, from the very first interview to their last day in the company. They work hard to help their team improve productivity and meet their targets, and when they do, they give credit to all the members.

Finally, I want to become a boss because I want to demonstrate to people that you don’t immediately need to have an answer for everything in order to lead well in business. Part of leadership is also just doing the next right thing and taking it from there.

Every workplace needs the thoughtful and wise leadership of skilled supervisors so that all employees will be motivated to stay and do well in their job.

FAQs on Why I Want to Be a Supervisor

What are the Qualities Of A Good Supervisor?

Good managers don’t just focus on task-based conversations. They make sure to connect with each employee and person on the team and explain to them how their roles matter from a Big Picture perspective. Those in a supervisory role are also good at hiring and retaining team members, asking all the right questions during the interview, and having the ability to identify potential when they spot it. They also are able to create good systems and workflows that will put every person in a position to thrive and grow. Finally, they possess high emotional intelligence as they deal with different kinds of people on a daily basis. They know how to resolve conflict, negotiate, and find a compromise when needed.

What Are The Roles Of A Supervisor?

Being in management essentially requires a person to oversee a group of people performing a certain type of tasks based on the specialty of the department. We expect managers to grow the team and its businesses, keeping an eye out for the income it is able to generate and finding ways to grow from there. They are entrusted with the career path of every employee entrusted to them. They provide wise answers to critical questions and work hard at setting every member up for success. They set an example of what it means to have a positive attitude and mindset, and create an environment where other workers can emulate this skill.

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