How Will Our Society Be Remembered In 100 Years

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Generations live and thrive on legacies, both they carry from the one that came before them, and the one that they must leave for the progeny. That’s one of the things that motivate people to do better and be steadfast in their pursuit of excellence.

Our generation has not been subjected to the wars and periods of hunger that many faced before us, but we have our battles to pick and win – or lose.

These days, we are facing many crises, including climate change, hunger, poverty, pollution, the possibility of a nuclear war, and many more. The equalizer to it all is the responsibility to hand over this world in better condition to the next generation.

The reason behind this obligation is the thought of how our generation will be remembered in 100 hundred years or more.

In this article, we will go through how our society be remembered in 100 years for future generations if we fail to contain their onslaught.

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100 Years From Now: How Will Future Generations Remember our Society

Today, we look at the generation of the 20th century with both awe and contempt. They fought two of the bloodiest wars in the history of mankind, explored the world, and developed the technology on which shoulders we are still moving forward. On the other hand, they were responsible for the bloodshed, created social crises, and devised weapons that cannot discriminate between a friend and a foe.

This is always a struggle between generations. No matter how much progress and development a generation had made in its lifetime, the one that will come after it can always find many things to abhor because of the time and space continuity. Humans survive to tell a story.

We managed space travel and harnessed wind power to create new technologies, but we are lacking in cultural traditions that generations pass on to the next ones.

The most embarrassing things that could make us guilty before the future generations are the issues that we either inherited and exacerbated further or invented for ourselves.

Here is a list of some of the things that may end up our legacy for the future generations:

  • Social Issues
  • Consumption Habits
  • Climate Deterioration
  • Poverty & Apathy
  • War & Greed
  • Inability to Learn & Cope

It is time to dissect each of the points and see what it is now and what it will represent for future generations.

Social Issues

If we take the starting of this generation with the start of this century, there are many social issues and problems that we not only created on our own but also added to what we received.

The foremost thing is the alienation level. Anyone or anything that we felt was different from us, a person, thing, place, or idea, we thought that it was detrimental to our survival and legacy. We deployed means to get rid of it so that it could not become more than what it already was. This is a simple account of racism, sexism, homophobia, and many other social maladies.

The fact that many of these groups are still struggling and fighting to be perceived as equal and free in their own homes and homelands does not bode well for us. The future generations, which we are hopeful to be saner and more resourceful than us, may look at us with contempt because of what we allowed to seep and affect our generation.

The best way to turn this around is simple. We need to take a proactive approach and take steps to at least minimize the onslaught of these issues, if not eradicate them.

Consumption Habits

When it comes to the consumption habits of previous generations, especially those that came a century or more longer, the consumption habits were simple. They ate when they were hungry and they bought new clothes when the older ones became too fragile to hold on to their own.

Then, our generation enters the scene. Although we inherited the miscalculated notions of hunger and clothing from the one that came before us, we did not think twice before camping on it.

Now, fast fashion and fast food have become so fast that we do not have time and any idea to step back and think over it. We are becoming weak and obese because of what we are consuming. In terms of clothing, our consumption habits are pushing us to become vain and have disregard others, but only for ourselves.

This is another thing that our generation and society will be remembered for, and this is not something to be proud of – not now; not ever.

From weaker bodies and minds to poor unsustainable ideas of fashion and clothing, whatever the world be like in 100 years, it will condemn who we were.

Climate Deterioration

Our climate is taking a new course in a very short period. Although human beings have been playing a key role in changing the dynamics of the earth for a long time, they still managed to heal themselves every time. There was a complete cycle of sustainability that was going on before the current global warming.

Then came the second half of the 20th century. The wars erupted for the better part of the planet and even nuclear war started to showcase its fangs. The US wreaked havoc on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and introduced ways to wars that ceased to discriminate between combatants and non-combatants.

Apart from a severe humanitarian crisis, the detonation gave rise to a climate crisis and weather patterns that both cities and their outskirts have yet to come out of. The rest was done by careless use of natural resources, over-reliance on fossil fuels, and abuse of chemicals in food and agriculture.

All of these suffocated the earth along with the human race. The coming generation in the next 100 years will feel the tightening noose around their necks in the new world.

Poverty & Apathy

There is an inverse relationship going on between the wealth generated in the world against the poverty and hunger that billions of people face each day. This is one of the defining things we will leave behind as it is not going anywhere in our lifetimes.

There are many individual and collective initiatives that are directed toward reducing the pain and suffering of these people, even through Artificial Intelligence. Yet, we are far away from bridging that gulf.

The majority of people are either rich and apathetic or the efforts are simply not enough to deal with the issue. The results are both myopic and far-reaching as a lack of appropriate diet and nutrition will result in a weaker and more dependent generation.

That generation will surely consider our generation apathetic, maybe barbaric, in our thinking as we let more than half of the population of our planet suffer and didn’t stop and flinch to think about it.

War & Greed

Although our generation is far away from large-scale wars that wiped out even generations and kingdoms from the face of the earth, still the greed and callousness of rulers exist.

From the Middle East to Latin America, from South Asia to Africa, each region is still facing the horrors of both internal and external aggression. Other countries and states that have the muscle to do anything about it have become spineless spectators.

The greed of aggressors is getting fatter; the more land and resources they hold, the more hungry they become. Maybe it will end when there will be no land or region to conquer because people ceased to exist and nuclear weapons reigned supreme.

Those who were left at that time maybe 100 years from now, will not sing praises of our society.

Inability to Learn & Cope

Whatever the world is like 100 years from now, it will not be in a good shape, depending on how things are going on as of now. As the founding generation, we will be much more responsible for that.

The way we will be remembered is unable to learn and cope with the above-mentioned reasons!

We experienced war and didn’t do any meaningful thing to prevent it from happening again. We faced diseases and learned about their causes, yet we are still grasping for straws. We saw hunger and suffering but we failed as a generation to eradicate it from our ranks. We failed to adopt renewable energy to save our planet.

We tamed the heavens through space development programs and new technologies, yet we were unable to help our fellow human beings on this earth.

This is one of the most important and embarrassing things our generation will be remembered for.


It is hard to be a parent generation because then you are not only responsible for your good but that of the generation that will come before you. If we look at what we have achieved and what we have suffered, we will be leaving a mess to our progeny. This is not a great way to be remembered forever.

They will have a world in a much worse condition than we got from our parent generation. If we are to give them a better world, we need to mend our ways. From eradicating disease and hunger to stopping wars from breaking out, every major continuing crisis must be checked. We hope to see flying cars in the future, but we don’t know whether we will see a future or not.

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