The List of Creative Essay Topics to Present Your Ideas

creative essay topics

One of the most exciting types of writing is the creative essay. As the category suggests, a creative piece allows you to play around with your imagination to come up with an unforgettable way to tell the story.

The best way to begin is to determine your topic. Your subject is the “hook” that compels the reader to enter your imagination. Here are some good creative writing topics that you can use for your essay.

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Good Creative Writing Prompts

If you need some quick writing prompts for your creative essay, here are a few topics to get you going:

  • What might a “new normal” after the Covid pandemic look like?
  • Describe your relationship with your older sibling
  • What would teenagers do if high school didn’t exist?
  • If you were a type of fast food, what would you be and why?
  • What was the most recent movie that caused you to feel emotional?
  • If you could create your own series of video games, what would they be about?
  • What is your point of view about traveling like a nomad?
  • What weather season describes the current season of your life?
  • If you could write a secret message to someone, who would it be and what would you write?
  • What ordinary objects would make the most creative and powerful weapons?
  • What first sentence would come out of your mouth if you saw someone dead coming to life?
  • What embarrassing moment taught you a lot about life?
  • What is on your and your best friend’s bucket list?

Best Creative Essay Story Ideas

Need some tried-and-tested great ideas for that descriptive essay? Allow us to make your life easier with this list of writing ideas.

  • Which cartoon character would most likely change our world in real life?
  • If you could teleport, which time period would you travel to and what would you do then?
  • What is your Hollywood crush’s favorite sport?
  • Imagine a society without the concept of evil – what would life be like?
  • What is your dream project for this year?
  • What do you want to experience for the very first time?
  • Who is the family member you get along with the most, and why?
  • Why is it great not to have a best friend?
  • What was the silver lining to your scariest life experience?
  • Which main character in a movie can you relate with the most?
  • Who is the person you want to be the most?
  • How do you get your creative juices flowing?
  • What are the most fun things you have ever done to stay healthy?

Need some examples of creative writing? Browse our website for some quality samples, then get in touch with us for our essay writing services.

Interesting Creative Essay Directions

Need help curing your writer’s block and coming up with great prompts for your descriptive essays? The key to start writing is to look at your own stories and experiences and find ways to transform them into a new story for another audience. Here are wonderful ideas for your written requirement.

  • What is the worst idea that has ever come to life?
  • If falling in love was like baking the perfect cake, what would the process look like?
  • What would your childhood look like if you were born to a different family?
  • What kind of business would you put up if you were an entrepreneur?
  • How have your overall goals changed in this pandemic?
  • What is the most moving movie opening line you have ever heard?
  • How can a president gain the most positive social media mentions today?
  • What board game should be made into a reality TV series?
  • Would you survive in a zombie apocalypse?
  • Describe the best movie plot twist you have ever watched
  • What is your dream resort experience?
  • If you could travel to any urban city in the world, where would you go first?
  • If you could visit any rural area in the world, where would it be and why?

Funny Creative Essay Ideas

Sometimes, the most random prompt can make the most humorous, well-crafted articles. Want to immediately capture your audience’s attention? Here are a few amazing ideas on how to make people laugh through your written work.

  • How would you react if a Marvel superhero showed up at your doorstep?
  • What would a neighborhood tour look like if Scrooge was your tourist?
  • How do you make a boring party fun and lively?
  • How do you help a person escape from an embarrassing experience?
  • Describe the moment when you wanted the earth to swallow you up
  • What movie or book made you cringe, and why?
  • What was the cheesiest wedding proposal you’ve ever witnessed?
  • What would you do if a Hollywood celebrity were to crash your birthday party?
  • What are the funniest assumptions people have made about you?
  • What was your funniest Halloween experience?
  • Who would you spy on if you had the ability to see and know everything?
  • What weird superpower do you want to have, and why?
  • What is the funniest movie that you’ve ever watched?

Easy and Creative Argument Essay Prompts

A creative essay can also come in the form of an easy argument piece. Here’s a list of possible topics to give you some writing inspiration.

  • Which is more beautiful, the sunrise or the sunset?
  • Which season is the better backdrop for photos, winter or fall?
  • Who would make a better companion on a deserted island: a doctor or a chef?
  • What is better to read during a plane right, a novel or a short story collection?
  • Which room of the house should be bigger, the kitchen or the living room?
  • What is a better travel destination, an urban city or a remote island?
  • What is the better mode of travel, air or land?
  • What kind of art is more impactful, street art or caricatures?
  • Is memorizing for a test a good idea?
  • When is the best time to take a shower, first thing in the morning or before going to bed?
  • Which is more effective, working on your own or working with a group?
  • Which is better, a small house with a big garden or a large house with a small garden?
  • Which makes the more memorable holiday celebrations, Christmas or Thanksgiving?

Creative Essay Topic Series for College

Creative writing as a college student will require you to be more descriptive, to show your readers how you make use of your imagination. Here are a few descriptive essay topics that you can use as a springboard.

  • What would make an interesting final exam to replace the typical test?
  • What would be your dream experience to have after graduation and before embarking on your first job?
  • If you could create your own non-profit advocacy, what would it be and why?
  • How would you creatively use your degree to make a difference in your community?
  • What does learning look like in a new normal after the Covid pandemic?
  • Where do you want to live after graduation, and why?
  • Describe the kind of work culture you would want to be part of
  • If you were a CEO, how would you make the workplace a pro-mental health company?
  • What advice would you give your younger self?
  • If you had the chance to meet the president and give him feedback on his performance, what would you say?
  • If you could spend an hour any personality, dead or alive, who would you connect with and what would you want to know?
  • What kind of leader do you envision yourself to be?
  • Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

Creative Topics for Speech

When it comes to oral presentation, it is so important to use the right words to reel in your audience. Begin with one great idea and determine your story angle, so that you know how your speech will progress. Here are a few story ideas that you can make use of.

  • What world do you dream of building for your future children?
  • What are the top three global problems you would solve if you had unlimited power?
  • Who would you bring with you on a year-long adventure and why?
  • What are the elements of a flawless day?
  • What are your top three fears and how are you dealing with them?
  • What stories would the walls of your room tell if they had ears and mouths?
  • Who are your greatest influences and why?
  • Who would you cast as yourself if a movie was being made about your journey?
  • What questions would you ask your future self?
  • What constitutes the perfect breakfast?
  • If you had three wishes to use up, what would they be?
  • What are five things you can’t live without?
  • What recent current events personally resonate with you?

Creative Topics for Presentation

For a visual presentation, taking your audience into an imaginary journey will require specific and vivid descriptions of what you want them to imagine. Here are more creative angles to help you ace that project.

  • Ten places you need to visit before the world ends
  • Where you would seek shelter if zombies invaded your town
  • The weirdest food inventions ever introduced
  • The five worst first date outfits
  • Places that provide creative inspiration
  • What are the best and worst smells you’ve ever encountered?
  • What are your most memorable travel experiences?
  • What does your weekend timeline look like?
  • Five destinations that are on your travel bucket list
  • Literature’s scariest villains
  • The most fun rides in any amusement park
  • What is your dream travel getaway?
  • Describe your most memorable birthday celebration

Creative Definition Essay Writing Inspiration

A definition essay explores your understanding of and perspective on a certain topic or event. A good writer can articulate his or her thoughts on the subject well. Here are some things you can write about.

  • What makes a good parent?
  • What does humility look like in a person?
  • What should we look for in an honest politician?
  • What makes a house a home?
  • What are the characteristics of an emotionally healthy woman?
  • What makes a memorable travel experience?
  • What constitutes excellent customer service?
  • What are the makings of a wonderful teacher?
  • What are the elements of a good gift?
  • What should I consider in a potential spouse?
  • What characterizes a gracious loser?
  • What is the true measure of success?
  • What does great teamwork look like?

Creative Topics for Nonfiction Essays

  • Who is the worst president in American history?
  • How would I have fared in the Cold War?
  • What were the most unexpected historic events over the last 20 years?
  • What are the most ridiculous laws in countries today?
  • What changes would I make in the United States Constitution?
  • Which historic figure does not deserve all the accolades that were given to him or her?
  • Which historic event would make a great movie?
  • What would you be known for if you were one of our Founding Fathers?
  • What event would you erase from the American timeline if you had the kind of power?
  • What would our country look like if we never had to deal with slavery?
  • What were some of the best presidential decisions ever made?
  • What three issues would you address if you were the American president today?
  • What existing law would you change to improve society?

Creative Topics for Narrative Essays

If you are tasked to write a story through an essay, you will have to be good at describing things so that you can take your readers on a visual journey. Here are some story ideas for an excellent descriptive essay.

  • My first experience of discrimination
  • The last time I felt true joy
  • A descriptive tour of my childhood home
  • How to design the perfect birthday cake
  • The three things I own that have sentimental value
  • How I told my parents that I wanted to move to another country
  • The worst fight I’ve ever had with my best friend
  • How I deal with conflict
  • What are my top goals as a student
  • My first solo flight experience
  • What it’s like to go out-of-town with friends and without family
  • Purchasing my first-ever car
  • My dominant feelings during my first hospitalization

Creative Topics for Personal Essays

Got writers block and you keep on coming up with the same idea for your personal essay? Here are a few suggestions to help you out, especially if you don’t love writing.

  • What is my dream career after college?
  • Who do I want to mentor me and why?
  • The key lessons I’ve learned from my parents
  • What do I want to be like when I’m thirty?
  • What forgotten dreams do I want to reconsider again?
  • Who do I want to mentor and why?
  • Who do I want to be like when I turn sixty?
  • What were my top three mistakes in the last year?
  • What accomplishments am I proudest of and why?
  • Who do I look up to?
  • How can I influence the younger generation?
  • What is the best book I’ve read so far this year?
  • If I could change my personality, what aspects would I focus on and why?

Creative Writing Essay Topics For Kids

Even kids have to write short stories or creative essays! If you need writing prompts to get your creative juices flowing, you’ve come to the right place! Here are a few story ideas.

Creative 8th Grade Writing Topics

  • What kind of adult do I want to be?
  • If I could fly anywhere in space, which planets or galaxies would I visit?
  • What are some fun facts about my mom?
  • What was my father’s childhood like?
  • What superpowers do I wish I could have?
  • How would I use my talents and skills to make a difference?
  • What are some creative random acts of kindness I could do in the next week?
  • What are some good ways to cheer up a friend who went through a difficult time?
  • What not to say to someone who is grieving
  • What was my most memorable family vacation?
  • If I could invent a board game, what would it be about?
  • Who would be a good actor to play me in a TV series?
  • Describe your favorite dessert after a tiring day at school

Creative 9th Grade Writing Topics

  • Describe a time when you spoke without thinking
  • What kinds of stories affect your feelings?
  • What you learn about living well from science experiments
  • The best advice from a movie you watched
  • Which movie character can you relate with the most and why?
  • If you could interview someone who is already dead, who would it be and why?
  • Describe the best house you have ever been to
  • What is your favorite holiday and how do you celebrate it?
  • What have I discovered that I actually like during lockdown?
  • What is a dream project that you’d like to do with your friends?
  • What fear do you want to overcome?
  • Who are the people who have helped you in difficult times?
  • If you were to become a member of the government, what role would you be interested in?

Creative 10th Grade Writing Topics

  • What is your favorite season?
  • What is the worst idea you’ve ever come up with?
  • How would you renovate the White House if you were a designer?
  • Which movie or book character do I admire the most?
  • What would I do in a crisis situation?
  • What is the most inspirational speech I’ve ever heard?
  • What is the most underrated cuisine I’ve ever encountered?
  • What is the most unlikely career I could ever take on?
  • Who is one person who is most like me and why?
  • What would I alter if I could improve my genetic code?
  • What disease would I eradicate if I had the power to do so?
  • What would I invest in if I’d won the lottery?
  • What is the first thing I would do if I was given a million dollars?

Creative 11th Grade Writing Topics

  • What is one unlikely interest I developed during the pandemic?
  • What new studying techniques have I learned from being homeschooled?
  • What are the best things about being able to go to school?
  • What have I learned in the Covid pandemic?
  • What don’t I miss about the “old normal”?
  • How can I improve myself as a member of my local community?
  • What feedback or criticism did I find hard to accept?
  • What would I change about our current leadership?
  • What makes this decade the most unforgettable one?
  • Do I operate from a place of fear or a place of faith?
  • What are my favorite trauma responses and how do I address them?
  • What businesses do I want to invest in when I’m older?
  • What is the worst first date?

Creative 12th Grade Writing Topics

  • Which countries or cities would I want to experience living in someday?
  • What would I do if I were Princess Diana?
  • Do I want to be a monarch or a Prime Minister if I had the chance?
  • Who are my musical influences?
  • What is the origin of my given name?
  • What are the unique traits of my culture?
  • What traits did I get from my mother and father?
  • What are my biggest fears after graduating high school?
  • Who is the teacher that shaped my thinking the most?
  • What is my learning style and how can I apply it in school today?
  • How has my concept of relationships changed during this pandemic?
  • What is it like to form friendships online in a pandemic?
  • How do I feel about not having seen my friends in two years because of Covid?

Creative Essay Ideas from The Literature

  • Is Romeo and Juliet the best or the worst love story ever written?
  • What is the human side of Frankenstein the monster?
  • Ten unexpected lessons from George Orwell’s The Animal Farm
  • Who are my favorite characters from Huckleberry Finn
  • What I like about the author Milan Kundera
  • What are my favorite Haruki Murakami books?
  • What classic books have I read and reread?
  • Who is the best sister in Little Women?
  • What is my favorite classic children’s book?
  • If I could make a character from Greek mythology an actual living person, who would it be?
  • How does the Lord of the Rings series mimic current events?
  • Is The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe a callout to racial discrimination?


There you have it! Hopefully, with these writing ideas, you’ll be able to churn out that creative essay in no time – and have a great time doing it. Good luck!

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