Reasons for Pursuing Higher Education (Essay Example)

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Even at the cost of being a cliche, there is an old saying that the only thing more expensive than education is ignorance. Without college education and training, usually, it is hard to make ends meet. Higher education means at least four years of a college education. Studies have shown that college graduates earn more money than those who do not have a college degree. Advanced education can open many doors and prepare young people for exciting and rewarding opportunities. In this day and age, having adequate training and education is a must and without a college degree, it is hard to obtain both.

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Why Go For Higher Education

In this section, we’ll go through some of the reasons why a college degree, or higher education in general, is a viable option for young people who want to do well in their careers.

Exploring New Avenues

Many young people who want to pursue college do not have the end goal in sight. They want to earn a college degree so they can improve their odds of getting a satisfying and well-paying job. But there are countless disciplines with countless sub-branches, so it is normal for students to feel overwhelmed.

The best thing about college is that it gives them time and resources to even think about the field they want to go in. The professors there have a lot of experience in helping them to choose the best thing for their future.

When they have chosen the field they want to study and pursue further, it adds to the satisfaction and cements their way to amazing opportunities. They grow more confident and become keen to solve new problems using the knowledge they attained through a college education.

Some undergraduates who work hard and show their abilities to their professors and recruiters can even secure lucrative job deals before completing their college degrees.

When they are in college, even every problem, every roadblock could lead them to have a new and more informed perspective toward life and career.

Making Personal Growth

In a myopic world, college and a degree are maybe all about earning more. Graduates often do better than those who do not have a college education because of the lack of training, discipline, and commitment. But the truth is, college is more about growing from within.

The curriculum has been set to help undergrads understand and learn the intricacies and complexities of life, both official and personal. With the pressure of exams and tests, they can learn to cope with anxiety and fear of failing. This stress helps them in keeping to a study schedule.

Reasons for Pursuing Higher Education, Image 1

Further, into this, the assignments in colleges are diverse, including:

  • Reading existing texts;
  • Writing and coming up with new ideas;
  • Presenting your unique ideas or finding.

In front of your peers. Even though teamwork and part-time jobs are primary boosters of self-confidence and growth, this regimen could groom kids to work on their research and interpersonal skills. They learn to convey their message to others in a comprehensible and easy way.

It is hard to find an environment that can induce personal growth in young people than college.

Earning More Money

Beyond all the lofty ideas of exploring new avenues and personal growth is the need for money. To have a nice house, a car, and to keep up with the expenses incurred each day, it is nice to have more money than you will ever need. This is where a college degree or to pursue higher education can help you.

Research has shown repeatedly that people with postsecondary education, either graduation or master’s, do very well when compared to high school graduates. It is because these degrees prepare young people to have the necessary training and skills that garner more income from employers.

According to a CNBC report, high school diploma holders earn around $1.6 million on average throughout their lifetimes. Compared to this, having a bachelor’s degree can help individuals earn over a median of $2.8 million by securing a higher-paying job. The same report also sheds light on career choices and pursuing a specialization in the relevant field. For instance, on average;

  • Master’s degree holders can earn $3.2 million
  • Doctoral degree holders can make $4 million
  • Professionals with advanced degrees can make $4.7 million

The stats clearly show that pursuing higher education can yield more money by comparing the average earnings of people with a college degree and those without.

Finding Satisfaction In Vocation

Even right decisions can lead to burnout and weariness when made for the wrong reasons. College is about making oneself better in every way. This betterment paves ways to earn more and feel satisfied with your choices. It is because in the long run, only making more money does not ensure fulfillment and happiness.

If someone wants to study history and do research, one must have to prove one’s mettle to the relevant authorities that one is indeed capable of pursuing higher education. Having a college education and training will help one convince the department to even sponsor one’s endeavors. On the other hand, if someone knows how to design or build a product based on intuition alone, one could never convince a company for a chance of employment.

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In this way, higher education also promises satisfaction in what one wants to do in life and feels happy about it.

Creators find immense pleasure in their work because, for them, money and fame are by-products. Indeed they are part of the package, having formal training and education adds to the sense of security and makes it easy to prove authority.

Going For Passion

Being passionate about something and then pursuing that passion as a vocation is a different thing. It is easy to find people who seem to be passionate about art and science but they don’t have the means to go about their passion or have the motivation for pursuing higher education.

Having a college degree by their side, they can pursue their passion easily by:

  • Securing sponsorship and endorsements;
  • Connecting with industry leaders;
  • Producing intended results;
  • Making their work self-sustainable.

Some undergrads know from day one about their passion. They become laser-focused and pursue their passion which shows through their transcripts and obviously through their personal growth.

Reasons for Pursuing Higher Education, Image 3

On the other side, those who explore multiple avenues before finding and settling on a passion also do extremely well because of a well-rounded and balanced education base.

That’s why many schools do not want their students to choose a subject readily without investigating alternatives or giving contrasting fields a try. They want the understudies to look for things that excite them and even not doing well during early semesters do not bear any blemish on students’ educational records.

In the end, it is about finding a passion and then camping support for it through higher education.

To Sum It All Up

The world is changing rapidly. What was relevant a year ago could be obsolete by now. In this situation, having a strong basis of knowledge by attending college can help young people from going professionally extinct. Apart from dealing with known variables, having a college education can help them in adapting and improvise to the changing world. In every way, higher education improves odds to be employed in a better and more rewarding way.

There are certain intellectual and material opportunities and satisfaction to earn more when they decide to pursue higher education. When employed ingeniously, advanced education can become more than the sum of the things that constitute it.

FAQs on Reasons for Pursuing Higher Education

What are the benefits of getting a higher education beyond high school?

There are countless benefits for young people to pursue further education beyond high school. Higher education imparts discipline, improves judgment, and paves a way for a bright and more satisfying future. Higher education means as a college student;

  • You can learn from intellectuals and grow personally
  • You can align your finances in a sustainable manner
  • There are many rewarding job opportunities for college graduates
  • You can find and pursue your passion
  • You can expand your network and meet exceptionally capable people

Overall, you can achieve empowerment and a better lifestyle through higher education.

What is the role of higher education?

Higher education plays a pivotal role in global development, in both the long run and the short run. In the short run, it improves employment opportunities for capable professionals. In the long run, it improves overall lifestyle and even leaves a lasting impression on the civilization.

In an individual’s life, higher education can lead to better learning and problem-solving training. This, in turn, leads to better earning potential and employment prospects. The role of higher education at any level can never be overstated.


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