What Are Your Educational Goals (Essay Samples)

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One of the important skills that students need to master is setting goals. It is easy to think that the future is still far away. But before you know it, you will find yourself unsure and anxious after graduation.

The author of this sample essay talks about her goals and objectives, not just in terms of studying, but how she sees herself as a result of years of hard work.

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Envisioning my Education in Line with My Career Goals

Far too many students coast along their academic years, living in the present without thinking about what happens after graduation. If there’s anything I’ve learned from my parents, it is to have a vision for myself as early as today. They told me that it was important and beneficial to do everything purposefully. They also said that high school is a great time to start dreaming big for myself and setting major goals that I could pursue moving forward from graduation.

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In this essay, I want to share with you my educational goals, as well as my career goals, and what my action points are to achieve them.

Educational Goal: To major in Entrepreneurship

I spent a good part of my junior year doing a lot of introspection. In my free time, I began researching how many scholarships I can qualify for and what short-term goals I can aim for in the next year. I also began to explore my hobbies and interests and figure out what to major in. To do this, I spent time talking to family and friends, asking them what strengths they see in me.

To my surprise, they mentioned how good I am at numbers and at selling things. They reminded me of my younger years when I would always come up with a product to sell during the summer and spend the season making money from it.

I have never thought of myself as a good businessperson, but hearing my loved ones validate my skills reminded me of how much I used to enjoy selling things. This led me to consider pursuing a major in Business Administration. If it’s possible, I want to find scholarships that I can apply for in order to save money. I currently have a 3.8 GPA and I’m hoping that I can sustain my grades up until graduation.

Career Goal: To be an entrepreneur with a heart

My dream profession is not really to climb the corporate ladder, although I recognize that there is value in doing so. My end goal is to be a well-rounded entrepreneur with multiple businesses under her belt. I also want to use that platform to give back, so I want all of my products to benefit different charities.

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Given this, I want to have a deep understanding of what it’s like to run a company. As I previously said, there is great benefit in first becoming an employee. I want to spend a couple years in the corporate world as a Management Trainee and explore all sides of the organization.

Giving Back Goal: Become a university professor on the side

In the same way that I will be learning from people who have walked the road ahead of me, I also want to invest my knowledge in the next generation. After having gained years of experience as a successful entrepreneur, I want to become a professor in a management school. I want to bring back whatever I’ve learned in my field to those who are on the same career trajectory.

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I also want to coach and mentor the students in my class in terms of setting future goals and developing critical thinking skills. In terms of goal-setting, I want to teach them how to set smart goals that have a specific vision and end result in mind. I want to teach them to turn their dream into actionable plans.

Finally, I want to teach them how to be critical thinkers. This is not just for academic purposes, but for success in life. It pays to know how to think well and reflect. The way we think affects our actions and decisions. I want them to realize that every little thing they do today has an impact on their choices for tomorrow.


As a current high school student, it is challenging to think of yourself ten years ahead and have that vision nailed down. What I’ve realized from this experience is while this vision can still change as I evolve as a person, my core values can remain intact and integrated into whatever new direction I decide to take. To me, those core values are giving back and consistent excellence in all aspects.

Short Essay on an Educational Goals (Short Essay Sample)

I have always been taught that having an end goal in all my pursuits is a good way to keep me grounded. Purpose and goal-setting help you identify your True North in any journey. I personally applied this practice in terms of setting my academic goals, as well as my career goals.

My main educational goal is to find a good university near my town that specializes in a Business Administration degree. I know that it also matters which school I go to, so I want to also be strategic and intentional in choosing my educational institution.

I also would like to explore the possibility of applying for internships before I graduate. I want to be able to gain some on-the-ground experience working in shops and starting from the bottom. I want to understand how to treat employees and empower them so that I can apply these principles when I become an employer.

Finally, in terms of my career, I want to start first as an employee. I want to be a Management Trainee in a company. This is a good time for me to figure out my strengths and weaknesses as a young adult. I will make it a point to be mentored regularly and always ask for help and feedback.

I will transition into entrepreneurship at least two years after gaining some corporate experience. I want to take the principles I’ve gleaned from working as an employee to this new chapter of my life. I want to be able to treat my employees well and reward them for their milestones and performance.

When I have had many more years of experience, I would like to explore being a professor at a university, teaching students how to become good entrepreneurs.

FAQs on What Are Your Educational Goals Essay

❓ How To Describe Educational Goals In A Scholarship Essay?

It is always good to begin with a vision. Start from the end and work your way back to the present. What is it that you hope to achieve in life? What are you passionate about and what purpose do you want to pursue as you move forward into this new season? As you outline this vision, think of the concrete action steps, both short-term and long-term, that you need to take in order to get there. Then begin laying down your academic goals, beginning with the short-term ones. What degree have you decided to apply for and why did you choose that specialization? What kind of relevant experience do you plan to gain in your academic life?  Then always bring it back to your long-term purpose and vision. Doing this shows the evaluator that you have clarity on where you see yourself, how you plan to get there, and how your education can help you attain it.

❓ What Are The Five Goals Of Education?

The five goals of education are to instill critical thinking skills, champion creativity and strategic thinking, teach healthy relationship-building, encourage the connection between theory and application, and demonstrate critical life skills to set the learner up for success. All these goals are important in producing well-rounded graduates who are well-prepared for the next phase of their journey, whether it’s entering the workforce or doing something different. A successful graduate knows how to apply himself well.

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