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Annotated Bibliography
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Women Space or Feminism Resource Materials

Annotated Bibliography Instructions:

Find 6 sources about women's space or feminism, my research proposal is about how feminism developed in Chinese history. Don't need annotate them, I could do the annotated part, but please show that where you find these sources, then I could explain it. And please find 1 primary source. I will upload my research proposal for this project and the requirement that professor sent me.

Annotated Bibliography Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Women Space or Feminism Resource Materials
Ahmed, Sara. "Killing joy: Feminism and the history of happiness." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 35.3 (2010): 571-594.
The journal on Killing Joy: Feminism and the history of Happiness is accessible online. The journal was published in 2010 in the Journal of Women in Culture and Society. Additionally, the journal can be downloaded from the Google Scholar platform.
Hernбndez Castillo, R. Aнda. "The emergence of indigenous feminism in Latin America." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 35.3 (2010): 539-545.
The Journal on emergence of Indigenous feminism in Latin America is accessible online in the main Journal of Women in Culture and Society. Additionally, the journal can be downloaded from Google Scholar platform.
Schaffer, Kay, and Song Xianlin. "Unruly spaces: Gender, women's writing and indigenous feminism in China." Journal of Gender Studies 16.1 (2007): 17-30.
The reference piece is accessible online in the Journal of Gender Studies.
Song, Xianlin. "Re-gendering Chinese History: Zhao Mei’s Emperor Wu Zetian." East Asia 27.4 (2010): 361-379.
The journal on women space in China is accessible on Google when the reference material in typed as the main address. Additionally, the journal can be downloaded from Google Scholar platform.
Eagly, Alice H., et al. "Feminism and psychology: analysis of a half-century of research on women and gender." American Psychologist 67.3 (2012): 211.
The journal on the rise of women feminism is accessible in the American Psychologist Journal. Additionally, the journal can be downloaded from the Google Scholar platform.
Eagly, Alice H., and Stephanie Riger. "Feminism and psychology: Critiques of methods and epistemology." American Psychologist 69.7 (2014): 685.
The journal regarding women feminism is accessible in the online platform on searching the entire reference material. It can also be downloaded from the Google Scholar platform.

Works Cited
Ahmed, Sara. "Killing joy: Feminism and the history of happiness." Signs: Journal of
Women in Culture and Society 35.3 (2010): 571-594.
Hernбndez Castillo, R. Aнda. "The emergence of indigenous feminism in Latin
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