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Popular Culture and the Rituals of American Football

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November 4, 2021
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Axelrod, Mark. "Popular culture and the rituals of American football." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 3.1 (2001): 2. Digital.The purpose of the author in this journal article is to determine how American Football has become established in popular culture. To do this, the author has focused on showing the rituals and practices within and outside the game itself. What is unique about this article is the fact that it helps the reader understand the culture of American football in a more in-depth manner. Camp, Walter. American football. Harper & Brothers, 1894. Digital.This article aims to give an overview of American Football, including the rules and the ins and outs of the game. Although the author has focused on the specific rules of football in this game, he also gives an overview of the history of the game. What is unique in this article is that it also provides a chapter for spectators that can be used to analyze football culture. Finn, Gerry and Richard Giulianotti. Football culture: local conflicts, global visions. Routledge, 2013. Digital.This article aims to place the American Football culture within the context of the international community. To do this, the authors show how American football has created an identity for itself and the American nation and how it influences other cultures and even conflicts with them. What is unique about this article is that it shows how this sport affects the cultural dynamics within the global society. Hoffmann, Frank, Gerhard Falk and Martin J. Manning. Football and American identity. Routledge, 2013. Digital.This article aims to show how American Football has shaped itself to be a representation of the American Identity. The author discussed a little bit of history and then focused on the representative aspect of the game. Accordingly, what makes this special is that it also gives insight into ...
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