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Literature & Language
Annotated Bibliography
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Bibliography on the Influence of Modern Technology on Pop Culture

Annotated Bibliography Instructions:

Please read the instructions carefully. It's very important to me.
Please read the instructions carefully. Write the assignment for me according to the instructions.
First, write a proposal of 350-500 words and then look for at least 5-7 secondary sources


Friday November 1- - Class will meet in .he library for information literacy presentation from Katie Hut. details to follow
Monday November 11- - Annotated bibliography and proposal due by Noon on either Blackboard or through email.
T a November 12“ - Regular class will not be meeting, in lieu of class will have 10-15 minute "cesSme in my offic. Students will sign up for individual times in the previous Cass.
Monday December 9» - Research paper is due by Noon on Blackboard or through email.
M I am also willing to schedule conferences with students who request them, provided I am
tab e^o ensu e avaHability, students are asked to contact me for a meeting at leas, 48 hours h ad " me Please not! 'ha, I will only be able to meet on Tuesday and Friday; I will always be availabl to meet during office hours (T/F, 1:00-2:00), unless otherwise noted. I will be happy to review drafts i erson at a conference; I will no, review emailed allachmenls, though I am happy ,o answer specu rnmnosUion related ques,ions ,hrough email. Please note that our entire third uni, ,s geared ,owards ‘he research paper, and as such there will be scheduled tutorials, workshops, presentations, and lectures all geared towards preparing you for the final project.
DIRECTIONS- The research paper is composed of two separate graded sections, the first is the a^notf^d bibliography and proposal which is worth 10% of your grade, and the second is the fina research pape itself Which is worth 25% of your grade The individual directions for the constituent parts of assignment are below:


Annotated Bibliography and Proposal - Student must write a one to two paragraph proposal (in the ballpark of 350-500 words) on a research question that they are interested in pursuing which somehow relates to the class's themes of popular culture. Research questions can be focused on specific texts, such as individual movies, television shows, or music, or they can explore historical events or situations.
The ideal research question is something that is as tailored and specific as possible. For example, asking "Why is Stanley Kubrick a great director?" is far too general, asking "How did Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey represent technology in a manner that effected subsequent science fiction films?” is much, much better. Feel free to use any of the materials we've read this semester as springboards for your question.
The proposal must explain the specific question you wish to ask, why you think this question is important, and give a general survey of what sort of resources you plan on using in the writing of this paper.
In addition to the proposal, you are to include an annotated bibliography of at least 5-7 secondary sources that you could consult in the writing of this paper. At least three of these sources must be what academics call "peer reviewed." Not all of these sources need to be used in the final research paper - you may find that sources which you thought might be helpful are not (and that's fine).
As a final note, the point of both the bibliography and the proposal is for me to help you craft more specific arguments and to direct you to the best resources. As such, fulfilling the requirements of this portion of the assignment on time will result in a full grade for every student who has done the work, however late work will be dropped a partial letter grade every day
Research Paper-The final research paper must be a SIX to EIGHT page, double spaced Microsoft Word .doc document (Times New Roman size 12 font with one inch margins around the entire paper) which sets your question in context, explains its significance, and provides cited quotes and information from your secondary sources that answer that question. Papers must properly use either the MLA or Chicago citation systems. and all information must be properly parenthetically cited. If you are unfamiliar with how these systems work, you are encouraged to consult the Online Writing Lab at Purdue University (available in its entirety online), or to schedule a meeting with me. We will also have scheduled days to discuss citation in class. Highest graded papers will integrate outside research into their own argument, avoiding just stringing outside quotations together. This will involve reading these sources, thinking about them, and being able to explain them in your own words, while choosing what selections make the most sense to directly quote.

Annotated Bibliography Sample Content Preview:
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Annotated Bibliography on the Influence of Modern Technology on Pop Culture
Technology and popular culture are two aspects that have a great influence on each other. Popular culture involves cultural products, such as art, literature, fashion, dance, and music. One of the major artistic practice revolves around technology, telecommunication, and media. Technology, legal, and social changes have continued to influence the development of new models in the music industry. Researchers have conducted comprehensive studies on modern music retrieval systems and the impact that modern developments have modified pop culture. Besides, the emergence of the internet has played a significant role in the sale and subscription to music. For instance, the sales of online music and subscription services have changed from the traditional use of cassettes during popular culture. Arguably, technological and social factors have played a significant role in transforming the music industry. A combination of social drivers and major technological developments have influenced modifications of popular culture and music.
Pop culture is a blend of perspectives, images, and attitudes that the mainstream population recognize. Notably, technology has changed greatly ways that people consume culture. For instance, it has transformed the traditional structure of pop culture and music. Currently, music producers and artists alike regard the traditional ways of distributing music as obsolete because of the convenience of music transfer during the digital space. Currently, most music retailers have realized the essence of online sales, thus, making it more convenient to exchange ideas. Therefore, new technology has influenced cultural erosion and success of mainstreaming the practices of pop culture.
Notably, the internet has continued to evolve rapidly in the current era of the proliferation of modern technology. Broadband technology has increased the current consumers of music and other forms of cultural practices. The convergence takes on both music distribution devices and increased playing time. Equally, the availability of mobile devices has changed ways that people can access music and flexibility in the entertainment industry. However, one of the major challenges is that availability of music over the internet has influenced an increase in piracy rates. In future, it is likely that development of technology will influence more significant modifications of pop culture and music.
Meyer, Eric T. "Making Digital Cultures: Access, Interactivity, and Authenticity." (2010): 1061-1063.
The article examines the issue of modern technology and its relationship to cultural and social changes in the contemporary world. Besides, Meyer discusses the impact that digital technology has made on institutional identities and practices. According to research findings, digital technologies are embedded within institutions to expedite the process of disseminating information. Notably, the article provides an objective overview of music in its current form. The author provides a comprehensive overview of the entire music industry covering live performances and the issues that affect musicians in t...
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