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American culture. Equality of opportunity as a fundamental American ideal

Essay Instructions:

Instructions for Writing the Essay Question:
(You will lose points if you fail to follow these instructions)
1. Choose one question to answer from the options provided below.

2. The essay must be word-processed, double-spaced, paginated, no less than 750 words and no more than 850 words.
3. You must have a separate title page on which you include your name, date, descriptive essay title that clearly indicates the topic, question/prompt number, your LIB 133 section and instructor’s name, and the word count for your essay. The title page and works cited page text do NOT count towards the word count.
4. Your essay must have a thesis statement and be organized thematically, not by readings.
5. You must answer all parts of the question in order to get full credit for the essay.
6. Sources:
a. In your essay, you must use specific and substantive examples (through paraphrasing and quotes) from at least three readings from the Fall 2019 course syllabus. You may use additional sources from the syllabus, but only after you have used three readings from Unit III.
b. You may also incorporate additional examples from films and class lectures in your essay. Films and film transcripts do not count as readings. You may, however, refer to them once you have already used three readings from Unit III of the Fall 2019 syllabus.
c. PowerPoints do not count as readings, and information on them should not replace information that is in any of the readings.
7. You can access information about how to properly cite your sources on our library’s website: https://mcphs(dot)libguides(dot)com/citation and https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/747/01/
Essay Question Choices (Choose 1)
Use three articles from Unit III of the Fall 2019 syllabus. You may use additional readings from other parts of the syllabus and films after you have used the three Unit III articles.

1. This semester we have discussed equality of opportunity as a fundamental American ideal. In the cases of gender and sexuality, how well has the United States lived up to this ideal?

2. In an interview, the Poor Kids filmmaker explained: “In this film, I’m not looking at the generational poor [or] drug addicts or alcoholics. These are Americans who maybe not have had the greatest jobs in the world, but they worked, and they tried to make that path for themselves. They tried to climb ladders and get further and follow this dream that you can hit the middle classes by working harder, but they’re seeing it slip away from them.” According to our readings, class discussion and films, inequality in income is often erased or ignored. How does that happen? How does the reality of income inequality in America's class structure affect some people's ability to reach their American dream?
3. Stephanie Coontz has argued that same-sex marriage does not "radically transform a time-honored [and unchanging] institution." Explain what she means in relation to changing ideas, social practices, and laws about gender roles and sexual orientation in the United States. Use specific examples from at least three course readings to support your answer.
4. Ana in the film Real Women Have Curves provides a fictional example of a young woman struggling with her identity in terms of class, gender, and race/ethnicity. Using at least three course readings, show how Ana illustrates and expands your understanding of these social categories.
1. https://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2019/02/11/us/politics/sexism-double-standard-2020.html?module=inline
2. https://fivethirtyeight(dot)com/features/are-americans-more-divided-on-metoo-issues/
3. https://nwlc(dot)org/blog/ending-sex-discrimination-health-care/
4. https://www(dot)pewresearch(dot)org/fact-tank/2017/12/28/10-things-we-learned-about-gender-issues-in-the-u-s-in-2017/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Name of Student;
Course Name;
Date of Submission;
Question 1
This semester we have discussed equality of opportunity as a fundamental American ideal. In the cases of gender and sexuality, how well has the United States lived up to this ideal?
Sex and gender are progressively difficult topics that prompt new strategy and administrative reactions within public organizations. In the United States, especially in the federal workforce, it employs the policy that must cater to the needs of workers who are not suitable in traditional sex and gender groups. Gender is so much predictable of ordinary activities that are usually taken for granted. Most individuals find it difficult to believe that gender is regularly formed and re-established out of human interaction, social life and are the value and order of social life. Gender is a part of our daily life that it typically takes a thoughtful distraction of our prospects of how men and women are supposed to behave and pay consideration to how it is created. On the other hand, sexual feelings and needs have been molded by gender standards and expectations. Youths who are in the adolescent stage avoid each other in a decoratively scripted and gendered coupling dance. Also, parents have different prospects and individuals of different gender perform various kinds of jobs. This paper will focus on gender and sexuality in America and how the United States deals with the issue.
According to individuals, gender means sameness (Lorber, Judith pg. 40). Though the potential combinations of body shapes, sexuality and responsibilities could produce endless changes in human beings, the social organization of gender usually depends on the creation and maintenance of gender statues. Individuals are born sexed but not gendered, and they are supposed to be trained on how to be masculine or feminine. Many parentages generate a gendered domain for their young ones through naming and dress — Youth's interactions with similar-gendered organization their self-identifications and characters.
Accusations concerning sexuality misconduct by important men in media and many other industries have echoed across the United States in recent years (Gramlich). This has drawn concern to matters of gender equality in the workplace and American society in large. According to research which was conducted in 2017(Gramlich), various finding concerning gender issues was raised. About one-in-ten hired women in the United States suggested that they have been sexually harassed at the workplace. Others said that they experienced forms of gender discrimination in the workplace. Among the hired male workers, 20% only said that they experience some forms of gender discrimination. Also, most American people suggested that women face a lot of pressure on them to be physically attractive. The public understands massively different pressure fa...
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