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2 pages/≈550 words
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Literature & Language
Admission Essay
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 7.2

Academic interests and long term goals

Admission Essay Instructions:
Please write a brief essay that answers the following questions. What has inspired you to pursue an engineering degree and why would you like to study at the university of Toronto? What skills have you developed through your extra curricular experiences that will support your future success as both a student an engineer? Your essay should not exceed 3000 characters (including spaces and punctuation. (Note for the writer: As for the first question i would like them to know that i was inspired to pursue engineering at their university because of their bioengineering UNDERGRADUATE program (which is not found everywhere in canada). i am passionated by medecine and mecanicals, and would like to contribute in the developpement of biomedical engeniering. i should specify that i am willing to pursue a doctoral degree in medecine after my biomedical engineering undergrad. that is a long term plan and is to be done if i am interested after having finished my biomedical engineering degree. as for the skills developped in extracurricular activities, that could contribute later on have already been mentioned in your previous essay: basketball brings leadership, endurance, vision, teamwork , stamina etc.. Thank you very much )
Admission Essay Sample Content Preview:
Academic Interest and Long Term Goals Student Name Student School Academic Interest and Long Term Goals I would like to put my case forward by first acknowledging that I have a deep passion for engineering, a career I have always wanted to pursue since my days as a little boy. The dynamic nature of engineering is captivating. Like the rest of the engineers, I want to make the world go round. I have a dream that one day I will be able to do big things in medicine using the knowledge that I intend to acquire once I am accorded a chance to do bioengineering in your prestigious university. I am deeply fascinated by medicine and mechanicals. I hope to contribute largely to bioengineering, more so in terms of development and advancement of the field. I was inspired and challenged by the unique nature of the bioengineering undergraduate program offered in your institution. As it is, the University of Toronto is one of the few universities that offer the course in Canada. Its organization and mode of delivery is meticulous, a fact which will challenge me to rise to the occasion when I join your amazing team. The standards at the university are world class and I hope to benefit from Canada`s largest university. I want to study in the institution that is acknowledged as a global leader in research and teaching. The vibrant academic environment and the diverse culture at your institution motivate me in an untold ...
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