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Implementing a new information system in healthcare. Term Paper

Term Paper Instructions:

HINF-504: Final Paper - Grading Rubric
Discusses environmental pressures for the implementation of a new information system. 25
Describes the financial implications of the implementation of a new information system. 25
Discusses the lessons learned from other healthcare organizations that have implemented new information systems. 25
Presents business case for the implementation of the new information system. 25
Presents recommended financing method, including supporting documentation and financial data. 25
Includes a conclusion that clearly summarizes the recommendation for the implementation of a new information system. 25
Student prepares paper according to the APA guidelines. An abstract was not required. 15
Paragraph Development and Transitions
Student’s work has a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas universally progress and relate to each other. The student is careful to use paragraph and transition construction to guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless. Individually and collectively, paragraphs are coherent and cohesive. 15
Mechanics of Writing
a) Student is clearly in control of standard, written academic English.
b) All work includes correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. 10
Language Use and Audience Awareness
c) Student uses correct sentence construction, word choice, etc.
d) Student uses a variety of sentence constructions, figures of speech, and word choice in unique and creative ways that are appropriate to the purpose, discipline, and scope.
e) Assignment is within the required word count. 10

Term Paper Sample Content Preview:

New Information System in Healthcare
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Institutional Affiliation
New Information System in Healthcare
Implementation of a new information system in healthcare is a challenging process. It often faces several challenges that are both technical and environmental. It is crucial to understand these challenges and how to overcome them and achieve the goals of the transition process. The objectives of a new system can vary and may include the desire to have fewer or more needs, the desire to increase or reduce the number of patients, and the desire to have a different format of the system. Besides, evidence suggests that physicians often have conflicting goals to those of non-clinical managers, which puts further pressure on the implementation process.
Environmental pressures
Implementation of a new information system has to occur within an environment. The environment has various players, and successful implementation requires concerted efforts from all these stakeholders. One of the environmental pressures the procedure faces include the regulations to govern the process. Authorities at the local, regional, and national levels have requirements that new information systems have to meet (Sittig & Ash, 2009). There is also the labor shortage pressures, which raises the question of whether there will be enough personnel such as nurses and the auxiliary staff to support the new system. For example, a new system may demand for more staff. Other environmental pressures include patient, insurance company, and the employees’ demands.
Financial implications
Besides the non-financial costs like the environmental pressures discussed above, the economic costs also form an essential component towards the implementation of a new information system in healthcare. Such charges include capital expenditures for hardware and operational expenses like software licensing, hosting, and technical support (Fleming, Culler, McCorkle, Becker, & Ballard, 2011). There are also maintenance costs, like upgrading the existing systems to cope with the new system and network operations. Other fees include payment for the network implementation team, the hardware assembly team, and training for the end-users. The network implementation team may charge their services based on time, and thus it is essential to consider the time needed for setting up the system.
Lessons Learned
Implementation of a new information system is a complex process that may appear simple but requires a lot of resources, both financial and non-financial. The procedure involves the assembly of six key components that have to resonate. The six include hardware, software, data, processes, people, and the feedback (Bourgeois D. & Bourgeois, T. 2014). The equipment comprises of the machinery to be used, such as the computer itself. The software includes the accompanying computer programs. Data are the facts that the programs will use to produce the information needed. Procedures are the policies that will guide the operation of the system. The people are the individuals who will ...
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