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The Implementation of Electronic Services to Change the Role of Innovation Management

Research Paper Instructions:

1. Evaluate the current state of a chosen emerging information technology related topic.
2. Generate a research question and build a case with empirical data to answer and support it.
PARTI: Topic chosen, introduction (1 page) written, research question identified, literature reviewed in Google Scholar (3/4 page with at least 10 citations) empirical data collection identified.
PARTII: Data collected (qualitative or quantitative) and analyzed (1 page), research question answered (1/2 page), finding discussed (1 page), recommendations given (1 page).
Topic: The topics can include but are not limited to: software architecture, agile development / PM, Artificial
Intelligence, Blockchain, Machine learning, Big Data, etc. (any of the above can be looked at in a specific industry)
Research question: For example, inquire how your chosen technology impacts the way an organization operates and the changes that it introduces.
Data: You will need to identify at least one firm or a professional who can provide further insight on the chosen topic. Ideally, it is done through an interview where the research question is investigated. Survey for low sample size is not effective.
Analyze: Find the themes that emerge from the interview.
Finding: Describe the new knowledge that the analysis generated.
Discussion: Describe what the finding means to the industry.
Recommendation: Construct suggestions as to how the findings can be applied by organizations. Provide guidance for different roles (executive, manager, analyst, customers, etc.) that are stakeholders in similar organizations.
Format: it can be double spaced but no larger than size 11 font. Please create a cover page, which does not count in the above page requirements.

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A Research paper on Artificial Intelligence on Business Innovation
Rapid advances in new forms of technology have led to the incorporation of artificial intelligence in expediting the effective operation of organizations. Innovativeness has a significant influence on the enhanced productivity and profitability of organizations. A business is likely to have a competitive advantage if it adopts artificial intelligence (AI) while addressing customers' needs. Artificial intelligence is one of the developments that facilitate solving existing problems in organizations (Haefner et al. 1203). For instance, advances in machine learning and robots can address the issue of having to hire a wide range of employees. While some artificial intelligence applications result in high quality and low costs for the production processes, others such as deep learning change innovation processes. In the contemporary world, advances in technology have resulted in enhanced productivity and profitability in organizations.
Artificial intelligence has a significant contribution to the efficiency of existing economic development. The development is likely to reshape research and development and the nature of the innovation process. Automated-oriented applications, such as robots and profound learning developments serve a significant role in invention. As a result, organizations have control over large data sets and other application-specific algorithms. Policies of expediting transparency and sharing core datasets are critical in stimulating effective innovation-oriented competition and research productivity. In the contemporary world, artificial intelligence is likely to replace humans in essential business operations. Over the years, the idea that machine learning and artificial intelligence can take over workplace roles has advanced organizational processes. Notably, artificial intelligence can result in enhanced efficiency, high quality, and better outcomes in organizations than human experts.
Research Background
Artificial intelligence has the potential of influencing an organization's competitive advantage by replacing traditional human tasks. Most companies utilize AI in pursuing the processes that affect the long-term survival of an organization and its competitive innovation (Xue et al. 8). Therefore, technological advance is one of the critical aspects of innovativeness to increase profits and production capacity. For that reason, innovation managers have realized the contribution of AI in generating value while reducing the costs of innovativeness. In the current era of technological advancements, AI plays a significant role in organizations and their capacity to reinvent themselves. Furthermore, the discovery of machine learning facilitates the application of AI and the overall creativity of organizations. Therefore, the implementation of electronic services is likely to change the role of innovation management.
Research Questions
The research on the contribution of artificial intelligence on innovativeness is based on the following research questions:
* What is the relevance of artificial intelligence in expediting innovativeness in the operations of organizations?
* Are the ...
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