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The Characters of "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe

Research Paper Instructions:

Need 5 sources, one source must be the short story “ The Cask of Amontillado”, preferably this book “Literature to go, Fourth Edition” but if that particular book isn’t available for your use thats fine just use another book. the other 4 must be from the Campbell University Wiggins library website (database), search “the cask of Amontillado” on the home page beside the word “everything”, on left side where it says “Resource Type” click on Articles and use those as the other 4 sources.
Use Quotation sandwiches in paper, have claim in the thesis, and state the theme.
Let me know what sources you used off the database so that I can make a works cited page on my own.

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The Cask of Amontillado
Edgar Allan Poe is by far one of the most intriguing characters whose stories left the world desiring or asking for more. The story 'The Cask of Amontillado' is dark, ironic, clever, and intriguing. The only complaint one would have to Poe is that the story was a tad short than it ought to have been. However, others would say that its length is perfect to deliver the message that Poe intended. Poe delivered a masterpiece that was riddled with symbolism, irony, and themes such as pride and revenge. For the latter two, Poe presented two characters who were characteristically human in that they saw other people's flaws but were blind to their own. Fortunato was a man who saw himself as distinguished, especially considering his connoisseurship reputation. On the other hand, Montresor was a man so consumed with rage and hate that he failed to notice how further down the pecking order of humanity he had fallen. Provided herein is an analysis of the themes of pride and revenge in the story 'The Cask of Amontillado' and how each is exhibited through the characters in the story.
The Cambridge Dictionary defines the term pride as "a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction that you get because you or people connected with you have done or got something good." A simpler definition would be the feeling of being of a better or greater reputation because of being skilled or being considered of higher standing. In the story 'The Cask of Amontillado,' pride is a theme that is well captured through the actions and words of both Fortunato and Montresor. The two characters deeply considered themselves to be of higher standing, and hence their reactions and actions in the story.
First, Fortunato's pride is depicted through his belief that he ought to be respected in society. In the story, Montresor agrees that Fortunato was a "man to be respected and even feared" (Poe). Montresor continues to say that Fortunato "prided himself on his connoisseurship in wine." When it came to wine, Fortunato was indeed gifted. However, the irony in all this was that his downfall was to come through his pride and belief that he was a better connoisseur. In the story, Fortunato falls into the trap of Montresor because of his belief that he is the best. At one point, Montresor introduces the name Luchesi, another connoisseur, as an alternative to Fortunato. However, being guided by his pride, Fortunato falls right into the plan and tarnishes Luchesi's name saying, "Luchesi cannot tell Amontillado from Sherry" (Poe). These are words that he repeats severally as he urges Montresor to take him to the Amontillado. Unknowingly to him, he was falling right into the trap that Montresor had set, and eventually, he met his death while being led by his pride.
For Montresor, his pride is not as pronounced as that of Fortunato. His pride is through his actions and justifications that death and revenge were the only things that Fortunato deserved because he insulted him. Montresor's pride could be seen in the way he speaks about his family. In one instance, after Fortunato alluded to the extensiveness of the vaults, he replied, saying that "The Montresors…were a great and numerous family" (Poe...
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