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3 pages/≈825 words
3 Sources
Communications & Media
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
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Men Are Not Seen As 'More American' Than Women?

Research Paper Instructions:

Subject the content of Are men seen as 'more American' than women? to critical evaluation.Which claims do you agree with, and why? Which claims do you disagree with, and why? How do the issues and events described in this article relate to your experience or observation about people's communication practices? These questions are intended as helpful suggestions for framing a response to the reading. You are not required to address these particular questions if you don't want to. You must, however, offer a thoughtful and well-argued response to what you have read.
Please offer reasons and evidence in support of the positions you are taking. In presenting your views, be sure to clearly identify concepts and findings in the readings that are relevant to your argument.
Your essay must be a minimum of 700 words and should be submitted electronically via Blackboard. To submit your essay, please click on the 2ND EXTRA CREDIT link above, and then go to the Assignment Submission section of the page that appears. The deadline for submitting is Thursday, September 28. Any time on September 28 will be fine. PLEASE NOTE: The word count should be printed at the top of the essay.
In grading submissions, the following criteria will be considered: topical relevance, coherence, and length. Topical relevance means the written work must clearly relate to the assignment. Coherence relates to the clarity of both the position being expressed and the writing. A clear position is one whose ideas mesh. Writing quality speaks to how well those ideas are communicated. Grammatical breakdowns, misspellings, inappropriate word choices, and improper punctuation interfere with effective communication. In order to evaluate what you say, it is necessary to understand what you say. [HELPFUL HINT: Careful proofreading can go a long way toward insuring that your ideas are clearly expressed.] Finally, students must meet the length requirement specified for the assignment.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

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Topic Men Are Not Seen As 'More American' Than Women?
In the United States, men and women are usually treated as citizens and most of them will enjoy equal rights when it comes to the laws of the country. However, the reality on the ground is that women are usually discriminated on some important areas of governance, administration and social development. However, this does not mean that they have become fewer Americans that their male counterparts. This paper argues that men are not seen as more American than women by looking at some of the challenges that women face in the country today.
Americanism among men and women
According to a study carried out in the United States, it was found that women are mostly identified as being less nationalistic than men. One of the reasons that research gave is that women viewed Americanisms with the traits of the male Americans. This means that the issue of nationality in women was mostly identified by men in the manner that the country has been constructed with the masculinity terms. However, this was not the case for men. In addition, men that are strongly identified with their gender were also more strongly identified as being Americans CITATION Kat17 \l 1033 (Kershner, 2017). This is due to the fact that these men would feel that they highly own the symbolic resources and national material for the country. It is, however, important to note that there is no significant difference when it comes to how American a person has to be when it comes to gender.
In this case, it is not right to claim that being women will make one less American. This is because in the modern days women and women compete for the same opportunities, positions and also play equal roles in terms of social responsibilities. As much as women are perceived as looking onto adopting the characteristics of men since it is associated with the national identity to professional realms and political survival, there is still a lot of paradigm shift when it comes to the representation of media coverage in the various nationalistic arena like politics and institutional development. In most cases, male politicians will be considered as the best viewership than the female counterparts. However, this does not mean that women do not play good political or social standards as men do CITATION aau17 \l 1033 (a...
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