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The Advantages of Online Shopping –Physical vs. Online Stores Paper

Research Paper Instructions:

BUS 7 STUDENT DEBATE PROJECT BUS 7 – Debate Project 1/7/20 Professor Anderson Project Scenario: You are about to put your skills to the test in two ways; the first is composing a Professional Business Report that will effectively create a Persuasive Message to a reading audience, and second, create a Persuasive Presentation to deliver your stance on a topic. PART 1: Business Report 1. From the list of debate topics, you are to select a topic that you would like to debate upon. 2. From the topic category, you will choose if you are PRO or AGAINST the topic. For example: Facebook vs. Instagram. If you are Pro Facebook, then you will write your report in favor of Facebook and why you prefer it over Instagram. In your typed report, you will focus on the positives of Facebook, and discuss the “negatives” about Instagram. 3. Persuasive Argument - You will write a professional Business report about the topic in a Persuasive tone in order to get the Reader of your report to agree with your stance. Refer to your textbook on pages 340 – 352. You can refer to Figure 10.2 – Effective Persuasion Techniques on page 343 as a guide. 4. Research Your Topic. Ensure you have reliable information. It is recommended that you utilize Delta College’s online library, in addition to other scholar sources. The library has videos, articles, and other great resources to incorporate into your presentation as well. 5. Supporting Your Points • Evidence – Locate facts that support your stance. • Reasoning - Information on the different forms and fallacies of reasoning. • Critical thinking – Give the reader new information that he/she may not know about the topic. Awareness on the issues of the opposing side. 6. Report Format: • Cover Page – Contains topic, Your Name, Instructor Name, Course Name, and Date (must include graphic image or logo) • Apply AIDA (located on pages 345-347 1. Attention 2. Interest 3. Desire 4. Action • Company or Product History (This is usually at the beginning of your report and is part of your introduction. • Remember – Begin your report by sharing your stance on the topic. • Use double-spacing when typing your report (MLA/APA format is fine) • Font: Times New Roman, size 12 • Sub Topics: Make sure your content has sub topic sections such as: 1. Introduction 2. Our Product or Our Services 3. Why Choose Our Brand or Service? 4. The Competition • References – Make sure you cite your references in your report and include the Reference or Works Cited page at the end of the report. BUS 7 STUDENT DEBATE PROJECT BUS 7 – Debate Project 1/7/20 Professor Anderson • Page requirement – Minimum of 6 pages. Although this may seem a lot, remember that your Cover page is considered 1 page, and the References/Works cited page would be the last page of your report. Therefore, you will only need to have at least 4 pages of content. If you have more pages, then that is fine. Just have enough information to support your stance and bash the opposing side. 7. Review the Grading Rubric to compare your report before submission. 8. Submission #1: • You must submit a draft of your report by: Monday, March 23rd • Your draft should include the cover page, company history/introduction (at least one page of content about your topic). 9. Submission #2: • Once again, review the Grading Rubric and submit your Final Report by: • Monday, April 13th PART 2: Business Presentation You have three options to submit your Persuasive Presentation for this project: 1. Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 2. Prezi Presentation (visit to create a free account) 3. Zoom Presentation (visit to create a free account) In your textbook, Chapter 14 is about Business Presentations. Make sure you refer to this chapter to create an effective presentation. Here are the steps for this project: 1. Create a Persuasive Presentation about your topic. 2. Slide 1 – Topic Name, Your Name, Graphic/Logo, Course Name. 3. Slide 2 – Presentation Overview of the slides you will be presenting on 4. Slide 3 – Begin creating individual slides for information you are presenting. 5. It is a CSU MANDATORY REQUIREMENT that this course BUS 7 have students present in front of an audience. Since this is an online course, you will have to have a video created with you presenting to an audience. Here are some suggestions you can use: a. Have at least 3 family members or friends present in your video. This means, actually film them in your presentation as evidence that there is an audience. (You cannot use stuffed animals or pets as your audience) b. You can meet friends from school on the Delta Campus do film your presentation. 6. Presentation Slide requirement: A minimum of 10 slides. 7. Always refer to the Grading Rubric prior to submission. 8. Your Debate Presentation is due by: Monday, May 11th

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

The Advantages of Online Shopping –Physical vs. Online StoresThe Advantages of Online Shopping –Physical vs. Online Stores


Your NameInstructor’s NameEmail [Email Here]Your NameInstructor’s NameEmail [Email Here]

The advent of the eCommerce in the past few decades has led, not only to development of economies, but also to the improvement of the overall lifestyle for everyone. This mode of transaction increased accessibility and affordability of items that once required a great deal of time and resources to ship across the world. On the one hand, it led to greater accessibility of items since eCommerce platforms made it possible for individual buyers and sellers to connect, despite their geographic isolation. On the other hand, this platform also led to greater affordability due to the reduction of shipping costs and the establishment of transport routes, which further led to a freer marketplace. Accordingly, I believe that eCommerce should be prioritized as a mode of transaction by both state, private, and individual institutions in order to further improve the economy of society as well as the lifestyle of the people. Thus, in the following sections of this paper, the author would discuss the role of eCommerce (online marketplaces) as compared to the traditional brick-and-mortar stores.
Our Services
Hassle-Free Buying
eCommerce offers its customers a hassle-free method of searching and buying any product from around the world using a person’s mobile device CITATION Smi19 \l 1033 (Smith, 2019). First, with the help of advanced algorithms to narrow down the customer’s preferences, online platforms allow for a quick and easy search of what the customer want in a matter of seconds. In fact, several eCommerce services offer devices (i.e., Amazon Echo) run by AI, which allows the consumer to purchase what they need by just saying it directly to the device CITATION Rei19 \l 1033 (Reisinger, 2019).
This is beneficial especially for people who does not have the time to find the thing that they need in traditional stores. Second, eCommerce platforms offer the capacity to securely store your financial information and access them readily during purchase. This further contributes to a hassle-free service, since it allows the customer to pay with just a tap of the finger CITATION Ong20 \l 1033 (Ong, 2020). Lastly, this platform stays true with its commitment to hassle-free buying by delivering your purchase directly to your doorstep. No need to go to a physical store to procure your needs, because all you need is a click of a finger.
Discounts and Rebates
eCommerce platforms allow for a ready and available access to a number of discounts, promotions, and rebates at a regular basis. In fact, platforms such as Amazon, eBay, and Craigslist, among others provide regular discounts, which are readily available upon going to their main webpage. There are also other online platforms, such as Facebook Marketplace, that allows customers to buy second hand products with the least amount of price regulations. This g...
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