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6 pages/≈1650 words
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Research Paper
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Is the Death Penalty an Effective Crime, and Should it be Upheld?

Research Paper Instructions:

Composition must be 6-8 pages (approximately 1500-2000 words, not including your references or reflection question responses).

Reflection Questions: 1. How much time did you spend revising your draft? What revision strategies did you use and which worked best for you? (2-3 sentences) I spent about an hour and a half revising my draft. I spent a lot of time going over each of the critiques I was given, and thinking about how I can implement those in a way that will truly make my essay better. Creating unity and coherence was the most satisfying to me, because it allowed me to put everything together in a way that made me proud.

2. List three concrete revisions that you made and explain how you made them. What problem did you fix with each of these revisions? Issues may be unity, cohesion, rhetorical appeals, content, or any other areas on which you received constructive feedback. (4-5 sentences) One I came up with was moving the paragraph on how the production of meat can raise questions in terms of environmental impacts. This helped increase the flow and effectiveness of how the information was being presented. Another critique I made was including a more focused thesis statement. This helped include all of the points I made. Another revision I made was adding more appeals to my claim that chemicals can leach into the groundwater, polluting both the surrounding land and the water supply. This helped add legitimacy to my argument.

3. What did you learn about your writing process or yourself as a writer? How has your understanding of the research process changed as a result of taking this course? (2-3 sentences) I learned that writing a truly good Argumentative Essay is way more than just writing and research. You need to dig deep into your sources, and really learn about both sides of the arguments are you taking on. The entire process is important to make your argument a solid and supported one.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Is the Death Penalty an Effective Crime, and Should it be Upheld?
60 percent of adult Americans support the death penalty for murderers, including 27 percent who strongly support it (Most Americans Favor the Death Penalty Despite Concerns About Its Administration, 2021). A particular view, according to Ichinose, is that whatever you do to another must be done unto you, equating capital punishment to fairness, and believed to be a form of retribution. This argument states that where a perpetrator has committed heinous crimes against an innocent individual and gets equal consequences; as a result, it brings satisfaction to the families of the victim and consoles them. However, morality is questioned when the behavior sought to be suppressed is legitimized. According to Shirley & Gelman p, 16 significant contentions opposing the death penalty cite its inhumaneness, lack of the desired deterrent effect, and lack of moral order. In hindsight, capital punishment varies according to demographics, political ideologies, and the declaration of human rights. Since the death sentence does not serve as an effective deterrence against crime, it should be abolished.
The first reason why capital punishment should be eliminated is that everyone has the fundamental right to life. No one has the right to take the other's life, regardless of whatever crime the individual has committed. Steiker p, 246 contends that black people are more likely to be subjected to extreme executions compared to whites. Capital punishment undermines human decency, which is inborn in every person. The death penalty does not deter crime. According to Chan et al., p, 3 capital punishment approval has greatly reduced over the years. Statistically, regions that have abolished the death penalty have recorded significantly lower murder rates and egregious crimes. It is essential to realize that the death penalty is an infringement of the Eighth Amendment, which safeguards criminals from the barbaric act of capital punishment. With extensive research, there is no convincing proof that the death penalty is a crime deterrent.
Additionally, the death penalty increases the possibility of wrongful execution of the innocent, which is another reason why it should be abolished. The death penalty gives the authorities leeway to subject individuals to it even without sufficient proof of wrongdoing. According to Azamjonovich p, 1879 an innocent person subjected to this treatment will be in mental anguish, and once the individual is executed, it is irreversible. The authorities have failed in conducting proper investigations, thus having the innocent suffer for their mistakes. This lack of work ethic is unacceptable. At least 187 individuals who had previously been sentenced to death in the United States and were on death row but were later exonerated have been recognized by the Death Penalty Information Center. The Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC) published a study in February 2021 stating that exonerated death-row convicts had been wrongfully convicted and sentenced to death in 118 counties across 29 other states.
In addition, the death penalty primarily affects people from minority communities, mainly African Americans and Latinos, compared to Caucasians. According to St...
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