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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Vaccine Hesitancy Essay

Research Paper Instructions:

This is for my HSA3111: U.S. HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS SPRING 2021 Course
Current Heath Events Papers (CHEPS)
The purpose of the Current Health Events Papers (CHEPS) is to succinctly describe a health issue in the U.S. health care system that needs to be reformed and offer recommendations for resolving the issue (a separate issue per paper).
Paper Format: APA 7.0 writing style (title page, font, font size, spacing, margins, paragraph alignment, and heading).
PAGES: 5 Max total including title and reference pages.
Title page includes: TOPIC, YOUR NAME, COURSE INFO, CHEP# 1, Chapters cited from textbook tell page number and chapter used.
Paper should include title page, max of three (3) pages of actual content, and a Reference page (max of five (5)pages total). All resources are cited within the body of the paper and included in the References in correct APA 7.0 style.

Sources: use three(3) sources (one source from each category below). As well as integrate at least 2 chapters from of the Course Textbook Shi, L. & Singh, D. A. (2019). Essentials of the US Health Care Systems (5th ed.). chapters: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 13, and 14.
Link to Course Textbook. https://customessayorder(dot)com/download.php?id=267680&f=d6c7e717e931d836dc481b98d9a56924
I have uploaded textbook as well to materials.
Remember to use 3 sources from below (1 source from each category.)
• Newspaper or radio commentaries article—the published dates of your news articles and/or radio commentaries/podcasts date should be January 2021 or later.
• YouTube Video—the published date should be 2011 or later.
• Peer-reviewed journal article—the published date should be 2011 or later. Note that editorials, commentaries, book reviews, etc. although from a peer reviewed journal are not peer-reviewed articles.
• The following resources will help you to identify what constitutes a peer-reviewed journal article:
o Angelo State University: How to Recognize Peer Reviewed (Refereed Journals) —http://www(dot)angelo(dot)edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php
o John Jay College of Criminal Justice: Evaluating Information Sources—http://guides(dot)lib(dot)jjay(dot)cuny(dot)edu/c.php?g=288333&p=1922599h
o Remember Textbook chapters—integrate at least two(2) of the following course chapters into your CHEP: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 13, and 14. The following link is for the course textbook. https://customessayorder(dot)com/download.php?id=267680&f=d6c7e717e931d836dc481b98d9a56924
• Your sources must have some relevance to the course. The articles must relate to the issue that needs reform. Please exclude articles from abstracts, blogs, organizational websites, organizational newsletters, WebMD, Wikipedia, press releases, Letters to the Editor, editorials, reviews or summaries of articles and other resources we have used for this course for discussion assignments.
Write the paper. Using the sources, you selected for topic now write the paper.
• Include a clear introduction with statistics and a clear thesis statement.
• Be sure to identify and describe at least three (3) reasons for the issue that needs to be reformed and
• explain at least three (3)approaches to resolving the issue.
Components in the paper points (follow outline below when writing)
Introduction: Start with an attention grabber (short story, example, statistic) that introduces issue. Give an overview of the issue. Highlight background information on the issue to facilitate understanding of the issue. End with a thesis statement (1 – 2 sentences) that tell what the paper will focus on and briefly outline the main points of the paper. Be sure to identify three causes of the issue and three solutions for resolving the issue.
Body: Clearly describe the three causes of the issue as listed in the thesis. Give strong examples, details, and explanations to support each main point. Provide three solutions to the issue and rationale for why these solutions will solve the issue. Support your points using cited information from your resources including your textbook.
Conclusion: Restate your thesis from the introduction in different words. Briefly summarize each main point found in the paper (avoid going over two sentences for each point). Give a statement of why this issue needs to be resolved in the U.S. health care system and consequences of not addressing the issue. End with a strong clincher statement (an appropriate, meaningful final sentence that ties the issue of the paper to course).
Paper Format: Paper is formatted using correct APA 7.0 writing style (title page, font, font size, spacing, margins, paragraph alignment, and heading). Title page includes CHEP number and list of textbook chapters cited. Paper should include title page, max of three pages of actual content, and a Reference page (max of five pages total). All resources are cited within the body of the paper and included in the References in correct APA 7.0 style.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Vaccine Hesitancy
Name of Student
Chapter 1-page 5
Chapter 3-page 54
Vaccine Hesitancy
Vaccines have become very important in the fight against diseases. Vaccines are administered to either adults or children. The medical sector is always in favor of vaccination to prevent certain conditions. However, not all people are for vaccinations. One of the most common issues in vaccination is vaccine hesitancy. The World Health Organization (WHO) coined this term to define refusal or delay in accepting vaccines despite their availability and usefulness (Abrahams, 2020). There are three leading causes of vaccine hesitancy. They are lack convenience, complacency, and lack confidence. This paper will study the causes of vaccine hesitancy and the various approaches employed to address the issue.
The first cause of vaccine hesitancy is lack of convenience. This cause refers to the inability to access immunization services. Some of the people living in third-world countries barely have access to primary medical care. In the U.S, low-income adults are dependent on Medicaid for their medical needs (Shi, & Singh, 2019, p.5). They are hesitant to go out actively and seek vaccines. There is also the cultural context. Various cultures have various beliefs in regards to vaccination and medical treatment in general (Dubé et al., 2013). These societies usually address medical needs based on their premises. For those living in rural America, they treated themselves with medicine passed down from generations (Shi, & Singh, 2019, p.54). It would be difficult to change their perspective. The second cause of vaccine hesitancy is complacency. Some people believe that vaccines are somewhat optional and a low risk of contracting Vaccine Preventative diseases (VPDs) (Dubé et al., 2013). The third cause is a lack of confidence in vaccines. Some people view vaccines as ineffective. Perhaps they have seen a loved one being injected with a vaccine only to die from the VPD. There are also safety concerns with the vaccines. Some individuals are skeptical as to whether these vaccines cau...
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