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Research Paper
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Literature Review for Obesity

Research Paper Instructions:

1.)You need to select a minimum of 5 research articles (peer-reviewed primary sources) from the literature search that was conducted to justify the PICOT question. (Please see PICOT documents attached, message me if you have any questions) The PICOT research paper has 10 articles, choose 5 out of the 10 articles in the paper which are (peer-reviewed primary sources) for this paper.
2) Next analyze all articles you selected. You need to pay attention to how the research question, purpose, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion of the paper and how these support the research question. Add your knowledge about research to it and how this affects nursing practice. (REMEMBER NURSING PRACTICE).
3) Last, write a short paper (6-9 pages in total). Include both in-text citations and a complete APA 7th edition reference list for all the articles you reviewed/selected.
2. Make sure you review the grading rubric. The elements on the rubric will inform your grade for the assignment which is attached as well.
Please note: I have attached the PICOT question, the PICOT APA paper, the INFO-Graphic for the PICOT and the rubric for the Literature Review paper.
Please please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Literature Review
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Literature Review
Obesity among children remains a significant challenge that needs immediate attention. Without proper interventions, more children will be overweight and obese in the future. Such children will be vulnerable to illnesses associated with obesity. Parents are crucial in dealing with the issue since they are the primary caregivers. It is essential to examine the role parents can play in ensuring that their children engage in healthy lifestyle behaviors. The problem requires extensive research to establish what should be done to address it. As a result, academic articles are needed in the research process. This literature review analyzes five articles examining obesity and parent relationship by addressing the PICOT question: Are children (P) born to obese parents without family-based physical activity (PA) programs (I) at increased risks for obese condition (O) compared with those born with the normal condition (C) aged below 18 years) (T)?
In the first study, Brown et al. (2018) conduct a systematic review to investigate the effectiveness of school-based interventions that major on dietary intake and physical activity to address child obesity. Randomized and nonrandomized interventions between 2007 and 2016 involving dietary and physical activity were searched in multiple databases. The search was limited to peer-reviewed journal articles in PubMed, Health Source, MEDLINE, PsycBOOKS, Psychology, and Behavioural Sciences Collection, PsycINFO, SocINDEX, and SPORTDiscus. The search terms used included “child overweight,” “child obesity,” “physical activity,” “nutrition,” “health education,” “body mass index (BMI),” “BMI -score,” “BMI-SDS,” and “school intervention.” The search produced 8,866 titles, where 78 of them considered relevant. Fifteen studies met all the inclusion criteria and were selected. The investigators ensured study quality by ensuring the validity and quality of all the individual articles. They employed Downs and Black’s tool for determining the methodological quality of the articles. The tool had 27 items scored one or zero, with a higher score demonstrating more quality. Studies that scored more than 50% of the items were considered high quality and included. The results indicated that school-based interventions with healthy eating (HE) and PA effectively improve BMI among elementary school children. Similarly, HE and PA can reduce instances of overweight and BMI (Brown et al., 2018). The analysis further noted that teachers play a critical role in learners’ social environment. Instructors can positively influence the behaviors of the learners through teacher-initiated interventions. Teachers remain vital to the sustainability of the interventions that have a long-term impact (Brown et al., 2018). The influence of parents in the intervention effectiveness remained unclear due to the different levels of parental involvement in the studies used. The study suffered from apparent drawbacks. Firstly, using a single reviewer and BMI as an obesity marker led to methodological limitations (Brown et al., 2018). Havi...
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