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2 pages/≈550 words
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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Impact of the Morse Fall Scale and the Medicare Fall Assessment in Fall Prediction and Prevention

Research Paper Instructions:

This is a quality improvement project for a capstone ( DNP clinic scholarship project)
The major topic is related to falls prevention in older people living in nursing homes.
The focus is on fall assessment tools. I want to compare MORSE fall scale ( or another fall assessment tool you find more appropriate for elderly in nursing homes) with a fall assessment tool already in use at our job place ( I call this tool " Medicare fall risk assessment "), but i am not sure of the name. You will find it in attachment and try and find the right appellation.
I formulated a PICOT Question. You can modify it depending on your findings.
There is also a list of reference, but feel free to use other publications if you want to.
Complete the DNP Project Template
Please feel free to reach out to me for more clarifications about the assignment.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
DNP Project Template (25 points)
Directions: Outline the essential elements needed to begin designing a clinical scholarship project. Complete the following items on the word document (.docx) provided in the module (download the document, complete it, then upload into the assignment area). Alternatively, please copy and paste the assignment (below) into your word document (.docx), then upload it into the assignment area.
Name (-1 point if missing)
Date (-1 point if missing)
Problem or Issue with APA citation. (2 points): Falls and fall-related injuries have become a significant problem among older adults, especially those living in Long Term Care Facilities (LTCF) (Burns & Kakara, 2018).
Background/Significance (3 points) (minimum of 3 bullet points [max. 5] citing evidence from credible sources in APA to establish the significance of the problem or issue)
* Falls are common in the elderly, especially 65 years old and above, living in long-term care facilities, resulting in unintentional injuries or even death (Burns & Kakara, 2018).
* The incidence of falls is higher in the elderly with chronic kidney disease, previous cerebrovascular accidents, and a history of fall/fracture (Alves et al., 2017).
* Existing fall risk assessments usually identify the level of risk but do not determine the specific factors that are most important in fall prediction and prevention (Lindberg et al., 2020).
Purpose of the Project (2 points)
The purpose of this study is to compare fall risk assessment tools, the Morse Fall Scale and the Medicare Fall Assessment, on their impact on the elderly who are living in Long Term Care Facilities (LTCF) to improve quality of care through fall prediction and prevention.
Overall AIM (Goal) (2 points) (Should be SMART)
The study will compare the impact of the Morse Fall Scale and the Medicare Fall Assessment in fall prediction and prevention on older adults living in Long-Term Care Facilities (LTCF).
Outcome Measures
•Morse Fall Scale
•Medicare Fall Assessment
Study Question(s) (3 points)
* PICO(T) format (e.g., Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019, Appendix A, pp. 706-7)
For the elderly living in long-term care facilities, what is the impact of using the Morse Fall Scale compared to the Medicare Fall Assessment in preventing falls?
EBP Framework (3 points) (Identify the EBP framework to guide the project and 1-3 sentences explaining why this was selected)
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