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Pecha Kucha Program Presentation on Injury prevention program

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Topic: Injury prevention model program: Community campaign due to distracted driving motor vehicle accident younger adult in Qatar.
1. Program presentation clearly introduces the situation or mechanism of injury that provides evidence as to why an injury prevention program is necessary.
2. Program presentation clearly identifies all appropriate inputs required for program to be implemented effectively.
3. Program presentation clearly identifies appropriate participants and rationale for choosing them. 
4. Program presentation clearly identifies all appropriate activities to be implemented in the program. 
5. Short-, medium- and long-term outcomes are clearly identified and appropriate for program.
6. Evaluation methods are clearly identified and appropriate for short-, medium- and long-term term outcomes.  
Please use below articles as reference for logic model

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Please include the slide content, I will do the PPT myself. Use bullet points
Slide 1: Introduction
* The issue of unintended injuries in teenagers and children require strategies to be put in place in aiding prevention of the injuries.
* Community-based injury prevention is a type of an intervention, which can be put in place in avoiding injuries for the above-mentioned groups.
* The community-based intervention strategy focuses on the dynamic behaviors of young people, ensuring change within a certain environment and formulating and implementing policies based on injury prevention.
* Injury approaches such as that of community-based, are effective in ensuring better safety practices. A safety practice can be in the form of fitting safety belts for children in vehicles and use of helmets by children when riding bicycles.
* On adolescents and teenagers, advocating for practices such as avoiding drunk driving can be an additional safety measure within the framework of community-based intervention strategies.
Slide 2 Definition of Injury Prevention
* Prevention involve all activities aimed at ensuring damage is avoided in our day-to-day life. Prevention involve various steps including:
* Primary prevention- intervention plans prior occurrence of health effects. Primary prevention activities include ban of substances related to a certain health risks.
* Secondary prevention- in secondary prevention, procedures such as screening in order to identify injuries in the early stages.
* Tertiary prevention- activities involved in tertiary injury prevention include rehabilitation on how to manage and cope with certain injuries while recovering.
* To enact an effective community-based plan, understanding of injury prevention in relation to their levels to cater for the community’s health needs.
Slide 3 Injury and Human Development
* There are significant progress being made in increasing the survival chances of a child in the 20th century.
* Reduction in injury and increasing survival rates among the young population is because of environmental and health interventions. These interventions include improved nutrition, injury prevention
* Improvement in health care through community-based programs has contributed to the reduction of injury cases among
Slide 4 Elements of the Logic Model Injury Prevention
* Community-based interventions are those interventions or efforts targeting a specific group of people or a certain local community.
* Important to note is that interventions in community-based programs are not directed on a particular person or individuals.
* Local communities considered in community-based interventions include schools, cities and municipalities.
* Strategies employed in interventions for community-based programs include behavioral change, legislation & enforcement and education.
For educational strategies, it comprises of activities, for example, public announcements, broadcast through mass media or printed or written material.
IF- THEN relationship on outcomes
Slide 5 Strategies in Community-based Injury Prevention
* If the community-based programs are to be successful, there are certain elements, which need to be observed.
* I...
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