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Gender Norms that are Reinforced and Valued by the Institution of the Military

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The U.S. Military, like most institutions in our society, reinforces and rewards traditional gender norms. In particular, a specific type of masculinity that emphasizes aggression and stoicism is rewarded by the military. In this discussion you will explore how the organization of the institution around ideals of masculinity and femininity makes it such a gendered environment. For this discussion review the following:
Wendy Kaminer’s article on gender issues in the Army
Dave Philipps article on gender integration of the Marines
Adam Johnson’s TEDx Talk on Masculinity in the Military
Antonia Hoyle’s article on Katrina Hodge, who won the Miss England competition while serving in the British army.
Next, address the following:
What are the gender norms that are reinforced and valued by the institution of the military?
In Chapter 8 you read about how social institutions can reinforce traditional conceptions of gender even if the people involved in those institutions want to change them. In what ways does the institution of the military reinforce traditional notions of masculinity and femininity outside of the individual soldiers?
Explain three of the most popular reasons that women’s participation in military combat roles has been opposed. How do these justifications reinforce traditional notions of masculinity and femininity? Do women need to conform to ideals of masculinity to properly serve in the military? Are there dangers to women maintaining feminine ideals while also serving in the military?
Discuss some of the consequences of maintaining rigid traditional gender ideologies related to masculinity and femininity in the military. Are there potential consequences for challenging rigid traditional gender ideologies related to masculinity and femininity in the military?

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Discussion: Masculinity and Femininity
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Discussion: Masculinity and Femininity
Femininity is a trait that resembles a woman, while masculinity is a trait that reflects a man. In the military, masculinity and femininity are important ideals since they make a gendered environment. However, according to Kaminer (1997), women should not be seen as weak vessels in the Army. It is a painful process to gauge strength in women. In most cases, a feminine woman in leadership is considered bossy, while a masculine man is considered a leader.
The two may have equal strength, but one of them will be denied the opportunity to lead since they are women. There is an urgent need to give equal opportunities and revise combat rules to embrace skills reflected in women (Kaminer, 1997). Corporal Hodge is a perfect example in the case of a gendered environment. She still won a prestigious award despite being in the military (Hoyle, 2009). Gender norms are usually behaviors that define men and women in society.
Different norms have been actualized in the military. For example, women have the opportunity to take more prominent roles in the military. However, the norms (behavior) usually encounter resistance, but they are valued in the military institutions. Military values are hono...
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