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Mental State Examination: Appearance, Behavior, and Attitude

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Please follow the marking criteria
I will upload more documents to assist with writing the assessment
• MSE transcript for the video
• Template example of how to write the MSE
• Template to write the MSE
I will also upload the instructions, please anything highlighted in RED follow to dot.
1. Ability to correctly identify information for each of the mental state examination domains.
2. Ability to use the correct terminology to describe observations.
3. Accurate and appropriate use of quotes in the mental state examination.
4. Brief critique of how the mental state examination interview could be improved.
1. Use the blank MSE template to write the assessment.
2. Watch the MSE interview video of Dave and use the template to complete the MSE.
3. Make sure to watch the video several times as you may pick up different things over a few viewings.
4. While watching the video, write down quotes that would be ideal for different sections of the MSE.
5. Link for the video https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=iOPHMkxreoc
• Use respectful and non-judgemental language in your documentation.
• Document what you observe, not your interpretations.
• Use the correct terminology from the MSE training program.
• Use the person’s words (ie. quotes) to demonstrate points.
• Do not write in bullet points, use a narrative style.
Your critique is about how the session could have been improved. For example, you could critique the questions the practitioner used, things that might have been missed or could have been asked in a different way.
Write your critique in paragraph format using APA7 formatting.
No referencing required.

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Mental State Examination
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Due Date
Mental State Examination
Appearance, behavior, and attitude

Dave appeared to be of average build and lacked any tattoos or body piercings that could be seen. Dave was appropriately dressed in a navy-blue shirt, long, neat gray slacks, and exceedingly unprofessional-looking sneakers. His hygiene was not in disarray because he was clean-shaven, well maintained, and had no mustache or beard. Overall, Dave did not seem to have been given short shrift. Dave was courteous and helpful during the entire examination. He answered every question with the best possible explanations. But throughout the interview, Dave acted politely and respectfully toward the interviewer. Because Dave was responding to the voices owing to auditory inputs, his behavior may have occasionally appeared wrong.
Dave stuttered, occasionally denying the doctor the chance to speak or respond, but he could also take his time answering things that seemed to worry him. He frequently gave the impression that he was anxious because he kept shifting in his chair and fiddling with his fingers before answering questions. Dave attempted to maintain eye contact with the physician. He had no tremors, psychomotor slowness, or other odd movements.
The patient did a great job listening to instructions and answering the doctor's questions. The patient struggled to concentrate and was often sidetracked. The patient periodically zoned out during the session since he could chuckle without telling the therapist why. He did, however, respond to all of the therapist's inquiries. He became irritated and requested that the staff ask about his work, which he believed to be more significant, after realizing the therapist was not requesting information about it. He continued to sputter and seemed under pressure until the session's conclusion. Despite some interruptions at the start of the shift, the patient responded to the therapist's queries. He expressed negativity in his phrase construction and gave terse responses to questions, which revealed a poor attitude.
Additionally, he had terrible posture; his arms were folded, and he often stared at the ground. He exhibited unfavorable body language and lacked excitement when responding to queries. When asked about his happiness level on a scale of one to ten, one being sad and ten being very happy, he placed himself on a scale of 3.52. This was an indication that he was pretty unhappy. Since he did not have a job to keep him busy, he had little interest in daily activities. He watches television on the couch at home most of the time. Dave experienced a sense of laziness and physical heaviness.


The patient's tone and volume were both low, and he occasionally took an unusually long time to respond to inquiries. It is because he sometimes stuttered due to having his attention divided. During the session, he did not exhibit any symptoms of elevation or wrath, and he demonstrated poverty of speech. The patient had no trouble communicating in English, and his speech was clear. He was easy to start talking with, had a chatty personality, and gave an excellent response to the therapist's attempt...
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