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Career planning. Information Literacy Project. Financial Manager.

Essay Instructions:

Information Literacy Project
Over the next few sessions we will be learning about information literacy. Information literacy is a means of learning about the resources available to you through the Penn State library system. We will be learning about these resources by researching career paths and interests
Part 1 – you will need to choose a career or area of interest that you would like to explore in more detail. Using the Department of Labor Occupational Survey website/database, find the following information about your career/project:
1. Educational expectations (do you need a master’s degree, doctorate, technical training, internships?)
2. Salary levels
3. In what different directions can you go with this career/interest?
4. What type of companies are hiring people with your career choice?
5. What is the job outlook for the careers you are looking at? What is the rate of job growth?
What is the work environment and job expectations? Do they fit the type of lifestyle and direction you hope to achieve?

Part 2 – Using the appropriate database, find an article about your career/area of interest
Print the article
Annotate the article

Part 3 – Using the above information you will write a 1 ½ to 2 page paper containing the following information
Paragraph 1 – Introduction stating your general career or area of interest and why this is important or of interest to you. Relate this interest to self knowledge ( why did you chose this career based on your strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, influences that inspired you, etc)
Paragraph 2 - What did you learn about career/interest from the Dept of Labor Occupational Survey index? Be sure you cover all the questions for this database
Paragraph 3 – Now that you have read about the career opportunities open to you in this field, think about the specifics of why you choose to go in this direction within the larger field choice. For example, in the database you may have shown an interest in business and decided to research computer technology. Why did you choose this field? Are you creative and enjoy creating software? Are you good at working with data and find data analysis interesting? Do you like solving problems and think that being a system analyst would be a good direction?
Paragraph 4 – Summarize the article you read in as many sentences as it takes to share the important information. Explain how this article relates to your career/interest and what you learned from the article.
Paragraph 5 - Concluding paragraph should be an overview of what you have learned about your career/major and a personal response to what you have learned.​

Your paper should be typed in an 11 -12 point font and double spaced.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Financial Manager
Part 1
1. Educational expectations (do you need a master’s degree, doctorate, technical training, internships?)
Bachelor’s degree
2. Salary levels
$127,990 per year or $61.53 per hour.
3. In what different directions can you go with this career/interest?
With this career interest, one can also become a financial analyst, budget analyst, an accountant or auditor, a loan officer, or a personal financial advisor.
4. What type of companies are hiring people with your career choice?
Auditing firms, Banks, Insurance companies, the government, manufacturing companies, etc.
5. What is the job outlook for the careers you are looking at? What is the rate of job growth? What is the work environment and job expectations? Do they fit the type of lifestyle and direction you hope to achieve?
This career is expected to grow at an alarming rate of 16% from 2018 to 2028. As the economy grows, it is highly likely that services offered by financial managers will also grow in demand.
Financial managers work full time which translates to 40 hours a week. However, it is possible to find others working more than 40 hours a week. I believe 40 hours a week fits the type of lifestyle and direction I hope to achieve.
Part 2
ACCA. (2016). Financial management and business success – a guide for entrepreneurs.
The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants is a well-known body internationally. The body is known for its business-relevant guides that it often offers businesses and entrepreneurs. In this particular article, the association presents an article that seeks to offer great counsel for entrepreneurs. One major issue that is indicated in the article is that financial management is at the heart of running a successful business. Financial management helps to hold everything together. By making sure the finances are properly managed, a business can ensure that it takes advantage of the opportunities that come around. Some of the key points highlighted in the article include business planning and its impact on the financial position of a business. There is also a plan to finance the business, financial control which details the right capabilities that can help enhance a business. Finally, there is business improvement which details how financial improvement is crucial if or when used to drive growth and improvement in a business.
Part 3
Financial management is at the heart of everything in life. As an individual, one has to be able to plan and manage their finances well. Everything in life springs from how well people are able to manage their finances. I had this friend whose parents...
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