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2 pages/≈550 words
3 Sources
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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News Article Review. Literature & Language Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

Conduct online research to locate a news article from Jan 1, 2020 or later that addresses the following learning outcome:
Explain the concept of spillovers and their impact on resources allocation, and the corrective actions needed.
Use the outline below to format your Article Review
Article Title:
Date: (must be from 1/1/2020 or later)
Web Address (worth 10 points):
Complete, working URL for your article. The URL must open your article in order to earn points.
Brief Summary of the Article. (100 words, worth 25 points):
Summarize the key points in your own words.

Explain how this article relates to the learning outcomes. Be specific and give examples. (250 words worth 50 points)

What is your critique of the article. (150 words worth 20 points):
This is not an opinion. It is an analysis of gaps, contradictions, disparities in the text, as well as unanswered questions.

APA References, Spelling, and Grammar (worth 20 points):
Only list references for sources that are cited in-text. Do not cite sources in-text unless you provide a reference.
Support sections 3 through 5 with concepts from the assigned reading plus other appropriate sources. Use in-text citations to identify the source of every idea that comes from your sources. You will earn credit only for your own original work (paraphrase, do not quote). There is no credit for quoted content. Furthermore, using any quoted content without properly identifying it as such will result in a zero for the Assignment. See https://writing(dot)wisc(dot)edu/Handbook/QPA_paraphrase.html for an explanation of the difference between paraphrasing and plagiarism. Let your instructor know if you have any questions about this fundamental rule of scholarship.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

News Article Review
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
News Article Review
Spillover is an occurrence of an economic event in an unrelated context or condition. For that reason, policymakers and government alike should embark on effective strategies to minimize the existence of a spillover. A spillover effect can entail an impact that unrelated events in a country can have on other nations. Although an overflow can have a positive effect, it can have negative implications for different parts of the world. For instance, a decline in consumer spending in the United States can have a spillover impact on the economies that depend on the country. Spillovers have a significant effect on the allocation of resources and, thus, the need to implement effective strategies to address the issues.
Article title: The US-China Trade War: A Timeline
Date: 13th May, 2020
Author: Dorcas Wong and Alexander Chipman Koty
Page: N/A
Article Summary
The article reveals a trade battle between the US and China as the largest economies. The antagonism between the two countries influenced them to impose tariffs on each other’s goods worth billions of dollars. According to the findings in the article, President Donald Trump accused China of its unfair trading practices and theft of intellectual properties. Notably, America attempts to curb its prominence as a global economic power. Despite the negotiation efforts, the two countries have sustained trade antagonism. According to Wong and Koty (2020), Trump imposed a policy to make imported goods more expensive as a strategy to encourage consumers to purchase products from the United States. While the United States imposed tariffs on Chinese products, the United States retaliated with tariffs on more than $10 billion US goods.
Relation of the article to learning outcomes
The trade war between the United States and China is an ideal example of an economic spillover between countries. According to the news article, China accuses the United States of launching one of the most robust trade wars in economic history. In this case, the former slapped retaliatory tariffs on the imports from the United States after imposing duties on Chinese products. The scenario marked the start of trade wars between the most significant economies (Wong & Koty, 2020). After President Trump imposed trade tariffs, Beijing responded by imposing levies on the imports from the United States. Notably, trade bullying jeopardizes the worldwide industrial chain and prevents global economic recovery. Therefore, the scenario is likely to affect both consumers and multinational corporations.
The trade war between China and the United States resulted in a market confusion among the economies. A prospect of trade wars results in soaring prices of some...
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