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3 pages/β‰ˆ825 words
4 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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How Collaboration Affect Clinical Decision Making and Where Does it Lead to?

Essay Instructions:

Collaboration Paper
This assignment is a Formal Paper, (formal essay is a piece of writing that informs or persuades its audience).
This includes APA format, title page, headings, literature review, proper citation per APA, logical sequence, conclusions, clarity, understanding of the topic, and reference list.
The paper should be 3 or pages in length excluding the title page and reference page.
The paper must demonstrate independent ideas and conclusions.
At a minimum, the following topics must be well articulated in the paper.
The discussion of each topic requires citations that are current (less than 5 years old) and relevant. Number of sources 4 or more.
• Explain how multidisciplinary collaboration can affect clinical decision making.
• Discuss how collaboration can lead to improved patient outcomes.
• Discuss how lack of collaboration can lead to poor patient outcomes.
• Identify three barriers to professional collaboration among healthcare professionals and patients?
• What are the five best ways to promote professional collaboration in pediatric primary care?
• How can the nurse practitioner encourage and support collaboration among the patient, family, caregivers, and healthcare professionals?

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Collaboration refers to the process where many people work together to achieve a common goal. In particular, it is significant in a healthcare setting where different specialists unite to provide high-quality patient care. In a clinical setting, different departments are supposed to collaborate and cooperate to ensure that their clients get the best healthcare services. Collaboration in the healthcare setting facilitates high-quality patient care since various departments and professionals come together to achieve a common goal.
How Multidisciplinary Collaboration Influences Decision Making in a Clinical Setting
Multidisciplinary collaboration refers to an approach that is designed to enhance proper practice and thinking in healthcare systems. In other terms, it facilitates proper clinical decision-making processes since it enables people and departments to be on the same page. In a clinical setting, the thing that matters the most is how doctors, nurses, therapists, pharmacists, and nurse practitioners work together to ensure that patients get the most appropriate medical services (Saint-Pierre, Herskovic, & Sepulveda, 2018). Notably, each of the above professionals holds significant responsibilities in the treatment procedure. However, when these individuals combine their expertise and focus on improving patient care, no barrier can prevent them from achieving established goals. Consequently, multidisciplinary collaboration is the key to a successful treatment process in a healthcare setting.
How Collaboration Improves Patient Outcomes
Collaboration fosters quality medical services, which improves patient outcomes. Lyndon Morley and Angela Cashell (2017) affirm that it brings multiple people together such that they interact effectively to achieve uniform goals. When different specialists in the healthcare setting collaborate, they combine their ideas, skills, tasks, and social inputs. At this juncture, the diverse background of employees becomes advantageous since people from distinct cultures are talented differently. When they come together, these individuals do the impossible and help one another to improve their weaknesses. Morley and Cashell show that collaboration enhances effective communication, respect, trust, cooperation, negotiation, and a proper understanding (Morley & Cashell, 2017). As such, when healthcare professionals collaborate, they significantly improve patient care.
The Effects of the Lack of Collaboration in a Healthcare Setting
The failure of healthcare professionals’ collaboration can result in poor or adverse patient outcomes. As discussed above, when different specialists come together, they focus on achieving a common objective. Additionally, it fosters respect, interpersonal communication skills, trust, cooperation, negotiation, and understanding (Saint-Pierre, Herskovic, & Sepulveda, 2018). In other terms, all the above factors are absent when there is no collaboration in a healthcare setting. On that note, doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals work alone without cooperating, which results in poor patient outcomes. For example, if a nurse interacts with a sick pers...
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