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Signature Assignment: CLABSI Prevention in Hospital Settings Through Handwashing

Essay Instructions:

My subject is Clabsi's
I need 3 articles within 5 years each with 350 word summary of each article with the below information required on proposed solution on Clabsi's in a hospital ICU setting:
Locate at least 3 original research articles that provide evidence for your proposed solution to your selected problem.
The articles must be peer reviewed, published within the past 5 years, and statistically significant.
Write a 350-word summary (x3) of each article in which you:
1. Identify current guidelines or best practices relating to your proposed solution, or if there are protocols, the current standard of care.
2. Define your proposed intervention(s) to address the problem.
3. Explain how the intervention will result in a solution to the problem.
This assignment is to be formatted as a single paper - do not submit the three article summaries separately.
Include a single Reference Page as the last page of the paper with all three references listed in APA format.
Your paper must be organized using APA Level I headings.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

CLABSI Prevention in Hospital Settings Through Handwashing
Student Name
Program Name or Degree Name (e.g., Master of Science in Nursing), Walden University
COURSE XXX: Title of Course
Instructor Name
Month XX, 202X
CLABSI Prevention in Hospital Settings Through Handwashing
In modern healthcare practices, central venous catheters (CVCs) are an indispensable resource used in performing hemodialysis, administering medications through the blood to deliver fluids and nutrients, and monitoring hemodynamic status. In the United States alone, over 150 million intravascular devices are sold annually. They are available in different types and sizes based on the purpose and anticipated duration of catheterization. While the application of catheters is vital for current treatment methods, it also poses a danger as a potential infection source. The use of catheters involves an invasive procedure and the subsequent integument leading to complications like exit-site and bloodstream inflections. The pathogens causing these infections either migrate along the surface area of the catheter into the bloodstream or deep tissues of the body or are introduced into the hub of the catheter, where they enter into the lumen. CLABSI, therefore, is among the common health complications that patients are more likely to suffer from when admitted in a hospital setting where the use of the catheters is necessary. Prevention of CLABSI is not a one-step action. Instead, it involves a series of actions, including washing hands, using appropriate skim antiseptic, ensuring that skin prep agents are dry before insertion of the central line and using all the five maximal sterile barrier precautions: mask, cap, sterile gown, and sterile gloves. Washing hands is among the established guidelines for the prevention of CLABSI in care settings.
Resource Articles
CLABSI are preventable infections often contracted within a care setting. The most effective and less costly way of preventing infections is handwashing. As shown in the articles below, adherence to these guidelines helps prevent further infections, longer-hospital stays, increased medical bills, and potentially high mortality rates. Therefore, my proposed solution is the strict adherence to handwashing guidelines besides the other mentioned preventive solutions.
Article 1 (Esposito, Guillari, & Angelillo, 2017)
The purpose of the article was to delineate the attitudes, knowledge, and behavior among nurses in the prevention of central line-associated bloodstream infections and their predisposing factors. The study involves a self-administered questionnaire to nurses in outpatient chemotherapy and oncology units in public and private hospitals in the region of Campania (Italy). A majority of the nursing participants knew the main preventive recommendations. These include the use of sterile gauzes, disinfection of needleless connectors, disinfection with hydrogen peroxide, and routine use of anticoagulants solutions. The study found that the need for washing hands before wearing gloves for access to the port of infusion was among the predictors of the likelihood of nurses performing skin aseptic and antiseptic techniques for dressing catheter insertion sites.
The study involved a ...
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