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Early Childhood Science Lesson Plan

Coursework Instructions:

Edtech Lesson Plan

  1. Choose a lesson plan that does not currently include (or minimally includes) technology. (This could be a lesson you've already written for another class or a lesson written by someone else, as long as you credit the source. [2 points]
  2. Revise this lesson plan (BY HIGHLIGHLIGHTING THE CHANGES) to show how you would meaningfully incorporate at least 5 edtech tools (digital games, quizzes, stories, instructional videos, drag and drop, etc.) to support its disciplinary learning objectives. [15 points] 

I created a Kahoot quizzes, please use it in the revised lesson plan. Use the pictures from the document call “Kahoot pictures” to explain how does this strategy and these types of question benefit students?

  1. Include a discussion of the affordances and constraints of your chosen technology tools and the rationale behind your choice of tool(s) and activity(ies). [5 points]

5 edtech tools in total which mean, there are 5 discussion of the affordances, constraints of your chosen technology tools and the rationale behind your choice of tool(s) and activities.

  1. Create an example product to show what you would expect students to produce as a result of participating in this lesson. (This artifact could be something students would generate using technology, or something else they might do as a result of having used a technology tool.) [8 points]
Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Early Childhood Lesson Plan

Name of Lesson

Five Senses

Content area(s)/developmental domain(s) addressed

What concepts or developmental skills will this lesson address?
Content Area: 1. Science— The traits of senses
Developmental Domains:
1. Cognitive Development: This lesson plan focuses on the identification and exploration of the five senses, building understanding of sensory input and the associated vocabulary.
2. Language Development: This lesson plan encourages students to use and expand their vocabulary related to the five senses and to communicate information about their experiences.
3. Physical Development: This lesson plan provides opportunities for students to explore the five senses through active play and movement.
4. Social and Emotional Development: This lesson plan encourages students to explore and discuss their experiences with the five senses. It also encourages students to collaborate, share, and show empathy towards each other.

Brief description of the lesson

1 The students will gain an understanding of the five senses and their functions. They will learn how to identify and describe the five senses and explore how they are used in everyday life.
2 Students will be able to explain the importance of the five senses in everyday life.
3 Students will be able to explain how the five senses interact with each other.
4. Students will be able to identify how the five senses impact everyday life.

This lesson is:

* A new concept/activity
* A review of a previous lesson/activity

* A continuation of a previous lesson/activity
* A conclusion of a concept


Keep in mind appropriate length of an activity for preschool-aged children is 20 mins at most, no more than 45 mins for children K-2 grade)
This activity is about 15 minutes long.

Objective(s) of the activity

What will children know, or demonstrate as a result of this learning experience?
* The students will be able to recognize and differentiate all the five senses.

Connections to standards

Which NYS Early Learning, or Common Core Standards are addressed? Are there other standards used?
New York State P-12 Common Core Learning Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy:
-CCSS. ELA-Literacy RI. K.9: With prompting and support, identify basic similarities and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, or procedures).
-CCSS. ELA-Literacy RL.K.1: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
-CCSS. ELA- Literacy RL.K.11: With prompting and support, make connections between self, text, and the world around them (text, media, social interaction).
-CCSS.ELA- Foundational RF.K.1: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print: a. Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.
-CCSS. ELA-Listening SL.K.1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups: a. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the ...
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