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Consultancy Report for Temple Bar University

Coursework Instructions:

Consultancy Report (40%) Prepare a consultancy report for Temple Bar University focusing on the aspects above. Students will decide on the exact appropriate structure and content but we would expect to see the following elements: Introduction, Main Body, Conclusions and Recommendations, References. The Consultancy Report shall be 2500 (+/- 5%) words in length. Contextual discussion of relevant consultancy and training literature 30% Critical discussion of proposed practice relating to Temple Bar University 40% Commentary on the fit between theory and practice 20% Presentation/professionalism of Report 10%

Notes • Do not search the internet for information and merely present it as your own • Be prepared to put in many hours of independent study and research • Wikipedia is NOT a professional source and will be marked down • Choosing overtly obvious choices increases the chances of plagiarism matches • Plagiarism is taken very seriously and the consequences are severe • Assignments are to be submitted via MyAberdeen ONLY

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Consultancy Report for Temple Bar University
TBU Online Initiative by Temple Bar University (TBU) is an extreme measure that aims to combine profitability with socially responsible behavior. This consultancy report analyzes the measure to determine the program's viability while keeping the external environment and internal strengths and weaknesses in view. The report starts with a general overview of the importance of consultancy and training as treated in the existing literature, followed by a critical commentary on the TBU Online Initiative. The critical overview of the practice extends into identifying potential opportunities and challenges, followed by the coverage of key factors to be considered. Finally, there are recommendations for the university based on the insights from the analysis.
Consultancy and Training
The importance of consultancy and training has only grown over the past few decades following the growing dynamism and unpredictability of the business environment. Consultants use their prowess to bridge the knowledge gap left unattended by their clients. In this way, consultancy is an essential source of articulating the opportunities and challenges, allowing the clients to act wisely and in line with the requirements of the external environment combined with international potential (Manville et al., 2017; Blokdyk, 2018).
At the same time, consultants help clients find the best fit between theory and practice by analysing the opportunity from different perspectives and considering the bigger picture of a scenario. The holistic view allows them to adopt an unbiased approach to a future venture and arrive at realistic conclusions (Manville et al., 2017).
Furthermore, a necessary amount of value of consultancy and individualised training lies in objectivity brought into the analysis. The client may have an overambitious view of the situation due to bias inherent in their desperation. The consultants should adopt an objective approach and apply multidimensional scanning to articulate all potential risks and opportunities to come up with a realistic conclusion (Hodges, 2017). Hence, objectivity is a valuable outcome of relying on consultancy services.
Besides, the coaching combined with the consultancy facilitates knowledge transfer which is a crucial by-product for any client. This knowledge helps them deal with identical future matters more effectively (Dawson-Shepherd et al., 2013). The knowledge transfer also eliminates the need to rely on external aid in the future.
Hence, consultancy plays a vital role in enabling the client to fully use an opportunity and ascertain the viability of a prospect from a realistic standpoint.
Critical Commentary on Temple Bar University’s TBU Online Initiative
Project Efficacy
While evaluating the projected efficacy, it is vital to consider the scope of a project (Zidane & Olsson, 2017). The purpose of the TBU Online Initiative is twofold: to offer employer-validated degrees to the under-served population and to attract potential learners desirous of relying on an established institution. As for the first initiative, it gains support from the following internal strengths of the organisation:
High Visibility: TBU is a globally recognise...
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