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Actions and Uses of Some Common Types of Drugs

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I hope you are doing well.
I want kindly to ask you I need just task 4 its 2 scenarios, I need an answer for them in a high level of everything(answer with detail so I can learn and my teacher 100 make sure I know) because it's my final work and my teachers she so strict. it's so important for me. I need references from UK university or websites

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Action and Uses of Common Drugs
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Action and Uses of Common Drugs
Task 4 Scenario 1
* Can Trimethoprim Treat a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)?
This case scenario is one of a woman in the first trimester of her pregnancy, and she suspects that she has a urinary tract infection. The infection has been confirmed from her urine sample, and the doctor is thinking of prescribing trimethoprim, an antibiotic, for his patient's treatment.
* What Other Condition can Trimethoprim be used for?
Trimethoprim can be used to treat urinary tract infections. It can be prescribed as an antibiotic to heal various types of UTIs, such as cystitis. It comes as a liquid for drinking or a tablet. The drug can also be used to treat bacterial infections by stopping the growth of bacteria.
* Does this Drug have any Side Effects?
The significant side effects of using the trimethoprim include itching, a mild skin rash. These side effects are short-lived or mild. Other side effects include diarrhea, feeling sick, and headache. In these extreme side effects, the patient needs to consult with their doctor or pharmacist for further guidance.
* What Drugs are Suitable to Treat a UTI in Pregnant Women?
The drug is not suitable for expectant mothers as it can harm the unborn baby. The medicine may lower one's folic acid levels hence risking spinal cord defects. A doctor’s guidance in prescription may help the patient intake the appropriate levels of folic acid. Trimethoprim also passes to breast milk, which may not affect the baby, but it is essential to consult the doctor's advice. If a person conceives while taking medicine, it is vital to seek medical counsel.
* Are there Better Drugs that can be used for this Condition in Pregnant Women, and if so, what?
There are, however, other alternative medications that are safe for pregnancy. Nitrofurantoin, cephalexin, and trimethoprim are appropriate alternatives medication during pregnancy (Ghouri, Hollywood, and Kath 2018). These drugs are to be used under strict professional guidance. UTIs are more aggressively managed in pregnant women. It is crucial to carry out related tests to properly determine the correct medication to be prescribed. Pregnant women with recurrent UTIs may need antibiotic prophylaxis.
Task 4 Scenario 2
* What is the Drug Carbamazepine Used to Treat?
The paramedics concluded what happened when Peter was found unresponsive with a bottle of pills containing carbamazepine. Carbamazepine is a drug used to treat epilepsy (Shahzad 2018). The drug is also available in generic form. It comes as a tablet or a liquid for drinking and suppositories. The drug can only be administered to adults or children aged over one-month-old. It is crucial to determine if one has an allergic reaction to the drug or other drugs. Persons with heart conditions cannot take medicine. Also, people with heart conditions or blood disorders cannot take carbamazepine. Epilepsy is a combination of neurological disorders which can lead to the risk of having seizures.
* What is the Recommended Oral Dosage?
When administrati...
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