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10 pages/≈2750 words
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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
English (U.S.)
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Why Should People Invest In Your Stock

Coursework Instructions:

The stock have to choose from. www(dot)investing(dot)com this website. but I already choose the one stock for you. I think it's the best one to invest, if you have other idea, let me know.
It has all stocks and pieces of research you need to put in the coursework. 12pt size and Times New Roman font,Write some references in Harvard style. Do not include References in the word count.All require can check in the file,
total words around 2800字(not include reference)
the most important thing
1. The investment case, tell reader why you choose this stock, the motivation of your choose. (from Nasdase) list recent years performance . 1 to 5 years? maybe
2. analysis of sector, all information can find from "invesing" website. be more specific. analysis of company with aspects good or bad.if you choose one industry, compare with other 2 or 4 best performance company. need calculate the average. important( sector has 3 companies R1 R2 R3, calculate average return sector=(R1+R2+R3)/3, NEED know benchmark
3. Fundamental, details are important
4.Risk Analysis, swot analysis has to explain each one. be more specific.
the stock you choose has to outstanding , and use some evidences, chart (need to analysis increase or decrease, so that you choose it) to analysis

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1 Investment case
Tesla was incorporated in 2003, and it was primarily envisioned to mass produce practical electric cars for the mass market. Over the years the company has evolved, and today It is involved in other sectors, i.e. Energy. Today, Tesla designs develop, manufactures and sells fully electric vehicles. It also produces, installs and provides energy solutions to companies, governments and small-scale users such as businesses and homeowners through its energy division. The company is headed by one of its founders, Elon Musk and it was floated in a NASDAQ on June 29, 2010, where it offered 13.3 million shares at $17, and it managed to raise $226.1 million. Currently, (in the last one week) Tesla stock price is averaging 350 per share and has a market cap of over $61 billion making it America’s most valuable car maker.
Tesla has an energy division which produces electrical energy products and offers related services. Thus, Tesla is also involved in the installation, operation, maintenance of solar storage products. One of the key products it has in the energy solution division is the Powerwall which was envisioned to provide storage of energy for small businesses and homes and takes advantage of electricity rates to maximize value for the user. It also produces, sells and installs solar systems which came on board when Tesla acquired SolarCity and the company also has a strategic partnership with Panasonic in the energy division. 01508125
The car division which is the often-known part of the company has been experiencing challenges, but it has developed in recent years in car production capacity and diversity of cars it produces. The company had bottlenecks in meeting production targets earlier in 2018 owing to ‘excessive automation,’ but in the second quarter, it started producing over 5000 model 3 cars per week as promised by the CEO. It was a great milestone as Model 3 car model is meant for the mass market and it has many preorders that the company has to meet. Over the years, the company has expanded the diversity of car model it offered. Today, Tesla offers model 3 which is meant for the mass market, model S sedan which high a luxury sedan. It also produces model x Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) and Roadster which is a sports vehicle. Tesla has also promised to produce model Y and Tesla semi-trucks and Tesla pick-ups.
Tesla has also been building infrastructure for its products especially the cars. It has thousands of ‘supercharger’ stations all over the country and in other continents. The company has also been building what they refer to as ‘Gigafactory,’ and the first one is near completion in Nevada. The company has scouted, and it is building other giga-factories in other places. Already two giga-factories are being built in Buffalo in New York, and Shanghai China and the company plans to build another one in Europe. Giga-factories are gigantic factories which seek to ensure the company has vertical integration of its products and build everything that goes into its products in-house to reduce the cost of production and maximize profits.
However, the company has broken many b...
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