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1 page/β‰ˆ275 words
3 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Care Delivery Strategies

Coursework Instructions:

Review the major delivery systems presented in this chapter and decide which model closely resembles the one used in your organization, or is there a variation of the model used. (Support with references). Describe the model chosen. I work in an urgent care clinic and the nursing care delivery model that closely resembles the one used in my organization would be a combination of the functional and team model. We  have RNs, LVN and Mas that perform all the same tasks for a large group of patients and the nurses RNs, or LVN coordinates the care and the RN supervises the other team members. 

Is this the best model for the patient population at your facility? Why?(Support with references). Choose a core competency to support your response with a rationale (support with references). I believe they are the best model for our patient population and facility because it provides care quickly and efficiently.  Someone that needs maybe medication, does not have to wait until the RN if free to give that medicine, it can be given by an LVN or MA.

Assess your perception of the care delivered to the patients.  Address the typical patients being served and the characteristics of the care delivery utilized. If a different model would be better, describe the rationale for the alternative model.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Care Delivery Strategies
Course Code and Title
Functional and Team Delivery Models
The delivery model that closely resembles the one used in my organization is a combination of functional and Team models. Here, we have each nurse assigned a specific role based on their functions within the care process. For instance, some nurses are responsible for administering medications, documenting, coordinating, supervising care, and monitoring vital signs (Salisbury et al., 2018). At the same time, we have all nurses collaboratively providing care as a team of professionals, including RNs, LPNs, NPs, and all the other members of the healthcare interprofessional team. According to Giannitrapani et al. (2018), the Team works in unison to provide a comprehensive care plan to all patients in a patient-centered approach.
Is the 'Combination' Model the best at the Health Facility?
The combination of the functional and Team delivery models is highly effective for our health facility and any other healthcare organization. It promotes the core competency of patient-centered care, where care that respects and responds to specific patients' unique needs, values, and preferences is offered (Thorne & Stajduhar, 2017). The 'Combination' model offers personalized care, where specialized care is offered efficiently and care planning and making decisions are done collaboratively in a manner that is focused on the patient. Seco...
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