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4 pages/β‰ˆ1100 words
3 Sources
Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Problem of Having One Person Handling a Department within the Company

Coursework Instructions:

• Task: In this assignment, you will write a short report to the owner of a company to which you have just been hired.

• Length: 1200-1500 words, single-spaced

• Graphics: You must integrate at least one graphic

• Sources: You will integrate at least three sources into the report

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Problem of Having One Person Handling a Department within the Company
Re: Addressing the Problem of having one person handling a department within the company
I am writing to notify you about the problems that are currently facing lawn and order company. The company has only one person per every station who is handling the following; the access to the database department, website maintenance department, blog department, and payroll department. Therefore, there are several concerns in relation to the problems that I have highlighted in my report. The first concern is that having only one person in the mentioned stations is dangerous for the company. If the employees stationed in the mentioned departments are not satisfied with the situation in the company they can decide to cripple the company's business. The second concern is that having only one person in each department running all the affairs is not safe because the individuals can decide that they will run the company as they as they are told but as they see fit. Thank you for your time, hope you look into the my report for more information on the issue.
Executive Summary
Lawn and Order opened in 2010 as a small outfit that has grown into a great company. The company offered lawn mowing and landscaping services to people. The number of clients continued to grow and Chris increased the numbers of trucks, other equipment, and lawn mowers. As the client continued to increase there was a need to have an IT department and Sandra was hired as the web developer, Jack was hired to maintain and develop the customers' database, Marsha was hired to maintain the blog, and Jared was hired to sort out payroll information. The database including the personal information about the customers, which made it easier to contact the clients as well as go to offer the company services. The IT department continued to grow. Every individual took care of their department ensuring that everything on their end was working smoothly. However, several problems were highlighted following the hiring of on per son for each section. Problems and suggestions for solutions are discussed within the paper.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Memo PAGEREF _Toc108736109 \h 1Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc108736110 \h 1The Problem PAGEREF _Toc108736111 \h 1Suggested Solution PAGEREF _Toc108736112 \h 2Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc108736113 \h 2References PAGEREF _Toc108736114 \h 2
The Problem
According to its hiring criteria of Chris, it was not in line with the best security practices when it come to the IT department. Therefore, following the hiring of one per son to handle each section, some issues developed. For instance, Jack is the only one that has the password and uses his ID to access Cloud Secure. So, if Jack was to get sick or encounter an emergency that needs him to stay away from work then there would be a serious problem within the company. The rest of the employees will not be able to access the database information. Therefore, duties within the company will not be performed effectively. In addition, another problem that arises is in the department of maintaini...
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