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1 page/β‰ˆ275 words
2 Sources
Business & Marketing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Discussion Note: The Team Effectiveness Model

Case Study Instructions:

As per the instructions on the syllabus, the discussion note should consist of two paragraphs. In the first paragraph, apply a relevant theory that we have learned and explain why it relates to the case. In the second paragraph, make a recommendation for the manager in the case.
For the “The Team That Wasn’t” case, choose a theory or concept about groups that is relevant to the case. Apply the theory and explain why it is relevant. Support your point with evidence from the case.
Also, make a recommendation about what the manager (Eric Holt) in the case should do to improve the functioning of the team. Support your recommendation with evidence from the case, as well as with the expert commentary. You can base your recommendation on the expert commentary, but be sure to justify and explain why you agree with expert opinion.
Remember to proofread your work, don’t just rely on spellcheck.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:
Name Course Instructor Date Discussion Note The team effectiveness model is appropriate since the members do not work as a team and it is more like a disjointed group with a common goal and vision. The model supposes that the team context is necessary to build team operations, which in turn ensures team effectiveness. Randy is against teams and disruptive when the meetings are held to create teams. Using the team context concept, the model is applicable as there would be more focus on the design, culture and rewards to build a team. Fine Art, Inc has in the past not openly supported teams (Wetlaufer 2). For the team operations the internal factors affecting the organization include in effective communication, lack of clear roles and decision making. At the same time, Randy is seen as indispensable and crucial to the film, but he does not listen to others, while there needs to be an effective team where there is performance, learning and satisfaction. Sin...
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