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Case Study
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Application of Bolman and Deal's Structural Frame in Walt Disney Company's Operation

Case Study Instructions:

In the Module 1 Case, you will write Chapter 1 of your thesis-style paper – relating to the Structural Frame. Using specific examples of “structure” as defined by Bolman and Deal, you will use the Structural Frame as a lens through which you will analyze the effectiveness of the Walt Disney Company.
Begin the Module 1 Case by visiting the Walt Disney Company website:
The Walt Disney Company. (2014). Retrieved on May 8, 2014 from http://thewaltdisneycompany(dot)com/
The following resources should be helpful to you in your analysis of the Case. Chapter 6 of Bryman’s book relates (somewhat ominously) to “control and surveillance” activities at Disney:
Bryman, A. (2004). The Disneyization of society. London: Sage Publications. Retrieved from Ebrary.
Structure implies logistics. Certainly, the artful and skillful deployment of technology will often create useful intelligence – even competitive advantage. And so…is Mickey watching? Read “Big Mickey is Watching”:
Palmeri, C., & Faries, B. (2014). Big Mickey is watching. Bloomberg Businessweek, (4370), 22-23. Retrieved from EBSCO – Business Source Complete.
Using the following assumptions of the Structural Frame, complete an in-depth assessment of the Walt Disney Company:
Organizations exist to achieve established goals and objectives.
Organizations increase efficiency and enhance performance through specialization and a clear division of labor.
Appropriate forms of coordination and control ensure that diverse efforts of individuals and units mesh.
Organizations work best when rationality prevails over personal preferences and extraneous pressures.
Structures must be designed to fit an organization's circumstances (including its goals, technology, workforce, and environment).
Problems and performance gaps arise from structural deficiencies and can be remedied through analysis and restructuring.
The key aspects of this assignment that are to be covered in your 6- to 7-page paper include the following:
Describe the organizational design used by the Walt Disney Company. Is Disney’s structure more or less effective as it relates to the company’s ability to accomplish its stated purpose (vision, mission)? Explain.
Using Bolman and Deal’s Structural Frame, analyze two or three structural characteristics of the Walt Disney Company. Because you cannot cover all structural characteristics in a short paper, you will need to be selective; therefore, choose two or three characteristics that are of particular interest to you. These might include the Walt Disney Company’s strategic plans, more specific goals and objectives, or the company’s policies and procedures. Alternatively, you might select technology or some component of Disney’s external environment (e.g., competition, legal, political, or social environments).
For each structural characteristic that you have included in your Case, discuss the extent to which that structural characteristic has been effective or ineffective relative to assisting Disney attain its stated purpose. Defend your answer in the context of the six (6) assumptions given above (how well do the structural characteristics you’ve identified above ascribe to these assumptions, if at all?).
Having had applied the Structural Frame to the Walt Disney Company, is there anything that you would you do differently? Conclude Chapter 1 of your paper by giving recommendations as to what Disney should do differently, and explain why.
The background readings will not give you all the answers to the Case. Therefore, you will need to perform some research in the library, and use a minimum of 3-4 scholarly sources from the library to support and justify your understanding of the case.
Your paper must demonstrate evidence of critical thinking (if you need tips on critical thinking, http://www(dot)criticalthinking(dot)org/pages/college-and-university-students/799 is an excellent resource).
Don’t simply restate facts – instead, be sure to interpret the facts you have accumulated from your research.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Walt Disney Company
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The Walt Disney Company, established by brothers Roy and Walt Disney in 1923, is among the world's biggest entertainment and media conglomerates. The corporation’s headquarters is in Burbank. The firm is best known for its film and television productions, theme parks, and consumer products. Besides, it owns and operates multiple businesses, including Disney Parks and Resorts and film studios like Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation, and Marvel Studios. The enterprise has a long history of success and has won several awards and accolades. This discussion evaluates the entity by applying Bolman and Deal's structural frame in its operations. The analysis makes recommendations to ensure better performance by the company.
The entity’s organizational design has been a critical factor in its success. Disney's corporate design is based on a decentralized structure with a centralized management system. The decentralized structure of Disney's organizational design is based on a flat company hierarchy. This means that the decision-making authority is distributed across different divisions and departments. This situation allows for greater efficiency, as decisions can be made quickly and flexibly. Additionally, it allows for greater creativity and innovation. Different divisions and departments can find unique solutions to problems.
The centralized management system of Disney's organizational design allows for greater control over various divisions and departments (Wasko, 2016). The head of the company is ultimately responsible for all decisions, while other divisions are tasked with implementing those decisions. This effort ensures that the company operates consistently and that various departments work towards the same goals. The effectiveness of Disney's organizational design is linked to the firm's ability to attain its stated purpose. The decentralized structure allows for greater creativity and innovation, while the centralized management system ensures all divisions work towards similar goals.
The company's strategic plans focus on delivering quality content, creating innovative experiences, and connecting with consumers across multiple platforms. The Walt Disney Company utilizes Bolman and Deal's four-frame model to achieve these goals. This framework looks at an organization from four perspectives (Bajis et al., 2018). The concepts comprise structural, human resources, political, and symbolic frames. These concepts allow the company to create a compelling and comprehensive strategy for achieving its goals and objectives.
Structural Frame
The structural frame focuses on the organization's structure and how it is designed to achieve its mission. The Walt Disney Company has a hierarchical organizational structure, with a transparent chain of command from the CEO to individual divisions and departments. This structure allows the company to coordinate and align its resources to achieve its goals.
Human Resources Frame
The human resources frame looks at the people within the organization and how they are managed and developed. The Walt Disney Company has a strong focus on its human capital. It invests heavily in tr...
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