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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Case Study
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Patient's Spiritual Needs in Light of the Christian Worldview

Case Study Instructions:

In addition to the topic study materials, use the chart you completed and questions you answered in the Topic 3 about "Case Study: Healing and Autonomy" as the basis for your responses in this assignment.
Answer the following questions about a patient's spiritual needs in light of the Christian worldview.
In 200-250 words, respond to the following: Should the physician allow Mike to continue making decisions that seem to him to be irrational and harmful to James, or would that mean a disrespect of a patient's autonomy? Explain your rationale.
In 400-500 words, respond to the following: How ought the Christian think about sickness and health? How should a Christian think about medical intervention? What should Mike as a Christian do? How should he reason about trusting God and treating James in relation to what is truly honoring the principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence in James's care?
In 200-250 words, respond to the following: How would a spiritual needs assessment help the physician assist Mike determine appropriate interventions for James and for his family or others involved in his care?
Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines
Benchmark Information
This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:
BS in Health Sciences 1.2; BS Nursing (RN to BSN ) 5.2
Assess for the spiritual needs and provide appropriate interventions for individuals, families, and groups.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Patient’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis
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Assignment Due Date
Patient’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis
Spirituality and religious affiliations are vital factors to many individuals seeking medical care and treatment. Religion tends to play a part when medical situations that require complex decisions are involved. Patients with strong religious affiliations and beliefs tend to have difficulty making decisions that coincide with religious values and needs. For example, the medical intervention that requires urgent assessment in such a case where parents need to decide on behalf of their children is complex. The paper examines a patient’s spiritual needs and Christian values and beliefs in pursuit of medical care and treatment.
Question 1: Whether Mike Should Have been Allowed to Continue Making Decisions
The physician should not have allowed Mike to make illogical and irrelevant decisions about James’s health situation. In harmful situations about a patient’s health, ethical responsibility by the physicians should be upheld to enhance suitable care for a child’s treatment even though parents hold divergent views. Due to the religious beliefs in miracles, Mike and Joanne postponed the medical therapy to save James’s situation. Permanent dialysis and kidney transplants come from the postponement and refusal of immediate treatment and therapy. Health professionals are also responsible for the medical negligence of children who have parents that cannot make relevant and logical decisions (Forouzi et al., 2017). They are required by professional standards and law to take responsibility in matters where children’s lives are at stake due to parents’ ignorance.
Life-saving interventions are deemed ethical, and parents’ objections do not need to overshadow the efforts of professionals in solving a child’s life that is in danger. When professionals’ efforts and undertakings are intended to save a life, however much the actions contradict the patient’s opinions, the profession deems the situation right and ethical (Weise et al., 2017). Such cases mostly occur in situations like a child and parent or guardian. Physicians need to give support and advice to parents in making logical decisions concerning health and treatment. Parents who fail to honor the advice and recommendations need to be reported to the relevant authority for actions against them.
Question 2: Christian Thinking on Sickness and Health
Christians bear different thoughts and views on sickness status and health. Christians consider illness as a test of their faith in God. In this case, Mike is in a dilemma if God is punishing his son or him or his faith was not enough. Asking questions on sickness and the reason it happens to them is common to religious people. A person may think sickness is God’s reprisal. Shield from illness and good health if was religio...
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