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Literature & Language
Book Review
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Analysis of Lao She's Teahouse

Book Review Instructions:

Please respond to Lao She's three-act play Teahouse, written in 1957 during the first decade of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in Beijing, in two well-written paragraphs for Thursday's rdesponse. You must include quotes with page numbers to support your analysis.(Please use the version of I uploaded, because different version may let reader confuse for page numbers of quotes.)

1. What changes an continuities (if any) are observable across the three acts of the play?
2. What kinds of characters are Wang Lifa, Fourth Elder Chang, Qin Zhongyi, Pockface Liu, and Ding Bao, from your point of view?
3. What is the most memorable scene for you in this play? Why? Please cite a short dialogue or stage description and analyze why it epitomizes the play for you.

Book Review Sample Content Preview:

Reading Response - Teahouse Party
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During the three part play, every reader could easily notice that there is a shift between the themes and the issues being portrayed in every part. However, despite the shift from the context of a weakened China (first act), to the fall of the dynasty and the rise of the Republic (second act), and the end of the war against the Japanese and reactionary functions in the Kuomintang (third act) CITATION Ivydd \l 1033 (, n.d.d), a certain "anarchic theme is present". When I mean anarchic, I refer to the presence of political and social conflicts in each and every act. In my point of view, Wang Lifa - the owner of the teahouse CITATION Newnd \l 1033 (New World Encyclopedia, n.d.) - is the representation of the failure of the people who failed to embrace the new society, which in turn, turned to "escapist" acts (e.g. suicide). In contrasts to this, other characters such as Fourth Master Chang and Qin Zhong Yi - who have already aged CITATION LiH15 \l 1033 (Li, 2015) - represents the people who have endured the sufferings of the political and social turmoil in China. Pock-mark Lui on the other hand, represents the greedy individuals w...
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