Why is History Important (Essay Sample)

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Have you met anyone who is a history buff? Spend even half an hour with this person and you will surely get an overwhelming amount of information about past events that have shaped our world.

Why is it truly important to study history? In this sample essay, the author explores this reflection question as she compares them with her own passion for world events.

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Treasures from Past Events: Why Studying History is Extremely Important

Every history enthusiast knows that to understand history is a great privilege and responsibility. It is a privilege because you get to look into the past and understand better why things happened the way they did. It is a responsibility because that privileged knowledge gives you the unavoidable opportunity to respond faithfully to the past in order to make the future better.

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I have a personal interest in current world events. I always love watching and reading breaking news about events happening all around the globe. However, it was only recently that I learned how history helps us appreciate the present. Allow me to share with you why I believe it is crucial to study history in this day and age.

History clarifies past events

We all generally get by in this life with a vague understanding of past events. We don’t really understand the details of what happened in each one, but we know that it happened. Those of us who are not really fans of studying history will most likely leave it at that.

When we learn to look back, we become better informed citizens of our country’s rich journey. We also get to explore the different perspectives of those who witnessed these events and lived to tell the tale. In a way, this encourages us to apply critical thinking because we need to filter out the stories we read. There are a lot of manipulative accounts that contain false information about our country’s past. With access to historical documents, we can explore human sciences, evaluate war, explore collective memory, learn about social sciences, get to know other cultures, and more.

It is only when we truly have a clear picture of the past that we are able to connect it to present-day issues and circumstances.

History informs the present-day issues

Digging deep into our country’s history us to more accurately and thoroughly explain and understand present-day issues plaguing our society. For example, the history of slavery in America and the series of events leading up to the Civil War leads us to better understand the basis of the Black Lives Matter Movement and the call to end racial inequality.

It would be challenging to respond to a present-day issue without understanding its root cause, which is more likely to be found in the past. Many of the issues we struggle with today as a country are systemic illnesses that stem from human actions done many decades, even centuries ago.

History cultivates hope for a better future

As we look to the past to understand the present, then we have the ability to put our hope in concrete possibilities. We no longer just vaguely hope in experiencing better days, but we have an idea of what certain aspects of life may look like when we take action today. Whether it’s the passing of a new law, a paradigm shift, or even the existence of something that’s not available today, we can dream of a brighter future for us and the generations following us.

Of course, we will also gain the ability to interpret warning signs from the present that need awareness from key decision-makers so that unintended consequences can be avoided in the future. This also then gives us insight into what needs to be done today to affect future change.

How making time to study history helps me interpret current world events

As mentioned earlier, I have a fascination for current world events and how they seem to be interconnected to one another. Once I gained a deeper appreciation for history, I began to apply it in my study of current events.

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Once I learn about a new incident, I now make time to research more on the context behind it. I try to find out when it all started, whether it’s a political conflict, a difference in perspective, a lack of consensus, bad leadership, or an outright mistake. It makes such a difference in my interpretation when I know where all the decisions are stemming from. It also gives me the ability to empathize with all the stakeholders before choosing a side or a perspective to agree with.

Finally, it also helps me explain these events to my family and friends who are not as familiar with them. By studying history, I am challenged to find creative ways to help them have a basic understanding of a situation or an issue in a language that they can easily connect with. I often need to come up with analogies to help them find clarity on the issue and the people involved. This is true, especially for a younger crowd. I’ve had to spend extra time explaining to kids and those younger than myself.


I don’t think I can stress enough how learning history can actually impact our lives and perspectives for the better. While we get exposed to groundbreaking truths and sobering realities, it also puts the power in our hands to respond to what we become privy to. This is a privilege that not many are able to enjoy.

I am thankful to the people who came before us and shared their experiences of the past. I hope that in learning about the devastating consequences of some previous decisions, we can avoid making the same mistakes today and do better. The future generations deserve it.

FAQs on Why is History Important

❓ Why Is History Important In Simple Words?

Studying historical events not only helps us understand the past, but also respond better today and plan for a more positive future. The past is not a closed chapter in a book – it impacts what we experience today and what kind of world others will live in tomorrow and in the years to come. A historical study also helps us explore angles of an event that we’ve never considered before. It also branches you out and causes you to dig deeper into other related topics that enrich your learning experience. The importance of acquired knowledge is that it places on us the weight of responsibility to do the best that we can with what we now know.

❓ Why Should Students Learn About History?

Studying history subject helps children understand the grander story behind their current experiences. History teaches them that we are all part of a bigger picture, and that everything is interconnected. It opens their eyes to the many aspects of any relevant topic, and provides a better understanding of decisions that affect their lives today. Most students find this subject difficult or boring, so it is important for educators to find creative means to make learning history a fun and meaningful experience based on their age and learning style. The past helps today’s generation realize that collective memory is a powerful tool to deepen understanding and that someday, their memories of today will someday serve the generation after theirs.

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