What Makes a Hero (Essay Samples)

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It is easy to think of famous people from history when we think about the word “hero.” But let’s challenge our thinking today and reflect. What really makes someone a hero?

The author of the sample essay below discusses her personal take on the characteristics of a hero and what makes this person’s acts truly commendable and worth remembering?

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Reflecting on the Makings of a True Hero

What comes to mind when you hear the word “hero”? It is easy to associate this term with people who save lives or who have actually lost their own lives doing what they do best. But I firmly believe that heroes are not just found in our history books or are people who we have placed on a pedestal. It’s not just about people who pursue justice or fight crime, though these are both very noble pursuits.

In this essay, I want to encourage you that all of us can be heroes every day in our very own lives. I want to outline what I feel are the noble qualities of everyday heroes.

Essay on What Makes a Hero, image 1

First, real heroes face life with courage. I believe that courage is neither bravado nor the inability to feel weak. I think that courageous people face fear, but they do so from the eyes of faith and not hopelessness. They believe that something good can always come out of the situation, and they have an unwavering belief in their capability to face their fears head-on. We hear many stories of heroes clinching victory and being praised for being courageous. But I also think that true heroes are able to embrace failure and decide to learn from it.

Second, a genuine hero is someone who practices kindness in everyday life. We don’t need to have super powers or physically save people from dying to make a difference. I am a believer in the power of kindness. Just a small gesture can actually make someone else’s day. I remember one day in my early teens when I was walking home from school, feeling down about a bad grade that I received in class. A classmate saw me walking with my shoulders hunched. He walked towards me, handed me a candy bar, and said, “I think you need this more than I do. Cheer up, you’ll do better next time.” He even offered to help me study for the next test so that I could do better. It was such a simple gesture, but it meant a lot to me that someone expressed concern and care.

Third, a real hero lives by the conviction that everyone’s stories matter. He takes the time to listen to people and empathize with them. He tries to understand what is in their hearts before he responds. He does not assume the worst of people and instead encourages them to be themselves and speak their truth.

Fourth, a great hero is a person who pursues a particular purpose in his life. This purpose is his life compass and guides all of his daily decisions. He is able to face adversity because he knows his mission. He can pursue goals with determination and clarity because he knows his priorities. He is not afraid to let go of opportunities that don’t align with this life purpose and accepts that he cannot make everyone happy.

Essay on What Makes a Hero, image 2

Finally, I believe that helping at the cost of your own convenience and comfort is heroic. We have opportunities to live like this daily, from helping the elderly cross the street even when we’re running late to letting the mom in a rush take your place at the start of the line even when you have someplace to go. Heroism is all about the small yet practical acts of kindness that you can do as you go about your daily routine. It’s about how you maximize your own life to help others.

Qualities Of A Hero (600 words)

A real hero is selfless

True heroes rarely think of themselves. They recognize that a service-oriented life is the most fulfilling and rewarding way to live. They are passionate about helping others and empowering them to accomplish the things they set their mind to. They know that a big part of heroism lies in sacrificing your own comfort in order to be of service to others. And so they allow others to go first not because they have a personal agenda at stake, but because they genuinely want to extend kindness to the other person. They are not, however, martyrs in the sense that they are unable to look after themselves. These people understand that part of caring for others well is caring for themselves. They know that they cannot serve out of an empty cup, so they do what they need to do to ensure that they are always in a healthy place.

A hero that makes an impact is someone who emulates bravery

People who are described as heroic are usually individuals who are not necessarily strong all the time. Rather, they are people who recognize that courage is the ability to face fear during any type of adversity. They don’t pretend to be okay when they are not. They are honest about their feelings and are humble enough to admit when they feel inadequate. They also have people that they are accountable to where they can confess mistakes, admit failure, and express fear. They know that in doing this, they will not weaken. Rather, they will lean into the strength of the people that they trust because they know that living on a mission is never meant to be done alone. They credit their courage to the people who encouraged them along the way.

Great heroes are role models to others

While they don’t purposely try to be a good example, these people walk the talk and live their lives with integrity. They try to do good consistently in their day-to-day lives and find satisfaction in knowing that they were able to help people along the way. They emulate the values that they cling dearly to and uphold their convictions with a passion. While they don’t force their beliefs on people, they are willing to explain their principles to those who want to learn from them. They are honest, open, and transparent about what goes on in their lives, knowing that people are not looking for perfection but are works-in-progress. Therefore, they are secure in themselves, knowing that they are loved and accepted by the people who matter.

The heroes we truly look up to are those who face the world in faith that all will be well

The most impactful heroes are those who are able to see life from the Big Picture. They understand that the difficult situations they find themselves in are temporary setbacks that are meant to help them sharpen their perspective. They also know that each situation is a puzzle piece that is only part of the overall story. For this reason, they are not easily discouraged and their joy is not quickly dampened at the onset of a crisis. They know that things will work out, and they hold to a firm belief that at the right time, the dust will settle and they will find themselves back on their feet once more. Therefore, they are not easily intimidated by challenges. Instead, they look forward to seeing hindsight will help them see the life treasures in all situations and all seasons.

Conclusion: Thanking the Amazing Heroes in My Life

At the end of the day, I am only able to be a hero to others because of the people who have been heroes to me personally. I commend my parents, my top heroes, for putting in the hard work to make sure that there is always food on the table. I look up to my brother for joining the Army and risking his life every day on the field so that peace can be attained. I admire my best friends who make time to listen to me and become my sounding board for heart issues.

Who are your life heroes, and have you thanked them yet?

FAQs on What Makes a Hero

❓ What Is A Hero In Simple Words?

The definition of a hero is someone who lives his or her life for the benefit of others, without compromising his values and beliefs. He spends his time searching for ways to add value to the lives of others and the life of the community. He is also a person who emulates kindness in all that he says and does.

❓ How Can You Be A Hero In Your Own Way?

The best way to integrate heroism into your life is to think of others before thinking of yourself. This is the most meaningful way to live. It is not to say that you need to forget about yourself or deny yourself basic needs. It just means that when it comes to being of service to others, there should be no personal agenda involved. For example, it is not heroic to help someone because you will ask for a favor in return someday.

❓ How To Write A Superhero Essay?

A good way to get started on your essay on becoming a superhero is to think of what the word “hero” means to you. Who do you associate this term with? It is important that you think not just of people from history books or famous celebrities and personalities, but those who are an important part of your life. It is valuable to make the connection that heroism does not just exist in stories of the past but should be integrated into day-to-day life.

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