What Makes a Good Leader (Essay Samples)

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We all know at least one person in our lives who is known for being a good leader. These people possess admirable leadership skills that make it easy for other people to follow them and be influenced by them.

The author of this sample essay takes us through the key attributes and characteristics of an effective leader. She also talks about the most meaningful influencers in her life and what she has learned from them over time.

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The Qualities of a Successful Leader

At many points in our lives, we have been influenced by someone we look up to or admire. Intentionally or not, these people have shaped our thinking and led us in our decision-making. We owe a lot to them because they played a pivotal part in our growth.

What are the important aspects of effective leadership? What does it take to be a great leader?

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First, a person who leads well knows and is firm on his core values. He is secure in his identity and knows what is important to him. As a result, he has identified the central values that guide his decision-making and living. Values answer the question, “What is good and beneficial?” It is your compass to how you approach things and what benchmarks you consider in your decision-making. It is important for any leader or guide to have this perspective; otherwise, any decision he or she makes will have no solid foundation.

Second, good leaders possess good communication skills. This does not necessarily mean that they are flawlessly articulate. They are not just good communicators in the way that they relay messages, they are also skilled at receiving messages. They are active listeners who focus on what the heart is saying rather than just on the words they are hearing. They ask the right questions to get to the root of the concern. They practice empathy when listening to others. At the same time, they thoughtfully reflect on the best way to respond or initiate communication. They keep in mind the other person’s love language and wisely decide on the best way to express their thoughts in a way that it would be understood correctly and received well.

Third, an essential quality of great leaders is time management. They recognize in humility that they only have 24 hours in a day and that they cannot be everyone’s savior. They strategically manage their time so that they can accomplish daily priorities that are aligned with their identity and purpose. They accept that they cannot mentor and coach everyone and strategically empower those they lead to pay it forward. They “multiply” themselves by coaching others and instilling in them the leadership DNA they possess.

Fourth, a good leader celebrates progress and does not demand perfection from others. They recognize that each person has his own strengths and weaknesses; and instead of being focused on fixing the weakness, opens up pathways for them to build on their strengths. He finds creative resources to motivate and influence others to live to their fullest potential. He helps them set long-term goals and identify short-term milestones to break them down into doable daily tasks.

Fifth, an admirable leader embraces accountability, teachability, and integrity. He knows that it is important to take responsibility for his own actions and expect others to do the same. He keeps himself accountable to the people who mentor and lead him and never fails to check in on those he leads. He makes room for constructive criticism of him so that he can better himself. He also relays feedback to the people he coaches and helps them draw out action points to improve themselves in the future. He also makes sure that he walks his talk and exemplifies his own values.

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Finally, an excellent leader pushes for growing confidence, not flawless performance. He knows that people are bound to make mistakes and that this provides avenues for further growth and self-evaluation skills. Instead, he wants them to believe in themselves more and be secure in their strengths and weaknesses, channeling them into creating meaningful opportunities that challenge and inspire them.

Conclusion: A Tribute to the Good Leaders in My Life

When I think of all those qualities, I can’t help but be grateful to the people I consider life leaders: my parents, my older sister, and my soccer coach. They have all been great models of good leadership to me and have helped me achieve success in my own time and ways. One day, when I am leading people, I hope to imbibe all of these qualities that they have authentically demonstrated to me to the people I have influence over.

What Are The Qualities Of A Good Leader (Short Essay Sample)

When you think about the most influential people in your life, what are the qualities they have in common? We tend to gravitate towards people who have a skill set that we admire. Allow me to share what leadership styles I find attractive.

A good leader sets you up for success. Because he is invested in your growth, he has no personal agenda where he benefits in a selfish way. All of what he does for you is geared towards your growth and eventual success.

He makes sure that there is a set direction for his team. He begins with the outcome and end goal in mind, working backward phase by phase until he has a breakdown of all the key milestones that need to be accomplished. He makes sure everyone knows what they are assigned to do and when it is needed.

Finally, great leaders are present at the moment. When they are listening to or speaking with people, they are not distracted by their phones or even their own thoughts. They make sure to be fully there for the people who have asked for their time.

FAQs on What Makes a Good Leader

❓ What Are The Characteristics Of A Leader?

Good leaders go the extra mile for the people that they lead. They know that people want to feel special, important, and valued and that making the added effort for them gives them the motivation to keep doing well. They also possess self-confidence. This does not mean that they are arrogant, but that they have high self-awareness. They know their strengths and weaknesses, and so they play to their strengths. They are also an inspiration to others. Their lives demonstrate and exemplify their core values, so people know what is important to them and admire how they stick to these convictions. They value honesty and transparency. They believe that the best way to achieve goals is to be accountable to one another. This means being open about what is getting done and what people are struggling with.

❓ How To Start A Leadership Essay?

The most meaningful part of writing a leadership essay is to take off from the personal experience. It would be difficult to write about good leadership if you haven’t experienced it for yourself. A good way to start would be to think about the people who have led you well. What were their roles in your life? What have they taught you? What leadership qualities do you admire that they possess? Afterward, you will slowly start to see a common set of characteristics take place. More often than not, these life leaders have many things in common that you admire.

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