Self-Driving Cars: Pros and Cons

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The future is ripe for advances in car technology. Today, discussions abound on the potential of self-driving cars to revolutionize road safety and efficiency. Of course, the norm today is still to use standard human-driven cars, but a lot of research and development are currently being done to make driverless cars a reality.

What is the main advantage of a driverless car, and what are the disadvantages of self-driving cars? The author explores the future of this innovation and its implications on day-to-day life, safety, and convenience.

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Advantages Of Self-Driving Vehicles

Also called autonomous vehicles, self-driving cars are the potential future of the automotive industry. Already, we see futuristic movies featuring this type of vehicle, and though it seems like such a far-fetched concept to us right now, a lot of research is happening to make this a near reality.

Self-Driving Cars: Pros and Cons, Image 1

What prompted this development in the first place? For one thing, the issue of road safety. We have been so desensitized to the day-to-day occurrence of road accidents caused by distracted driving or reckless driving, resulting in countless traffic fatalities. The self-driving vehicle was conceptualized and is currently being developed to address all of these road hazard issues and to make land and road travel more pleasurable for people. In fact, General Motors is the first company to announce its intent to roll out its own series of driverless vehicles within the decade.

I would like to share below the pros of this new technology. What can this recent invention do to elevate our current lifestyles?

The self-driving car eliminates human error

Basically, if no human is at the wheel, there is no chance for any margin of error while driving. Automated driving systems are basically put at the helm, and they decide when to stop, slow down, go, or turn. There would be no fatigue or stress from human motorists stuck in traffic jams or speeding motorists to contend with. Advanced technology will be taking the wheel and driving you to your destination. You can be at the driver’s seat and even take a nap because the system will be the one in control and navigating the entire journey, even doing well to avoid high-traffic areas. They will even automatically stop when they detect an individual crossing and slow down when high speeds are recognized. In short, the fewer the mistakes, the fewer the accidents. At the same time, taking optimal routes can reduce congestion on the roads.

Driverless vehicles are a good substitute for public transportation

For those who live in areas where commuting options are few and far in between, automated cars might be the solution you are waiting for. It would be far easier for a self-driving car to reach a destination that is not easily accessible. At the same time, vulnerable populations who may find it difficult to commute, such as the disabled and the elderly, will benefit from an autonomous vehicle. It will also reduce commute times and make travel safer for them.

Autonomous cars are more streamlined and secure, thanks to artificial intelligence

Not only are self-driving cars safer to ride in, they also boast the autonomous technology to make the actual ride smoother, more efficient, and more reliable. These vehicles were designed to have increased security against automobile thefts through biometric technologies that recognize fingerprints. At the same time, as previously mentioned, the artificial intelligence software automates the entire ride, minimizing the risk of car crashes and traffic accidents and taking routes where there are fewer cars on the road. There is also more control over driving speeds, allowing the passenger to relax in transit.

Disadvantages Of Driverless Cars

While many car geeks are excited about when automated driving will become the norm, not everyone is enthusiastic about this technology. In fact, many people continue to be skeptical as to whether or not this type of vehicle will really change the way people travel and commute on the road. Can they really completely eliminate more accidents from happening? Or are they just a marketing ploy of large companies to get people buying these clearly more expensive models?

Self-Driving Cars: Pros and Cons, Image 2

I would now like to explore the cons of self-driving cars.

Increasing the number of automated cars will result in a lot of unemployment

If people manning the steering wheel will no longer be needed, this will result in a lot of job losses in the commuting sector. Bus and truck drivers, taxi drivers, Uber drivers, truck drivers – all of these hardworking people will be out on the streets looking for an alternate form of employment. If driving and serving in public transportation were all they knew, they will find it hard to find another industry or role that would excite them.

There is always a possibility of machine error

Despite all that jazz being said about autonomous cars making better decisions than their human counterparts, one cannot completely discount the possibility of a glitch in the technology that could result in a fatal mistake. It would be much more difficult to avoid an accident if automation was leading the way, than if a driver could manually pivot to safety. It is a given that we cannot completely eliminate the possibility of new technology failing.

It takes the joy out of driving

If you had a machine-like chauffeur driving you around all the time and you’re used to driving yourself, not only will you forget how to drive manually, but you will also forget the feeling of human interaction with a car. There are people who genuinely enjoy being at the wheel, despite traffic jams and dealing with other cars. The autonomous car eradicates this opportunity and option for these types of individuals at one point or another.


To an extent, I think that a part of the automotive market is ready for the entry of driverless cars. However, I think the transition to this technology should be gradual, and regulations should be quick to catch up. What would traffic rules and penalties be like if the driverless car was in charge? What accountability does the car owner have if autonomous vehicles were to glitch and cause major accidents? These are just some of the questions regulatory boards, scientists, and road experts would need to explore.

Self-Driving Cars: Pros and Cons, Image 3

But I would have to admit that it would be an exciting day to see an autonomous vehicle going down the road and seeing people literally sit back to enjoy the ride. Technology exists to make our lives safer, easier, and more convenient. For instance, if it could detect people walking in front of it and gently come to a stop, that would beat having a driver panic and hit the brakes. If research and development are done well and the launch of these vehicles is not rushed, I think we could really revolutionize land travel and commuting.

Of course, as with all transitions and changes, it would take a massive educational campaign to generate awareness on and increase interest in switching to autonomous technology in driving. Different communication methods need to be employed to address hesitation and reluctance in different market segments – from the young families to the senior citizens and disabled, to the commuters. The price point would also have to be considered as these vehicles are an expensive investment.

All in all, with the proper structures and collaborations in place, and with thoughtful and sensitive marketing, I believe that we could usher in an era of automated land travel for people of different backgrounds, preferences, and travel histories.

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