Relationship Between Human and Nature (Essay Samples)

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As inhabitants of Mother Earth, we naturally co-exist with the environment around us. As such, we interact with nature in ways we aren’t even aware of. In the same way, our environment also responds to us based on the way we treat it.

What is the essence of the relationship between man and nature? How do we impact each other and what are its implications on future generations? These are some of the questions the author of this essay aims to address.

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Unearthing Humans’ Relationship with Their Natural Environment

We know on some cognitive level that everything is interconnected – from the clothes we wear and the food we eat to the flourishing of nature and the incidence of local environmental disasters. Indeed, even the smallest things we do have an impact on the greater good.

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The human environment is the term used to describe the inevitable connection between human beings and their natural world. Unbeknownst to many of us, our actions have a direct effect on our natural systems, whether positive or negative. In today’s modern society, there are plenty of processes that have improved convenience and efficiency – but all at the expense of our natural resources. It is so important to determine the ways in which we negatively impact the earth’s systems so that we can find more sustainable alternatives in their place.

Two of the key interactions that represent the natural relationship between man and his environment are the way we use up natural resources, and how we produce waste.

While we can think of several types of natural resources, they can be categorized as either renewable (such as water) or non-renewable (such as fossil fuels). Humans living in modern society are constantly utilizing these resources to power their processes and systems, usually to a fault. This leads to exploiting nature and its limited resources, caused by excessive demand. Over-fishing and deforestation are some processes that hurt our supply.

In the same breath, we as humans also generate so much waste that is harmful and toxic to Mother Earth. One of the most popular types of waste produced in this day and age is e-waste. All those discarded mobile phones and laptops are actually damaging to the environment. If they are not disposed of properly, they can end up contaminating our groundwater, soil, and air through the hazardous substances they contain.

There is also the practice of agriculture which, without alternative ways to improve sustainability, are the key causes of greenhouse gas emissions, which then directly contribute to climate change.

It is clear that despite impressive technological advancements to modernize our processes and make life more convenient and efficient for every citizen, these efforts come with a high price tag. They come at the cost of our natural life. If we don’t take action now and start planning for a sustainable future, we could be looking at a scenario where global warming is prevalent, experiencing the sea level rise is an everyday scene, and environmental disasters abound in every country.

At the end of the day, even our desire to live in a better world can go against the goal of achieving sustainability. With a gradual population explosion in play and no green space being planned in majorly congested nations, coupled with the constant construction of buildings and structures, the negative human impact on the environment is unthinkable. It is clear that we need to gather at the table once more as global citizens and take these issues seriously. We need to revisit how our present actions affect both humans and nature, and do something to address the issues that crop up.


As time progresses and humans continue exploiting nature and all that it has to offer, Mother Earth continues to gradually deteriorate, until such time that there is very little that can be done to minimize the consequences of our actions. As individuals, I believe that each of us has a vital role to protect the environment in our daily lives. We can begin by being more vigilant about the resources we consume and the waste we produce. We need to simplify our lives, learn to recycle, and apply proper waste disposal for the items that we no longer need.

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At the same time, governments and local agencies need to collaborate with environmental non-profits and come up with a sustainability plan that they can all play a part in. At this point, doing things in our own way will be counterproductive. It is more strategic to set aside all differences and agree on a shared vision: to safeguard the well being of the human population and the natural environments they live in. Every living thing matters.

Short Essay On Relationship Between Human And Environment (Short Essay Sample)

It is high time that we begin to reflect on the relationship between humans and their natural world. We often go about our everyday lives, unaware that even the littlest decision we make has a connected impact on the world we live in.

Human health is so dependent on natural systems. We draw resources from Mother Earth, both renewable and non-renewable, to fuel the daily activities of our lives. We do this on an individual level, as well as a business level. As a result, massive amounts of natural resources are exploited, where the demand is often greater than the available supply. We are seeing the depletion of our supply, and if we are not careful, there will come a time when they will no longer be sufficient to sustain our lives.

Nature only responds to humans based on the way that it is treated. When it is abused and over-exploited, environmental disasters occur, climate change becomes inevitable, and all hopes for a sustainable future are diminished.

We are seeing a grim picture of the degrading relationship between human beings and Mother Earth, and we need to act fast.

FAQs on Relationship Between Human and Nature

❓ What Is The Role Of Human In Nature?

In a nutshell, humans are the stewards, managers, and caretakers of nature. They are to respect nature and ensure that all natural materials are carefully used for the right purpose and in the right amounts. We are also to protect animals and other species from being exploited for profit. We are tasked to look at the world we currently live in and think of alternative ways to promote and sustain life without over compromising every element found in nature.

❓ Why Is It Important To Have A Relationship With Nature?

A healthy relationship between humans and nature is incredibly essential to life because we are interconnected. As we draw from the natural world what we need to sustain life, Mother Earth absorbs the impact of our actions. So when we are not applying sustainable practices at home and at work, the environment feels the brunt of it, and there are consequences that affect both. As we take good care of Mother Earth, the planet takes good care of us. It is when we use or abuse to the extreme that we suffer the long-term consequences of a short-term decision. Just like any relationship, we function on a simple yet powerful give-and-take approach. If we want all of life to truly flourish, then we need to approach each other with respect. We cannot think of ourselves as superior life forms, as we are fully dependent on the planet’s resources to keep us alive.

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