Negative Effects of Immigration

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Immigration is defined as an organized movement of people from one country to another country to which they do not belong. Immigrants do not have permanent citizenship in the country they are residing in. Natives have opposed immigrants for centuries and the US is one of the top destinations where immigrants from all over the world come to work and earn US dollars. Native-born Americans have now started to question these immigrants as they think that immigrants take most of the jobs and abuse their welfare states. In this essay, we will discuss the negative effects of immigration and how it has influenced the lives of native-born workers.

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7 Negative Effects of Immigration

Immigrants come from all over the world to work in foreign countries so that they can earn in higher currencies to support their families. America, the UK, Germany, and many other western countries are top immigrant destinations. Most Americans believe that immigrants take away all the jobs, abuse the welfare state of America by abusing benefits provided by the government, immigrants are responsible for most street crimes, immigrants are the main reason behind increasing economic inequality, and are also responsible for terrorism to some extent. In this essay, we will discuss the seven most important negative impacts of immigration and see if these negative impacts really influence the life of native Americans or not.

1) Immigrants Take Away Jobs and Lower Wages

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One of the most important claims made by native Americans against the immigrants is that they take away all the jobs. Well, according to survey reports and studies the displacement effect of jobs is not as big as native Americans believe it to be. Immigrants are only granted high-paying jobs if they are way more competent and experienced than native-born workers seeking similar roles. Most of the time immigrants are seen working in jobs with low wages, these jobs are the least desirable vacancies for native Americans.

American companies prefer native Americans when they advertise job openings. Therefore an American that is somewhat less skilled can get the job if he is competing with an immigrant. Most of the time the job competition is between immigrants and has nothing to do with native-born workers.

2) Immigrants Abuse the Welfare State

Legal immigration policy allows immigrants to enjoy almost all the rights just like native Americans after spending at least five years as an immigrant. Sometimes the immigrants start abusing the welfare state by abusing presenting fake documents of unemployment or by deceiving the government when it comes to paying taxes. However, the effect, in reality, is so small that it can be neglected.

According to a report, if native-born Americans used Medicaid just like the poor immigrants and not like how they are currently using Medicaid and other benefits then the Medicaid program would be 42% smaller. This proves that immigrants are far less likely to use the same welfare benefits as compared to native-born Americans.

3) Immigrants Increase Economic Inequality

Economic inequality is defined as an unequal distribution of income-generating opportunities among the different groups of the same society. This argument is taking more attention than ever before and many native-born Americans are protesting against this economic inequality. Many native-born Americans are of the view that immigrants take up all the high-paid jobs and native Americans are left jobless. However, according to facts and figures, global inequality is falling and has fallen down to a historic low. This is due to the rapid economic growth in much of the world over the last generation.

4) Immigrants are a Major Source of Crime

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Immigrants are said to be a major source of street crimes, drugs smuggling, money laundering, and smuggling. According to a report, immigrants are less like to commit violent crimes that include property crimes and street crimes as compared to native Americans. Cities that have more legal immigrants are more peaceful as compared to cities that have more native Americans. This proves that immigrants are not a major source of crime and their contribution to street crimes is minimal.

5) Immigrants Pose Risk of Terrorism

Many skilled workers including the native-born population have always been linked to terrorist activities in the west. The foreign-born population does not deem the labor force as equal to them which is why immigrant workers face economic and fiscal consequences. The immigration surplus has been somewhat responsible for terrorism activities therefore the immigration policy needs some major adjustments. The national academies should introduce massive new government programs to ensure the labor market does not face issues like this. There also needs to be good high school education and educated immigrants should be encouraged to acquire jobs in state and local governments. The labor market competition should be minimized in order to solve these issues. foreign-born workers need to respect the immigration status of people as they do for native-born citizens

6) Ease of Immigration and Problems

America has been one of the easiest countries to work as an immigrant. However, that is not the case anymore. American immigration policy has now become very strict and going to America to work as an immigrant has become very difficult. The annual flow of immigrants to America as a percentage of the total population is much less than in other OECD countries. This proves that there is no ease of immigration and there is a huge difference between the number of native Americans compared to immigrant workers.

7) Immigration Affect Wages

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Immigrants are blamed to affect wages by native Americans and rightly so. Immigrant workers come from countries that do not have a strong currency therefore immigrants work in foreign countries and earn in US dollars. For instance, when an immigrant is competing for a job role with a native American, the native American agrees to work on that job role for around ten thousand dollars a month as he has to pay the taxes and bear the cost of his family who is all in America. On the other hand, the immigrant would most likely agree to work for that job role at around 5,000 US dollars a month as he/she doesn’t have to support their family in the US and doesn’t have to bear all other heavy expenses.

According to the NRC report, immigrants earn less than native Americans for fulfilling a similar role. In the year 1990, foreign-born men earned 7% less than native-born workers while fulfilling a similar role. This proves that the immigrants do take smaller amounts than native Americans for fulfilling similar roles but they are still underpaid as compared to the natives.

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In conclusion, immigrant workers do not pose any threat to native Americans. Immigrants only add value to the US economy through their hard work and dedication while working for much less wages as compared to native-born American citizens. The negative conspiracy against immigrants can be successful to get a sympathy vote during the election, however, all studies about immigrant workers suggest against what the Trump administration claimed against the immigrants.

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