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Confucianism and Taoism are two of the most commonly used philosophies that originated from China. They have different views on religion and politics that stem from the roots of strong beliefs. Confucianism revolves around a staunch belief in ethics and morality. This philosophy aims to teach that humans are, by nature, sane and reasonable individuals. It describes that every person is improvable and can achieve self-realization. On the other hand, Taoism focuses on the rules of life for an individual rather than a society.
To write a compare and contrast Confucianism and Taoism essay, it is important to highlight integral characteristics of both philosophies. Both Confucianism and Taoism have different views on politics and religion. Confucianism deals with the ethics and morality of the entire society. This philosophy believes that an ordered society is the epitome of civilization. Taoism, on the other hand, states that everything must be done according to nature.
Taoism is more inclined towards the individual growth of a person rather than a whole society. It believes that the inner self is a vessel for greatness and must be nurtured to make an exceptional human being. However, both philosophies are known to work in harmony. They present distinct believes that can blend into a singular way of life that is considered optimal.
One of the major differences between Taoism and Confucianism is that they target different aspects of human beings. Confucianism dictates that humans can achieve a superior nature by improving their values towards others and society. In contrast, Taoism connects humans with their inner self. It dictates a primary goal of finding one’s true self and improving one character.
Both of these olden philosophies have in common that their ultimate goal is the improvement of an individual. They aim to create a perfect human being free of all selfish acts. In Confucianism, a person eliminates selfish acts and becomes a better person by taking care of society. The reward for these selfless acts is given in the present life. Since Taoism believes that a person can achieve a higher Life by improving the inner self, it supports the principle of having a change from the inside.
When a person is more unambiguous from the inner self, he becomes a greater individual. The reward for this kind of act in Taoism is given in the afterlife. However, both philosophies and have the same endgame, self-improvement.
Confucianism’s main aim was to end or release the tension and hostility between a man and his society; its core principle was to strengthen a political system that works socially in China. Taoism, on the other hand, became something opposed to Confucianism. According to this, an individual must want spontaneous and natural behavior. Its idea revolves around the fact that people are born with certain traits that are their natural state.
The Saints of Taoism were worshipped in China. It refuted the authority of political and military relations. Taoism purposely reflects the ancient Chinese beliefs about the whole world. These believe Are Yin and Yang. First, Yin is the female force; it’s dark, cold, and calm. Secondly, Yang is known as the male force. It’s bright at active and war.
To compare and contrast Confucianism and Taoism, it is important to identify the similarities. Both of these philosophies, however, share a few similarities. Firstly, after the fall of the Zhu Dynasty in China, these philosophies were created to gain a solution and end the chaos and suffering that emerged from the fall. In simpler words, Confucianism is to form good relations with others, and Taoism is making a strong bond and good relation with self. Thus, they both are incorporated into each other to end the collective chaos after the fall of the Zhou Dynasty.
Mutual respect is also a coinciding factor between both these philosophies can finish Confucius sort to perfect the character by leading a life of goodness and virtue. They value small and large ethical practices and respect for others by having good communication with other members of society.
The philosopher behind Confucianism was Confucius. He hoped to teach the students to be good and wise. He was a firm believer that rules must be followed. Eventually, his advice was a cornerstone of good behavior. Under his ideology, people learn to be good and fair. Moreover, Confucius strongly believed that education and proper ritual were two important ways to teach values to people. The heart of Confucianism was to enable society to be in order. It had five important rules for relationships, such as Two Friends, Ruler and Subject, Older and Younger Brothers, Husband and Wife, and Father and Son.
Taoism has shaped the Chinese life of an individual for more than 2000 years. It can be seen as an attitude towards life that is yielding and accepting. Taoism can be characterized as having a positive attitude towards individuals and other people. The thought process of a Taoist premade the Chinese culture. It includes many aspects that are not usually considered by other philosophies. In the present day, many of the various philosophies have found their way into several different Asian cultures. Some examples of such societies are Vietnam, Korea, Japan. It is the building block of Many religious practices in Asian-influenced cultures.
It is established that the main difference between Confucianism vs Taoism only lies in how a person perceives the philosophy. Both of these ideologies aim to create a perfect individual fit for society. As a result, Confucianism and Taoism have birthed several modern philosophies. Seen from this normal practice, customary Confucianism restricted its field important to forming a good and political framework that molded society and the Chinese domain, though Daoism, inside the equivalent perspective, addressed closer to home and magical distractions.
Both philosophies hold great importance in the modern world. For example, several Asian countries have created civilizations based on Confucianism and Taoism. They set their moral values closely with both ideologies and create the perfect system fit for society. The above Confucianism vs Taoism compare and contrast essay explains the main features of the philosophies. Apart from having some major differences, both philosophies help an individual improve certain characteristics that help him become a better human being. Confucianism and Daoism have solid differences; however, numerous individuals accept that they should fuse components from each to make an optimal person for an individual to be entire.