Compare and Contrast Essay About Christianity and Islam

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Islam with 1.9 billion and Christianity with 2.4 billion followers are the two largest religions around the globe. Both religions have their sacred books and teachings. The followers of both religions may seem poles apart from each other. However, along with dissimilarities, there are many similarities between the two as well. This paper will discuss the Islam and Christianity differences and their similarities.

The basic and noticeable difference between Islam and Christianity is that their holy books came down on two different messengers of Allah. The Holy Book of Muslims Quran was revealed to Mohammad through the archangel Gabriel. Whereas, Bible – the Holy Book of Christians – came down on Jesus Christ.

The second key difference is that Christians considered Jesus Christ, the son of God. They believe that he was crucified and later resurrected. Thereby, he is worshipped by Christians and held in the same reverence as God. While, for the Muslims, Jesus Christ was a messenger of Allah, just like Mohammad. They do not believe that he was a son of God and his role in Islam is less important as compared to that of Mohammad. Mohammad is the last and most important prophet of Allah, according to Muslims. Both of these figures came in different times in history and introduced their respective religions. Islam was introduced in Mecca to Arabs in 7AD, while Christianity was introduced to Jews in 1AD in Jerusalem. Hence, Christianity is an older religion than Islam.

Another important difference between the two is their concept of salvation for humanity. Christians believe everyone is born with an “original sin.” The original sin is what was passed on by Adam and Eve. However, this sin can be gotten rid of by repenting and accepting God’s forgiveness. Contrariwise, according to Islam, every human being is born innocent – without a sin. Therefore, all individuals are supposed to live sinless life and must work for their salvation.

Additionally, for Christians, the passion week is the biggest week of the year. This was the week when Jesus was arrested and crucified. Millions of Christians around the world celebrate Easter. They also celebrate one of their other biggest events on 25th December that is Christmas. It is the birth of Jesus. At the same time, Muslims have their holy events, such as Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Adha. The former one is celebrated after observing the fasts of the month of  Ramadan. The latter one is celebrated in the holy month of Hajj. It honors the willingness of Abraham to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to Allah.

One of the major similarities between Islam and Christianity is their dogmas based on one lord – the Almighty. Hence, both religions are monotheistic.

The followers of both religions believe that one all-powered God creates the universe and every living thing. Human beings, thereby, are accountable to their creator. Moreover, both the followers assert that they have a special bond with their creator, looking out for them all the time. Moreover, believers must seek God’s will in supplications and prayers.

Another similarity between Islam and Christianity is that they have roots in Judaism. These roots are obvious because believers of both religions believe in Jacob, Abraha,m and several other patriarchs. These patriarchs are first mentioned in the Jewish texts.

One of the other Islam and Christianity similarities is that they share the same afterlife idea. Both religions preach that this world is temporary and will end at some point. Then there will be a day of judgment on which everyone will be resurrected. Therefore, both religions warn the believers to prepare themselves for judgment day. People with good deeds would be sent to heaven, and people with evil deeds will be sent to hell. All in all, God will reward all the good people with heaven and punish the evil people with hell.

Moreover, both religions suggest the believer women cover their heads and wear modest clothing. Thus, the religious women from both faiths are seen covering their heads and body appropriately. Both the believers believe that the body is sacred and should be given respect. They may also wear sacred clothing as signs of covenants made with their creator.

One more similarity is that both religions encourage charity and motivate people to help the underprivileged. In Isla,m this charity has different names such as sadaqah, zakat, and chairmat. Zakat is something that the well-off people give to the poor ones. Islam has five pillars, and zakat is one of them.

Another similarity is that believers of both religions go to their places of worship for prayer and supplication. The Muslims read prayers five times a day, but they both pray to one almighty God.

Another great similarity is that Both Christians (most of them) and Muslims believe Mary was a virgin and gave birth to Jesus miraculously. Additionally, they both believe in the arrival of an an an antichrist; a belief that there will be an antichrist who will arrive before the ending of this world. Then, s will return to the world and conquer him. This concept is common in both theologies.

The codes of health in both religions are also similar. For instance, the Bible and Quran both offer health codes such as not eating certain foods and not drinking alcohol. These codes are part of their covenant.

Moreover, both religions are divided into various branches now. For example, Christianity has Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, Catholic, Lutheran, and Baptist, etc. Islam also has various branches such as Shiaism, Sunnism, etc. Within Sunnism and Shiaism, there are several sects such as Hanafi, Shafi, Deobandi, etc. Even though all these sects have similar beliefs, the followers have slightly different ways of performing different commands of Allah.

Another common thing between the believers of both religions is fasting. Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan. This fasting is obligatory on every Muslim – rich or poor. Apart from Ramadan fasts, Muslims can fast any day of the year except for Eid day. Many Muslims also fast during the days of Hajj. They close their fast before sunrise and break it at sunset. At the same time, the believers of the counter religion can fast at any time in the day or for one or two days. The individuals themselves may also choose the pattern of fasting. For instance, they may choose to fast every Tuesday. Or, they may choose to fast once a month on the same day.

While the two religions are largely opposite to each other, both share certain similarities too. The belief system may vary completely, yet some core values are intrinsic. The common beliefs include hereafter life, following good Morale,s and philanthropy. The religious beliefs noted to be common are respected holy figures of the Abrahamic religion. However, both faiths may differ on different holy laws, traditions, and customs that both followers practice. Nevertheless, with several practices in Muslims and the variety of denominations in the followers of Jesus, they do share common grounds on many occasions.

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