Childhood Vs Adulthood

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The two most crucial phases in anybody’s life are childhood and adulthood. A person’s childhood decides how they will be in their adult life, and adulthood determines the kind of life that will be spent after retiring or in old age.

This childhood vs adulthood compare and contrast essay gives thoughtful insight into how life transforms from one phase of energy into another.

When writing a childhood vs adulthood essay, the first thing one probably compares is the simple pleasures of life that a child enjoys, but an adult misses his life. Caught in the quagmire of a busy lifestyle, with ever-increasing responsibilities, adults miss the simple pleasures of life that excited them as a child. However, even looking back at those carefree days is sure to bring a contented smile to the face. The fond memories of one’s childhood when there is not a single worry to be concerned about when the parents were there to pick up the broken pieces of the broken toy, and with it, the heart as the child grieved over it. When one fights with their best friend over a trivial issue, only to end it in the next five minutes is all gone. Yet, looking at them in today’s busy life, when there is not one worry but many to occupy one’s mind, will give immense pleasure.

In comparing childhood vs adulthood, there is no way the writer can forget to mention the nature of friendships. As a child, making friends was super simple. All one had to do was go up to a person and ask him/her to be their friend. Most of the time, the answer would be yes, and there would be a new addition to the long list of playmates. Just in case the answer was negative, there were no real hard feelings involved. Life continued at the same pace as before. However, as an adult, making new friends is a complicated process. One would first assess the compatibility with the person, compare the likes and dislikes, whether the two share the same interests, and gradually attempt to get closer. Most of the time, there is no direct asking, ‘Will you be my friend?’ The friend’s list also shrinks to only a few close ones. There is one aspect positive about adult friendships; they are more long-lasting because everyone has grown up. People have learned to keep their things, including friendships, carefully. 

A remarkable difference between childhood and adulthood was in falling sick. As a child, a mere slight cough will earn them a whole day of pampered rest in the bed, with no school for a couple of days. Mommy would pamper the sick child tremendously with warm milk and hot soup.  One had all the time to either watch their favorite cartoon or spend all day coloring in their favorite art book.  Not only this, the unlimited kisses and love showered on the child are simply priceless.

Contrarily when one falls sick as an adult, they will have to pamper and feed themself. It is no more fun. If it is a simple flu or cough, the grown-up man will probably not even get to skip their office. Even if one does get a day off, one will probably be working from home. Not only this, they probably have their children to take care of even if they are sick.

The childhood vs adulthood compare and contrast essay will be incomplete if they don’t mention the adventurous spirit a child possesses that an adult misses. A child is fearless and would conveniently try out new things without worrying about their outcome. It helped them immensely in their learning and added to their life experiences.

An adult, on the contrary, is too bogged down trying to align his life according to the social norms to try out new things and experiment with life. The fear of losing directs one’s actions more than anything else as a grown-up.

Watching one’s favorite cartoon series all day long during the vacations was the ultimate pleasure everyone has had as a child. Staying awake through the movies was one of the greatest missions one vowed to accomplish as a child. Each scene of the favorite animated movie was equally important no matter how many times one had already watched it before.

However, as an adult, binge-watching remains a dream. After a hectic work schedule, one is so tired and finds it extremely difficult to keep their eyes open even though the main news bulletin leaves alone about a good movie time.

As a child, no matter what one wore, a child was the star of the party. Everything suits a child. Whatever one wears becomes a fashion statement because they are so confident about their attire.  Secondly, a child doesn’t have to consider what to wear and what not to wear. The parents do the thinking part. Children are not fashion-conscious at all. All they care about is to wear a dress they can efficiently run, jump and play in.

On the contrary, as a grown-up, being fashion-conscious is a must. Nevertheless, of course, one doesn’t want to be the odd one out in a social gathering. Looking for the perfect design to suit the personality, skimming through fashion magazines for the latest fashion, getting the perfect fit are the hassles of adult life.

Every child remembers making a shabby tent out of bed sheets or a small house from huge cartons or sofa seats and adorning it with all kinds of toys. They had everything they loved in this tiny house, from dinky cars, barbie dolls, and homemade cookies. It is one of the most precious memories of an average kid. 

As an adult, the fun tent has been transformed into the massive task of building a big house of concrete and cement that requires a whole lot of money. They take up that extra job so that they can spend on making a house of their own. Ironically, space is either too ample or not enough to accommodate everything one needs in a house.

To cut the story short, no matter how much a person yearns to grow up when they are young children, as an adult, they realize that the golden times they have spent as a child are their only prized possessions. Money, wealth, property, fame, and prosperity all have a secondary place compared with the simple and pleasurable life of childhood.

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