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Annotated Bibliography
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Cross-Cultural Communication and Culture in Language Teaching

Annotated Bibliography Instructions:

The following is the professor's feedback:
Unfortunately your work does not meet the assignment brief. Rather than providing an annotated bibliography, you offer a more general theoretical discussion of issues linked to language and (cross-cultural) communication. It appears that you have misunderstood the aims of this assignment. In the annotated bibliography you needed to provide short critical evaluations of between 4-5 literature pieces i.e. the focus should have been on evaluating the chosen studies/articles rather than using those to inform a more general discussion of the topic.
The aim of the literature summary should have been a brief evaluation of the topic and a discussion of key findings from your chosen literature. Your literature summary remains very broad and it is unclear what your chosen focus articles aimed to achieve or what findings emerged from these studies.
In your critical skills reflection you needed to:
(a) Give your reasons for selecting each of the pieces of literature in your bibliography.
(b) Describe the process of finding and locating your bibliography entries.
(c) Compare the different types of information source you used to find your bibliography entries references, and evaluate how useful the sources were for finding relevant references on your topic.
Unfortunately you didn't meet the assignment brief in any of the three sections. Before a resubmission, please consult the assignment guidelines carefully and follow them more closely (you can find detailed information in the ALC8003 module guide).
Please also ensure that you follow a consistent style in your reference list.
Assignment example and grading standard chart are attached.

Annotated Bibliography Sample Content Preview:

Cross-Cultural Communication and Culture in Language Teaching
Institutional Affiliation
Cross-Cultural Communication and Culture in Language Teaching
Annotated Bibliography
Kovacs, G. (2017). Culture in language teaching: A course design for teacher trainees. Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Philologica, 9(3), pp.73-86. Available from: Accessed January 29, 2020
Kovacs’ article about culture in language teaching examines various recommendations that have been identified in specialized literature about culture in foreign language teaching. The author reflects on the appropriate content of courses related to teaching this kind of skill. According to Kovacs (2017), when studying a language, one also studies the culture of the language speakers. This study introduces the subject known as the “Language Teaching Methodology” for instructors in “Translation and Interpreting Studies at the Faculty of Technical and Human Sciences in the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, TarguMures. While the identified topic has not been treated to exclude other topics in literature, Kovacs (2017) believes that teachers will have more comprehensive theoretical and practical training in understanding the meaning of incorporating culture into a language. The article is relevant to current cross-cultural communication and culture in language teaching. It will provide relevant insights into how students of a new language also incorporate the culture of language speakers and, therefore, contribute to effective cross-cultural communication.
Fabian, M.P. (2019). Interdisciplinary approach to cross-language and cross-cultural communication studies. Contemporary Studies in Foreign Philology[online], Issue 17. Available from: Accessed January 29, 2022.
In Fabian’s (2019) article, researchers are introduced to an interdisciplinary approach to multicultural communication and cross-language communication studies. The author points out important topical issues related to applying an interdisciplinary approach in communication studies. This necessity is realized following a recognition that the modern world is defined by a communication approach that assumes the process of sharing means in both verbal and non-verbal behaviors. According to Fabian (2019), this realization demands careful consideration, particularly during the modern times of globalization. The paper provides various definitions of the terms that denote culture, language, cross-cultural and cross-language communication, and their connections and distinctiveness of the usage in every sphere of human activities. The article pays particular focus on the types of communication and their uniqueness, and the author argues that the human understanding of world cultures largely affects communication styles. Today, Fabian (2019) argues that humans face an ever conflicting and changing hybrid culture where people are expected to become multicultural beings. The article contributes to the present study in identifying some of the intricacies of having effective communication with people from different cultural backgrounds.
Kim, D., 2020. Learning Language, Learning...
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