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Relationship Between Being Exposed to Different Cultures and Open-mindedness

Coursework Instructions:

For this assignment, you will design a psychological experiment based on what we have learned about research methods. You will select a testable theory from the box below (or create your own), generate a hypothesis, and describe the independent and dependent variables you would use to test your hypothesis. You will then describe whether you are confident in two different sets of results based on the correlation coefficient and p-value. Which theory are you going to test? (Choose from one above or create your own): List one hypothesis that you would test based on the theory you selected: Name at least two independent variables you would use to test your hypothesis: Name at least two dependent variables you would use to test your hypothesis: Let’s say you test the relationship between your first independent variable and your first dependent variable, and you get a correlation coefficient of -0.65 and a p-value of 0.03. Are you confident in these results? Why or why not? Let’s say you test the relationship between your second independent variable and your second dependent variable, and you get a correlation coefficient of 0.15 and a p-value of 0.25. Are you confident in these results? Why or why not?

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Homework #2
Spring 2022
For this assignment, you will design a psychological experiment based on what we have learned about research methods. You will select a testable theory from the box below (or create your own), generate a hypothesis, and describe the independent and dependent variables you would use to test your hypothesis. You will then describe whether you are confident in two different sets of results based on the correlation coefficient and p-value.
Theory examples:
People exposed to a variety of cultures are more open-minded

Flexible work arrangements cause people to be happier with their jobs

Sleep quality is related to depression

1 Which theory are you going to test? (Choose from one above or create your own):
1 The theory that I am going to test is whether or not people exposed to a variety of cultures are more open-minded than those who were not exposed or had lower exposure durations.
2 List one hypothesis that you would test based on the theory you selected:
2 Null Hypothesis: People exposed to a variety of cultures would score higher in the Actively Open-Minded Thinking Beliefs (AOT) questionnaire, which measures open-mindedness.
3 Name at least two independent variables you would use to test your hypothesis:
3 The two independent variables that I would use to test my hypothesis are the following: (1) the presence of exposure to other cultures and cultural beliefs, and (2) the length of exposure t...
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