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Current Events Discussion #2. Potkins, M. (2019). What next for Alberta? Reaction to Election Results. Calgary Herald.

Essay Instructions:

I have chosen the topic from the url below.
The topic: https://calgaryherald(dot)com/news/politics/election-2019/what-next-for-alberta-reaction-to-election-results
Please use the attached "Discussion rubric" to create the 2 paragraph essay.

Current Events - Connecting to the World Around You
As part of the course, students are expected to keep up with current events by watching the news, reading the newspaper and/or seeking out news on the internet and connect the issue to what you are learning in the course. What happens in our neighbourhood, our city, our country and the world impacts each of us on various levels to varying degrees throughout our lives.
Aim to watch/read the news at least once every week. This is an expectation for this course and it will provide you with examples to draw on for your diploma exam, where those examples will have to come from the knowledge you gain in this course. Also, the diploma exam often includes questions where knowledge of current events will be helpful to students.
Besides current events, knowledge and skills learning outcomes, this course also includes outcomes relating to citizenship, leadership, and your ability to work effectively with others - on your own volition. You will be demonstrating all these outcomes here in the Current Events discussion.
Current Events Discussion
Assessment: 5% of your final course mark!
Frequency: Please postA your minimum of four current events discussions andA respond to at least 8 other classmates' posts. Aim to participate every 2-3 weeks over the duration of the term.
Current Events is a student-led discussion forum focusing on your online citizenship, leadership and ability to work with others, as well as content knowledge and skills outcomes. This page will be your last prompt to complete this task. Put a reminder in your calendar now to do this every 2-3 weeks.
Assessment: Current Events discussions are assessed summatively at the end of the course. So be sure to carefully read the discussion descriptor below and follow the "tips" provided and familiarize yourself with the Discussion Rubric. If you are unsure about something in the discussion descriptor or rubric, ask your teacher early in the course.
Current Events Discussion Descriptor:
At least Four times (of your choosing - over the course of the term), you will post to the Current Events discussion board and present your thoughts about a current event topic of your choice according to the points below. You will reply to the posts of other students with twice this frequency.
In your original post, please include the following:
• A citation in APA format for the current event news source, cartoon, file, etc. to which you are referring. (You may use current news events/articles on the internet, political cartoons, even relevant recent movies you have seen or a relevant and current book you read). 

• One paragraph summary of the current event, in your own words. (Include the 5 Ws: Who, What, Where, When, Why). Summary paragraph will be specific, thorough and precise, and shows recognition and understanding of the event's critical issues. See Paraphrasing and Summarising page in Student Tools section of content for help with summary writing.
• Another paragraph(s) exlaining why you chose this event and how it relates to terms and concepts you learned about in the course up to that point. It is essential that you demonstrate your understanding of how the concepts you are learning about relate to the event you have chosen. Provide specific support and details/examples to demonstrate your understanding and to illustrate those connections. Explanations will show deep and thorough analysis of both the event/issue and how it relates to the terms and concepts explored in the course.
• After your minimum 2 paragraphs, end your post with one question related to the event.
Your classmates may respond so create questions that are not simple binary (Yes/No True/False) answers about the event/issue/concept; create thought-provoking questions that will expand the discussion in order to explore the issue more deeply. The type of question is up to you. Be creative: Students sometimes benefit from writing their own diploma exam style question. Constructing one can make it easier to deconstruct a complex question with sources on the diploma exam. You can even try making your own multiple choice question about course terms and the issue. For example, if you found an interesting political cartoon, you could ask which of four terms from the course best explain the cartoonist's message. For a multiple choice question, ask students to also explain their answer in their reply. Just ensure questions are insightful and precise and promote deep, critical analysis of the event and connected issue (s) and concept(s).
In your Replies to other Students, do the following:
• Reply thoughtfully to your classmates' current events discussion posts.
• By the end of the course, you should have replied twice as frequently as you posted your own current events. So 8 times or 2 replies for every one of your own original posts.
• Replies should be well thought-out, specific and should expand on the discussion by adding new points and ideas. Explain your points or answers to student questions. Simple responses will be considered incomplete: such as "I agree or disagree" with no explanation, or not much more than a pat on the back without expanding on the issue/concepts, will be considered incomplete replies.
• If someone asks you a question please take the time to respond. We are trying to have a conversation and not just complete an assignment If it were another assignment we could have done it in a word document in the dropbox.A Ideally, students also learn from and teach each other and share a variety of viewpoints and ideas - which is always a good thing - if done politely, respectfully and constructively. "Well done" and explaining why is welcome but your replies must go further than this to count for marks.
Remember, this is an entirely student-led discussion. Students take the lead here without teacher involvement or feedback (you may receive an Announcement reminder about these discussions part way through the course). These discussions will be assessed summatively at the end of the course. Therefore it is essential to understand the expectations and your responsibilities outlined above.

• If you see a weak argument, add possible examples that would help support the other student’s position.
• Suggest a vocabulary/glossary term from the course that sums up what a student described at length.
• Suggest a criterion (see Critical Thinking page) that would fit the other student’s post.
• If a student forgot to do something in the descriptor, add what they are missing (ie. don’t just point out that they missed it). What would be a good fit?
• And always in a friendly and helpful tone. It’s OK to critique the argument but never the person.
The goal of the replies portion is to move everyone’s learning forward, including yours!
Note: Your original post accounts for 2/3 of your discussion mark. See the Discussion Rubric above and the specific discussion descriptor in the course content page to understand the expectations for this portion of your mark.

This page explains the purpose and expecations for student participation in discussions. It includes the purpose of discussions, how you will be evaluated, and it concludes with tips on how to reply to the posts of other students.
Purpose of Discussions
One of the goals in our course is to learn and build meaningful and helpful connections through discussion activities. Issues studied in the course will be discussed and debated. It is important that you can explore an issue, and take and defend a position. To do so you must develop and support that position with evidence or contemporary or historical examples.
Evaluation of Discussions
Each discussion posting will be evaluated out of 15, in two unequal parts (see rubric below).
Part I -10 marks: Your original posting will be marked out of 10. This represents the Thoughtfulness mark. Your posting must answer all the questions and complete all instructions presented in the descriptor. Keep in mind that quality of writing, spelling and grammar do count! And cite your sources! (See Supporting Evidence; Paragraphs; and Citing Sources pages in the Student Tools section of Content for help with these skills.)
Part II - 5 marks: Your Participation through replies to other students' original posts is essential. This represents the other 5 marks. Return to the topic often to reply to the postings of others, or to reflect and add more consideration to your own post You should also respond to questions and prompts of others. See Reply Tips below to maximize your Participation marks.
Frequency of replies to other students
Reply to at least two other students' posts for every one of your original posts.
Once you have posted your initial message, check back in regularly to see what responses have been made and post your own responses to other classmates’ messages (see Reply Tips below). For the Current Events discussion, post regularly throughout the term (see that discussion descriptor in the course Intro).
Remember it is important to:
■ respect each other
■ help each other to learn
■ ask appropriate questions
■ build on each other's ideas
■ think in new ways
■ communicate using proper

Discussion Rubric:Original Post - Thoughfullness 10 marksAnswered all questions and completed all instructions in the assignment descriptor. Completed with depth, thought and meaning. Solid connections made to specialized terms and concepts from the course content. Well written and presented. Sources cited in APA format. 10Completed thoughtfully, but may not have responded to all of the assignment descriptor. Connections made to specialized terms and concepts. Sources cited. 8General and straightforward. The student demonstrated an adequate understanding of the topic. May have overlooked part of the descriptor. 6Limited, with little understanding of the topic shown. 4Poor with misunderstanding of the topic evident. 2Replies to other Students’ Posts - Participation (see Tips below) 5 marksPonders the posts of others and interacts with other students by  • building in ways to probe the topic further  • provides resources or additional opportunities for learning (purposeful prompts- websites, readings, for example)  • probing consequences 5Interacts with other students by  • seeking clarification  • requesting samples/ example  • building some understanding and/or community with replies 4Interacting in a general way; demonstrating a general understanding of concepts.3Replies to others in a limited way. 2Responds but contributes little understanding or community. 1TOTAL /15
Reply TipsHere are a few ways to maximize your marks when replying to the posts of other students in discussions (1/3 of your discussion mark):
• Ask the student a question and provide at least one realistic or possible answer to that question (ie. don't just ask the question).
• If you agree or disagree with the student’s post, explain why and support your opinion with examples/evidence (ie. don’t just say you agree or disagree. Explain beyond what the student may have contributed).
• Relate their post or topic to a concept you learned about in the course or a similar issue you read about.

When your teacher assesses this discussion forum at the end of the term, they will be looking at both your new posts and replies to other students' current events; level and frequency of participation; how you interact with others; leadership in this student-led forum - whether you tried to help other students identify additional connections or if you made more connections in replying to their post; solid connections made to what we are studying in the course; and the sophistication of your replies to other students.
Please remember to be respectful and use proper grammar and spelling in your posts and cite your sources in APA format (See Student Tools section of content).
Tips for Current Events Discussion
• Post current events that you find interesting to you but also A find the relationships to the concepts in this course. Explain the connections (do not just say they are connected or post the link to a story and leave it at that). In these discussions, it is essential that you make connections to the concepts learned in the course.
• Check in regularly and respond to other classmates' posts. You don't need to post a new message to current events every week.A Once every two or three weeks would be great!A But the more you do participate the deeper will be your understanding.
• For Replies to other students, see Discussion Tips in the Student Tools section of Content to maximize your reply marks.
• There are no prompts for a reason: It is your responsibility to demonstrate evidence of citizenship and leadership by initiating current events discussions and responding to the posts of other students every 2-3 weeks or so.
• For every post of yours, aim to reply to 2 posts made by other students. 1:2 Post/Reply ratio! Total minimum of 4 posts and 8 replies to other students1 posts (plus responding to questions about your posts).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Current Events Discussion #2
From the article, it seems Albertans are angry that the elected Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau might not agree with the other parties to ensure the survival of his government in Ottawa as indicated by the polls in 2019. This is because they have deep concerns over issues like the energy and climate change policies. From the look of things, the liberal minority might depend on the NDP. But, the parties including the liberal minority party campaigned against the gas and oil industry as well as the provincial leadership. This implies for the party to succeed it needs to build bridges for the community to get back on track especially for the energy sector and employment in the sector and link it to how Canada will address the issue of climate change. According to Potkins (2019), this shall assist the prosperity of the whole nation to displace oil from other nations that lack the environmental framework, democracy and the ethical standards that Canada has.
I cho...
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