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Communications & Media
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Big6 and Digital Literacy. Academic journey-wk8.Communications & Media

Essay Instructions:

Part I: Reflection
Reflect on your use of the Big6 Research Model.
What step was the most challenging? How did you overcome the challenge?
Using the steps in the Big 6 Research Model, consider your process of locating sources, categorizing, organizing, critiquing, and presenting information for the project. What worked well for you?
Part II: Connecting to Career
How will you use information and digital literacy in your place of work and future career?
How will you sustain your new knowledge in order to support your career goals?
Why is civility important at your place of work and in politics?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Big6 and Digital Literacy
Student’s Name
Big6 and Digital Literacy
Staying focused and organized while carrying out a research is surely an uphill battle. Thanks to the Big6 research model by Eisenberg and Berkowitz, the process is made simpler. The Big6 model is a very effective and efficient approach that I wouldn't hesitate to employ. Although each and every step of the problem-solving approach has its own ups and downs, the initial stage, which is the task definition stage proves to be the most challenging of all. In order to realize the success of the entire project, I had to be cautious in understanding the actual problem at hand because one silly mistake would jeopardize the entire project. To effectively figure out the task ahead, restating the problem in a way that is best to my understanding was helpful. Also, highlighting the key aspects of the information problems aided in breaking down the pro...
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