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2 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Nursing Clinics: Preventing Heart Failure Readmissions

Coursework Instructions:

Please include the article below as one of my sources. If for any reason you can not locate the articel I can copy and past the article for the writer.
Thank you
Read the following article:
Stevens, S. (2015). Preventing 30-day Readmissions. Nursing Clinics of North America, 50 (Transformational Tool Kit for Front Line Nurses), 123-137. doi:10.1016/j.cnur.2014.10.010
Initial Discussion Post:
An older adult male is readmitted to the hospital with an exacerbation of heart failure just 2 weeks after being discharged for the same problem. He lives alone and does not drive. He presented to the emergency department reporting severe shortness of breath at rest. Physical exam shows 4+ peripheral edema of the lower extremities, abnormal breath sounds in both upper and both lower lobes with a labored breathing pattern and an extra heart sound. His weight in the emergency department is 10 pounds more than his weight on discharge 2 weeks ago. Oxygen saturation is 90% on 4 liters by nasal cannula; heart rate 110; blood pressure 140/90; respiratory rate 24.
When he was discharged 2 weeks ago, he had been provided the standardized package of discharge information for heart failure patients. This information discussed medications, diet, exercise and when to seek medical help for changes in his symptoms.
Address the Following:
Which variable (communication, discharge planning, or health literacy) described in the article would you address as the RN in planning the discharge for this patient? Why is this variable a priority for this patient?
Identify an intervention that the nurse can implement to address this variable and change the outcome for this patient.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Preventing Heart Failure Readmissions
The lower extremity edema and weight gain indicate that there is a risk that the patient may suffer heart problems that may result in fatigue. Discharge planning, communication and health literacy are the three main strategies to reduce hospital readmission. Stevens (2015), points out that a breakdown in communication makes it difficult for the patent to transition while at home and communication is necessary at all levels of discharge planning. Additionally, the patients who do not understand or recall what has previously been stated are likely to experience confusions and this causes low compliance. Effective communication to the patient is not necessary but also among the health care providers who need to provide appropriate care. Communication is crucial to improving health literacy and should be a priority for the organization. As such, raising awareness about health literacy and ability to understand verbal and written communication highlights the importance of improving patient safety. Having a patient-centered environment makes it easier to communicate to patients, and this becomes critical ...
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